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Message no. 1
From: "Ojaste,James [NCR]" <James.Ojaste@**.GC.CA>
Subject: Re: [SR3] Speed vs. Skill (max dice=reaction)
Date: Wed, 12 Aug 1998 14:00:22 -0400
David Foster wrote:
>On Wed, 12 Aug 1998, Ojaste,James [NCR] wrote:
>->>the simple "Max counterattack dice = Reaction" rule on them:
>->Cool. Now how do we deal with physad special abilities - same limit?
>->Allow an equal number of bonus dice? Allow half bonus dice?
> Special abilities? Extra dice, for instance, still get applied
>toward this limit of number of dice. Increased Reaction (or whatever it's
>getting changed to) would increase the number of dice you would get to

Hmm. I'm going to have to take a look at the physad costs in SR3 -
supposedly physads are tougher, but generally speaking, reaction
enhancers are expensive.

>roll, etc. Just the simple addition of "Maximum counterattack dice =
>Reaction of counterattacker". If you're NOT counterattacking, just trying
>to defend (like just trying not to get hurt), you woldn't have the limit,
>but you wouldn't have the option of doing damage on the counterattack. If
>you roll more successes than the attacker, you do no damage and take no

Hmm. Seems reasonable, in a way. The attacker still has a slight
advantage from winning on ties, so two people of the same skill and
different speeds would sit there pounding on each other with a *slight*
advantage for the faster one.

I'll have to think about this (I like the basic "max dice = reaction"
for counterattacking, but a) Improved Ability is expensive and b)
full defense means the faster guy doesn't get much of an advantage)...

James Ojaste

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [SR3] Speed vs. Skill (max dice=reaction), you may also be interested in:


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