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Message no. 1
From: Sommers <sommers@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:02:52 -0400
At 01:45 PM 8/12/98 -0400, you wrote:

>All of the exact details are simply too much to post via Email, and besides,
>then it would generate even more flaptrap email traffic along the way. And
>believe me, Mike was NOT happy with all the rumors that started bouncing
>around concerning the Hardback, nor was Rett for that matter.

The problem with that is that they were at least in part responsible for
it. If you're FASA and you want to do a special edition of your book for
GenCon, fine. If you want to keep it a secret, that's okay too. But it got
out somehow, either though here or the distributors, or whoever. And the
whole thing could have been pared down if FASA had put up an announcement
on their web page to the effect that "This is what we're doing and what you
can get. We wanted to keep it a secret, but we goofed. Oh well, see you at

10 minutes of official FASA time would have gone a long way to damp down
the rumors of what was going on.

"Who would have liked a plain non-limited edition hardback but will settle
for the book if it ever comes"
Message no. 2
From: bryan.covington@****.COM
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:00:21 -0400
> >All of the exact details are simply too much to post via Email, and
> besides,
> >then it would generate even more flaptrap email traffic along the
> way. And
> >believe me, Mike was NOT happy with all the rumors that started
> bouncing
> >around concerning the Hardback, nor was Rett for that matter.
> >
> >-K
> The problem with that is that they were at least in part responsible
> for
> it. If you're FASA and you want to do a special edition of your book
> for
> GenCon, fine. If you want to keep it a secret, that's okay too. But it
> got
> out somehow, either though here or the distributors, or whoever. And
> the
> whole thing could have been pared down if FASA had put up an
> announcement
> on their web page to the effect that "This is what we're doing and
> what you
> can get. We wanted to keep it a secret, but we goofed. Oh well, see
> you at
> GenCon."
> 10 minutes of official FASA time would have gone a long way to damp
> down
> the rumors of what was going on.
Why is this even a problem? How many people who weren't
considering it thought long and hard about going to GenCon just to get a
book and talk about the new system? I know I did. I also sent them $30US
for a book I could probably get cheaper somewhere else. Nothing bad came
of this or really could have to my thinking, except maybe selling out of
the hardbacks (oh damn!). It did nothing but build suspense and
anticipation for the new book. I was REALLY looking forward to it.
Message no. 3
From: Sommers <sommers@*****.UMICH.EDU>
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 15:11:18 -0400
At 03:00 PM 8/12/98 -0400, you wrote:
>> >believe me, Mike was NOT happy with all the rumors that started
>> bouncing
>> >around concerning the Hardback, nor was Rett for that matter.
>> >
>> >-K

> Why is this even a problem? How many people who weren't
>considering it thought long and hard about going to GenCon just to get a
>book and talk about the new system? I know I did. I also sent them $30US
>for a book I could probably get cheaper somewhere else. Nothing bad came
>of this or really could have to my thinking, except maybe selling out of
>the hardbacks (oh damn!). It did nothing but build suspense and
>anticipation for the new book. I was REALLY looking forward to it.

What I was pointing out was that K said that Mike was not happy with all of
the rumors going around. My point is he could have stoppped it very easily
by sending an e-mail here, or posting on the web-page, or issuing a press
release, or whatever else. I know some people around here found about about
the hardback when they talked to employees of the local shop, who I had
talked to when I first heard it here. If I had heard something official, or
the store did, and could point people to it, then maybe it could have gone

I would have gone to Wisconsin (its only about 6 hour drive from here) if
it hadn't been last minute and I had to work. It would have been a blast to
go to the con from what I heard. I just wish that they could have done a
better job diemminating information.

"Hey, this is better than actually getting some work done."
Message no. 4
From: Erik Jameson <erikj@****.COM>
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:13:42 -0400
At 02:02 PM 8/12/98 -0400, you wrote:

>The problem with that is that they were at least in part responsible for
>it. If you're FASA and you want to do a special edition of your book for
>GenCon, fine. If you want to keep it a secret, that's okay too. But it got
>out somehow, either though here or the distributors, or whoever. And the
>whole thing could have been pared down if FASA had put up an announcement
>on their web page to the effect that "This is what we're doing and what you
>can get. We wanted to keep it a secret, but we goofed. Oh well, see you at
>10 minutes of official FASA time would have gone a long way to damp down
>the rumors of what was going on.

If you'll recall, I went straight to Rett and came straight back here with
his answers, even quoted directly in some cases. People *STILL* didn't
believe me.

Perhaps that's a problem with my own credibility, at least in relation to
the credibility of those claiming leather books.

But I think it was a case in which many people simply wanted to believe. I
mean, look at Elvis. The overwhelming evidence is that he's dead as a
doornail. But thousands of people want to believe he's still alive *so
much* that it overwhelms the facts.

