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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: LSDodge d7582@*****.com
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 1999 21:53:47 -0400
Okay, so I miscalculated the cost of a piece of cyberware for my character,
he was at .1 and now he is at -.06. My GM trusts his players, so he didn't
need to check it. I brought my error to his attention and he said I could
just remove the cyberware and that would be that, like it never happened.
The campaign is ending with the next run, so I figured have him go out with
a bang and throw him into super cyber psychosis. What I need from the all
knowing, all creative list is: If I keep the cyberware that drops him below
zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?
( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do
any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
manipulative leader?
Message no. 2
From: IronRaven cyberraven@********.net
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Wed, 01 Sep 1999 22:29:56 -0400
At 21.53 09-01-99 -0400, you wrote:
>zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?
>( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do

He has time, IMO.

>any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
>manipulative leader?

Think Hannible, or Gingas Khan, with rabies and alzheimers. He's smart,
tough and people with die for his very whim, but he is loosing his mind and
control of his body, and he knows it. If he has implanted skills of any
kind (either reflex recorders, or hardwired skills), they may trigger at
random moments, or his reflexeses may run into overdrive one turn then
splatter into nothing the next, or his memory may start failing (In the
middle of a gun fight, this little five year old voice comes out of this
big, mean merc "Mommy? Where are you Mommy!? I'm scared!!".). Basically,
have fun with it. If the people at the table aren't looking at you like
you are crazy by the end of it, it means that they have already called the
little men with the white truck and the jacket with fashionably long

Kevin Dole, aka CyberRaven, aka IronRaven, aka Steel Tengu
"Once again, we have spat in the face of Death and his second cousin,
"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in
your philosophy."
Message no. 3
From: Ereskanti@***.com Ereskanti@***.com
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Thu, 2 Sep 1999 08:48:01 EDT
In a message dated 9/1/1999 8:55:24 PM US Eastern Standard Time,
d7582@*****.com writes:

> What I need from the all
> knowing, all creative list is: If I keep the cyberware that drops him below
> zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?
> ( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do
> any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
> manipulative leader?
IMO: as this was a mistake and an unintentional one to boot, let things stand
until the end of the game/campaign if the GM agrees, and go from there.
Besides, it'd be kind of cool to let the character "go out with a bang" as
long as it worked for game play.

In standard mechanics, the character in question wouldn't ever make it out of
the biolab.

Message no. 4
From: Lars Ericson lericson@****.edu
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 09:15:00 -0500
LSDodge wrote:
> Okay, so I miscalculated the cost of a piece of cyberware for my character,
> he was at .1 and now he is at -.06. My GM trusts his players, so he didn't
> need to check it. I brought my error to his attention and he said I could
> just remove the cyberware and that would be that, like it never happened.
> The campaign is ending with the next run, so I figured have him go out with
> a bang and throw him into super cyber psychosis. What I need from the all
> knowing, all creative list is: If I keep the cyberware that drops him below
> zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?
> ( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do
> any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
> manipulative leader?

I think this good be a cool role-playing experience, but you need to
explain and clear it with the Gamemaster so that he knows what's going
and can try and integrate it into the end of the campaign. Don't spring
it as a surprise to him, the players are another matter :-)

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-Lars Ericson: Professional Vagabond
Smalley Research Group, Rice University
E-Mail: lericson@****.edu

Life is like a Wankel Engine. In between the emptiness of boredom and
despair, and the compression of stress in one's life, there's that one
spark of enjoyment that keeps you going.
Message no. 5
From: Oliver McDonald oliver@*********.com
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 12:49:00 -0400 (EDT)
On Wed, 1 Sep 1999 21:53:47 -0400, LSDodge wrote:

>Okay, so I miscalculated the cost of a piece of cyberware for my character,
>he was at .1 and now he is at -.06. My GM trusts his players, so he didn't
>need to check it. I brought my error to his attention and he said I could
>just remove the cyberware and that would be that, like it never happened.
>The campaign is ending with the next run, so I figured have him go out with
>a bang and throw him into super cyber psychosis. What I need from the all
>knowing, all creative list is: If I keep the cyberware that drops him below
>zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?
>( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do
>any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
>manipulative leader?

According to the rules he either dies on the table, OR if the magic and tech to create a
cyberzombie is used, he doesn't die...

Oliver McDonald - oliver@*********.com
Space. The Final Frontier. Let's not close it down.
Brought to you via CyberSpace, the recursive frontier.

"that is not dead which can eternal lie, And with strange aeons even death may
-H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu."

ICQ: 38158540
Message no. 6
From: Quindrael d.n.m.vannederveen@********
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Fri, 03 Sep 1999 13:41:39 +0200
>According to the rules he either dies on the table, OR if the magic and
tech to create a
>cyberzombie is used, he doesn't die...

Actually, I think that as soon as he reaches the limit of 0 essence (or did
they change it in SR3, that even with 0 you are already dead?), the
surgeons will stop the procedure and stabilize you. You'll have lost the
essence, but do not have the (complete) ware.
I think this was in SSC or otherwise Shadowtech...

VrGr David

"We're but fools of our fate, on this earth I shall wait by the roots of my
(Fields of the Nephilim - "Sumerland (what dreams may come)")
Message no. 7
From: Barbie LeVile barbie@********.de
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 23:48:19 +0200
LSDodge wrote:
If I keep the cyberware that drops him below
> zero, does he have any time before he kicks it, or did he die on the table?

Technicaly on the table, actualy they would stop the implantation when
he starts to die.
But in that case i would vote for the additional effect of the passing
away slowly option, its adds to the RP.

> ( I think playing his spirit stuttering out of him might be neat), also, do
> any of you have suggestions for playing an amoral, zero-empathy,
> manipulative leader?

The Emporer :)


"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - Adolf Hitler


SRGC 0.22: SR1 SR2+++ SR3--- h++++ b++ b--- UB++ IE- RN+ SR_D+++ W++
dk sh++++ ri++++ sa+++ ad+++ m+++(x+++) gm++ m+++ P+++(P*)
Message no. 8
From: Barbie LeVile barbie@********.de
Subject: stuttering spirit
Date: Sat, 04 Sep 1999 23:51:28 +0200
Quindrael wrote:

> Actually, I think that as soon as he reaches the limit of 0 essence (or did
> they change it in SR3, that even with 0 you are already dead?), the

They change it to at 0 you are dead in sr3, ups .. did i see there some
chars drop dead to the ground suddenly?
> "We're but fools of our fate, on this earth I shall wait by the roots of my
> soul."
> (Fields of the Nephilim - "Sumerland (what dreams may come)")

GREAT band omae :)


"One World, One Web, One Program" - Microsoft Promotional Ad
"Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer" - Adolf Hitler


SRGC 0.22: SR1 SR2+++ SR3--- h++++ b++ b--- UB++ IE- RN+ SR_D+++ W++
dk sh++++ ri++++ sa+++ ad+++ m+++(x+++) gm++ m+++ P+++(P*)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about stuttering spirit, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.