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Message no. 1
From: Carsten Gehling <alvion@****.UNI2.DK>
Subject: Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 11:03:30 +0100
>Oh, and you're also forgetting the motto of the US military procurement
>system: Not Invented Here. :)

You forget, I'm an engineer on the Sting Ray torpedo. Rejected in 1981
by the US, because its unit price of $250,000 was "too high". The
supposedly-superior US version hit $1M per weapon before it was

Now the US Navy depends on a 1950s-vintage weapon, at a price of
$500,000 per torpedo.

Meanwhile, the Royal Navy and RAF enjoy the finest lightweight ASW
torpedo in the world, while the USN pays twice the price for a tweaked
and tinkered 1958 weapon.

But hey, at least they bought American ;)

There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable and

Paul J. Adam paul@********
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 02:37:04 +0100
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Sender: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
From: Barbie <barbie@**********.COM>
Organization: Affilated Artists
Subject: Re: [semi-OT] Re: FeatherStrike
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Message no. 2
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 12:17:21 +0000
You just contradicted yourself. First you say that corps are going to
cater only to the needs of military markets (by producing only a few
cartridge sizes for use in military weaponry) and then you follow it up
with a question asking "who would demand standardized calibres?"

James W. Lindsay Vancouver, British Columbia

Money talks... it usually says "bend over"...
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 00:37:21 -0600
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Sender: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
From: Kevin Roberts <kr23st00@****.NET>
Subject: CAF and Tir
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Hello there,

I would like to know some info.
As far as I understand it the Elf Nation TIR, north of Calf. was
attacked in its history. I forget the date of the battle. What I want
to know is what was the battle plan on each side. How many troops,
Equiptment, Magic, and other items that were used in the battle on both

I find the source book lacking in this area.

I also am interested in knowing what happened at "Creator Lake". I hope
that is spelled right. Anyway, in the Tir source book, the Elf nation
next to Calf., it talks about a defense force around the lake. It also
talks about blindind spy sats. photographing that area. What is this

And finally does anyone know to or have a write up of the vehical in the
movie "Damm Nation Ally", the after WWIII movie.


end of line......
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 02:06:28 EST
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Message no. 3
From: Bruce Ford <shaman@*******.COM>
Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 12:04:18 -0700
> Of course its all moot
> if you can track below the ambient. IE track the sub by the silent hole
> it makes in the ambient sound of the sea. Sigh another round in measure
> countermeasure.

Could you provide some additional information about that ... I don't believe
that I have ever heard anything on that subject before ...

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:22:54 EST
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Sender: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
From: AirWisp <AirWisp@***.COM>
Organization: AOL (
Subject: Re: Centering and Drain
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In a message dated 98-01-05 11:42:55 EST, you write:

> >True Fox, it is something that does make certain spells that much less
> >dangerous to mages, though you do have to admit that those are modifiers
> >the drain code and as such they could be centered away using centering.
> Ummmmm no. No. I won't argue this further if you reply, but they are not
> situational modifiers, they are a formula to determine the spell's _base_
> drain. The same as STR + 2 is the base damage for a sword, it determines
> the actual base damage for the weapon.

Okay, losthalo, I went looking for a quote on this one ...

from page 118 of the Grimoire (Second ed)(tm)

"The base Drain Target, the target number of the caster's Drain Resistance
test, is always equal to one-half the rating of the spell, rounded down. This
should be noted as (F / 2), as the actual Force Rating at which the spell is
cast may vary. Drai
Message no. 4
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn
Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 20:57:48 +0100
A person already has a form of Drive-By-Wire ... the human central nervous
system ...

Am I getting somewhere ?

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 09:40:44 EST
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Sender: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
From: AirWisp <AirWisp@***.COM>
Organization: AOL (
Subject: Re: [OT] Gas masks (was Weapon damage (was Re: 3G3))
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In a message dated 98-01-05 15:12:34 EST, you write:

> Also, as I saw from the picture, the S-10/L85A1 combo only works well if the
> rifle has that SUSAT scope on top. Didn't you say that not all troops got
> the
> SUSAT? That would mean all the non-infantry types without the SUSAT would
> still be SOL if all they had was iron sights.
> Oh, and you're also forgetting the motto of the US military procurement
> system: Not Invented Here. :)

Hey, Jon, I thought their motto was, "Fill out the paperwork and then wait
till Congress funds a report, conducts a thorough facti-finding mission in
some European country, and then by the time you retire maybe we'll have
something for the next series of troopers to fill out a request form for."

Date: Tue, 6 Jan 1998 14:47:18 +0000
Reply-To: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
Sender: Shadowrun Discussion <SHADOWRN@********.ITRIBE.NET>
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn
In-Reply-To: <199801061328.OAA10317@****> from "Carsten Gehling"
Jan 6, 98 02:32:37 pm
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And verily, did Carsten Gehling hastily scribble thusly...
|BTW: In case someone is wondering, I set Barsaive to be located in Iran =
|and its neighbourhood.

Don't know why you did that.
Barsaive is located somewhere in eastern europe.
(The serpent river is almost identical to a river there that I've forgotten
the name of right now... It's a biggee though)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Sv: Sv: Year of Earthdawn, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.