But yes, from a pure Public Relations Professional standpoint (that is my
job afterall), FASA largely ignored my counsel and didn't handle the
situation in an ideal fashion. I won't get into what *I* would have had
FASA do, but suffice to say they did drop the ball some. Who's fault that
is, I don't know and I'm not going to lay blame at anyone's specific feet.

Erik the Impatient

and Public Relations Executive
Message no. 5
From: bryan.covington@****.COM
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:48:31 -0400
> If you'll recall, I went straight to Rett and came straight back here
> with
> his answers, even quoted directly in some cases. People *STILL*
> didn't
> believe me.
> Perhaps that's a problem with my own credibility, at least in relation
> to
> the credibility of those claiming leather books.
Yeah, since we know your a boxer (poke, prod) we just
aren't sure if you're all there. ;)
Message no. 6
From: bryan.covington@****.COM
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 16:50:46 -0400
Bryan Covington Web Developer
704.593.7126 Capital Markets Web Group

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sommers [SMTP:sommers@*****.UMICH.EDU]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 1998 3:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for
> now?
> Importance: Low
> At 03:00 PM 8/12/98 -0400, you wrote:
> >> >believe me, Mike was NOT happy with all the rumors that started
> >> bouncing
> >> >around concerning the Hardback, nor was Rett for that matter.
> >> >
> >> >-K
> > Why is this even a problem? How many people who
> weren't
> >considering it thought long and hard about going to GenCon just to
> get a
> >book and talk about the new system? I know I did. I also sent them
> $30US
> >for a book I could probably get cheaper somewhere else. Nothing bad
> came
> >of this or really could have to my thinking, except maybe selling out
> of
> >the hardbacks (oh damn!). It did nothing but build suspense and
> >anticipation for the new book. I was REALLY looking forward to it.
> >
> What I was pointing out was that K said that Mike was not happy with
> all of
> the rumors going around. My point is he could have stoppped it very
> easily
> by sending an e-mail here, or posting on the web-page, or issuing a
> press
> release, or whatever else. I know some people around here found about
> about
> the hardback when they talked to employees of the local shop, who I
> had
> talked to when I first heard it here. If I had heard something
> official, or
> the store did, and could point people to it, then maybe it could have
> gone
> smoother.
I understand your point. Mine was more of amazement that
he was upset. I don't get it. I agree one official email would have
quashed the whole issue one way or the other.
Really though even if the whole damn list believed that
there was gonna be a special jade cover with chrome trim, who cares?
There wasn't we'd have found out soon enough.
Message no. 7
From: Michael vanHulst <Schizi@***.COM>
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:02:59 EDT
In a message dated 8/12/98 1:20:41 PM Pacific Daylight Time, erikj@****.COM
> Perhaps that's a problem with my own credibility, at least in relation to
> the credibility of those claiming leather books.
> But yes, from a pure Public Relations Professional standpoint (that is my
> job afterall), FASA largely ignored my counsel and didn't handle the
> situation in an ideal fashion. I won't get into what *I* would have had
> FASA do, but suffice to say they did drop the ball some. Who's fault that
> is, I don't know and I'm not going to lay blame at anyone's specific feet.
You also need to take into account that in the past, FASA has told different
stories to different sources. Add in the confusion of distrubors saying that
there were different books. While it may not be your credibility at question,
they were going to keep one hardback secret, why not another? An offical
response direct from FASA's e-mail box would have been nice, but I doubt even
that would have stopped the thread.
Message no. 8
From: Erik Jameson <erikj@****.COM>
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 17:17:35 -0400
At 04:48 PM 8/12/98 -0400, you wrote:

>> Perhaps that's a problem with my own credibility, at least in relation
>> to
>> the credibility of those claiming leather books.
> Yeah, since we know your a boxer (poke, prod) we just
>aren't sure if you're all there. ;)

Yeah, that and since I lift weights, I must be a musclehead... ;-)

Blows to the head? Not that I can remember...


Besides, I wasn't all there long before I took up boxing!

Erik the Impatient
Message no. 9
From: Dhl9@***.COM
Subject: Re: [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?
Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 13:16:56 EDT
I think that not letting it be known could have caused a bigger problem. I
have been talking to a number of Shadowrun players in my local area that are
not happy about not having a shot at the limited edition books unless they
could find some way to get to GenCon. The consensus is that FASA should have
held a few back. 10, 100, I won't try to put a number on it, and offered them
by lottery or even first come first serve to people who couldn't get there. I
think it is especially tough for the players outside the United States. I
could take about 5-6 hours and anywhere from $300-$500 and driven there, if I
could have made the time. For players outside the United States we are talking
about a major outlay of money. If the limited edition had been kept completely
quiet, no chance to even try to make arrangements, I think more people would
have been more upset.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [SR3] Hardback debacle Was: Ritual magic: Gone for now?, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.