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Message no. 1
From: K is the Symbol <Ereskanti@***.COM>
Subject: [SR3] K's Take on Wards
Date: Thu, 20 Aug 1998 02:06:04 EDT
Okay folks, this doesn't have to do with Lester at all (though I did think of
you guy ;). This has to do with what apparently my roommate, Mike B., has
started or at the very least, fanned into action. Enough that Steve K. even
tosses in a reply or two.

This is my interpretation of Warding rules, as they are presented within SR3.
As of this point, a vast majority of my taste for SR2 has begun to truly slip
into the past.

The one problem with the example of Wards as they are presented, as I see it,
is not in the rules, but in an example as to what a Ward can be placed upon.
"Vehicles" is one of the given examples (page 174 SR3). It is this one thing
that, IMO, really opened up the interpretation of Warding possibilities.

Now nobody go and leap and rant or rave, I am not saying I agree here

IMO, a Ward can be established upon any structure or object that can also, by
theoretical definition, have a "Domain" as well. Offices, Travelling Campers,
Boats with living space, workshops, homes, etcera., are examples of such
(usually "Hearth" Domains, or the potential for such). As such, and a non-
canon example is given in the book "Fade to Black" exists where a limousine is
warded and prevents Bandit from getting a clear assensing on it's interior,
yes even vehicles IMO can be warded, though not all vehicles.

A Vehicle needs to offer shelter in some manner. Hence, Motorcycles are
pretty much out of the question by *my* interpretation, as are any open air
vehicle (like most dune buggies or jeeps, ultralights and gliders). IMO, the
best place would be the definition of Domain regardless.

Now I realize that Steve K. has passed an "non-official" ruling concerning
Wards and "Objects" of late, and I must say, the concept of a "Warded
Bat" or a "Warded Gunshell" simply blows my perceptual boundaries.

"WARD", as it stands in SR (any version) means a guardian or a protectorate.
As such, it is NOT a potential for any form of aggressive action. Doing so,
IMO, negates the principality by which a Ward is established, and will cause
it to automatically fail in ALL instances.

So if the vehicle does have a ward placed upon it, and the driver decides to
"ram the spirit so the Ward will crash into it", the Ward will falter
immediately IMO, and do NO harm to the being in question.

However, should it be the other way around, and the spirit is attempting a
similar action to the passengers/vehicle in question, then the Ward is going
to stand (or at least attempt to remain standing) against the attack, and can
easily be handled as a "Ramming Test" into a Barrier in the SR3
vehicle/ramming rules/guidelines.

Now then, with that said, my one suggestion/complaint concerning the new
Warding rules (which are MUCH nicer IMO than previous editions), is the rules
for them have, again IMO, one major problem.

The Drain.

I simply do not believe that a Ward should be considered (Rating)L in any
case. Especially given in light of the fact that they can be established
nearly anywhere, and with no materials inclusive to such. IMO, the drain
should be of a higher category/level. Perhaps "S" at the very least, and I am
likely to consider this as a "House Rule" for Wards in the games here.

OTOH, if I do not change the rules as they stand at all, then it does open up
for greater interpretation as to what can be established -WITH- materials, and
greater preparation, and cleansed sites, etc....

-K (and yes, this does mean I am active again)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [SR3] K's Take on Wards, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.