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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: NightLife habenir@*****
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 23:17:14 -0500
At 07:34 PM 3/31/99 -0600, you wrote:
>>>well, when I went into my "local store" the other day and asked when
>>>was going to be available, tehy proceeded to look through a little book
>>>for ordering. ((From what I gather) since the companion is the same number
>>>as the old one, I think it is listed as an old product. Hence, no due
>>>no information. Depending on the information-level of your hobby store,
>>>they could just be out of the loop.
>>To my knowledge it has a different stock number to the
>>old companion, after all it has entirely different cover art.
>>(and damn fine it is, even if it is a rehash.)
>Nope. Looking at them both; both of them are stock number 7905. Is the
>cover a rehash? I'm not familiar with it myself, though I like it a lot.

Yep it's got the female physical adept with a magic bow of all things. The
ghouls are a good addition but instead of fixing the variants where needed
they just charged 5 bp's more.
Nightlife Inc.

Historically, the Germans had a habit of associating the names of objects
with the sounds they made. In keeping with this tradition when cannons
were first made they became known as the bum for boom! The first 100-
pound bomb was dubbed "ein lautes Bumm " a loud boom!" After the first
atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, they called the fission device
"ein grosses Bumm " or a big loud boom!" The next obvious step was the
fusion, or H-bomb, which was pronounced
"ein grosses lautes Bumm all ist kaput!"

Paraphrased from "Dust" by Charles Pellegrino
Document Classified
Message no. 2
From: Gurth gurth@******.nl
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 12:27:07 +0200
According to NightLife, at 23:17 on 31 Mar 99, the word on
the street was...

> >Nope. Looking at them both; both of them are stock number 7905. Is the
> >cover a rehash? I'm not familiar with it myself, though I like it a lot.
> Yep it's got the female physical adept with a magic bow of all things. The
> ghouls are a good addition but instead of fixing the variants where needed
> they just charged 5 bp's more.

The art for Running Short, you mean? So that finally got used for
something else than High Tech & Low Life after all...

Gurth@******.nl -
Everyone has a lie to live.
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
->The Plastic Warriors Page:<-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

GC3.1: GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+
PE Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 3
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1999 17:34:55 EST
In a message dated 4/1/1999 5:28:09 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
gurth@******.nl writes:

> > Yep it's got the female physical adept with a magic bow of all things. The
> > ghouls are a good addition but instead of fixing the variants where
> > they just charged 5 bp's more.
> The art for Running Short, you mean? So that finally got used for
> something else than High Tech & Low Life after all...

I just wanted to point something out. We bugged Mike M. about the "Magical
Arrow" thing on the cover of the SR3Companion. His return was "it's not a
magical arrow, it's the manifesting of the Adept's Enhanced Aim ability". We
still razzed him of course... ;-P

-K (what's enhanced aim??? Improved Ability- sure...but Enhanced Aim??? Did
I miss one?)
Message no. 4
From: Lehlan Decker DeckerL@******.com
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Fri, 02 Apr 1999 08:39:26 -0500
>-K (what's enhanced aim??? Improved Ability- sure...but
>Enhanced Aim??? Did
>I miss one?)

Could be the metamagical power centering, used to decrease
the target number for the projectile skill. :)
Lehlan Decker, Unix Admin (704)331-1149
deckerl@******.com Fax 378-1939
Moore & Van Allen, PLLC Pager 1-888-608-9633
Message no. 5
From: Mongoose m0ng005e@*********.com
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1999 14:11:20 -0600
:I just wanted to point something out. We bugged Mike M. about the
:Arrow" thing on the cover of the SR3Companion. His return was "it's not
:magical arrow, it's the manifesting of the Adept's Enhanced Aim ability".
:still razzed him of course... ;-P
:-K (what's enhanced aim??? Improved Ability- sure...but Enhanced Aim???
:I miss one?)

Might that bow also be a combat spell focus? I mean, is the some
reason that person MUST be "just" an adept, and that arrow can't be a
manabolt, or similar offensive spell? That's the first thing I thought
when I realized it "couldn't" be an adept power being used.

Message no. 6
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1999 13:01:45 EDT
In a message dated 4/3/1999 12:37:02 AM US Eastern Standard Time,
m0ng005e@*********.com writes:

> :I just wanted to point something out. We bugged Mike M. about the
> "Magical
> :Arrow" thing on the cover of the SR3Companion. His return was "it's not
> a
> :magical arrow, it's the manifesting of the Adept's Enhanced Aim ability".
> We
> :still razzed him of course... ;-P
> :
> :-K (what's enhanced aim??? Improved Ability- sure...but Enhanced Aim???
> Did
> :I miss one?)
> Might that bow also be a combat spell focus? I mean, is the some
> reason that person MUST be "just" an adept, and that arrow can't be a
> manabolt, or similar offensive spell? That's the first thing I thought
> when I realized it "couldn't" be an adept power being used.

I thought of that too, especially in consideration that if you look really
carefully at the actual Arrow, it doesn't seem to be *quite* solid, like it
could be a materialization/manifestation of some magical effect more than an
actual power.

Question on this topic (sort of)...if you had a Combat Spell Foci that was a
"bow" (as in the idea of the cover of the SR3Comp), would you get
as a "Complimentary Skill" towards the targetting of the spell itself in it's
success test.

The reason I ask, is that Steve K. said it *might* be *feasible* to use a
"Build/Repair Skill" as complimentary towards say a "Fix" spell, if
the skill
seemed appropriate. Of course, all deeming as appropriate for the game group

-K (and folks, don't EVEN think that Steve K. was agreeing 100%, he just said
he could see a feasibility in that instance)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about SR3 Companion Spotted in OZ, but here in Cincy, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.