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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: gurth@******.nl (Gurth)
Subject: Speed Samurai (was Re: Running Rules)
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2004 16:31:27 +0200
According to Max Noel, on Wednesday 07 April 2004 16:01 the word on the
street was...

> Heh... What did he use, Kid Stealth legs, suprathyroid gland, muscle
> replacements, Move-By-Wire 4 and reflex recorders (athletics)?

This was before much of that was available, seeing as how he was
constructed in June of 1995... */me digs out the relevant* Let's
see... And elf with Quickness 7, Intelligence 6, wired reflexes (3),
cerebral booster (2), enhanced articulation, muscle augmentation (4),
suprathyroid gland, Athletics (Running spec.) 8 [this was in SRII where
you could take Concentrations and Specializations, and so could get 8 dice
as a starting skill] and Negotiation (Fast Talk) 7.

The net result was a Quickness of 7(12), Reaction 6(18) and Initiative
18+4D6. We rolled the dice to see how fast he ran the 100 m, and got a
time of 4.33 seconds using the standard SRII initiative and movement
rules, with a fairly bad Athletic roll for the second turn.

Also note that this is a legal starting character (aside from the question
of whether bioware is legal for starting charactrs, that is). YKMV with
the stuff from Man & Machine and the somewhat altered rules in SR3,

Gurth@******.nl - Stone Age:
Those who ignore history are doomed to keep liking crappy dance
covers of great songs.
-> Probably NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++(---) UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--)
O V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t- 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Speed Samurai (was Re: Running Rules), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.