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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Hobbes Patrol Headquarters <TYGER@****.WINONA.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: tails!
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 23:38:02 -0500
>Okay, if the existing cybertail is useless except for balance, howzabout
>attaching one of those cybertentacles at the base of the spine? those're fully
>articulated, right? It'd be pretty cool to, say, hang from the cieling by your

Well, look at what an animal uses it's tail for. Mostly balance. So, with
that as a constant, what would people use it for, mostly balance. Ok, now
people aren't -used to- having a tail, so it would end up (As the mighty
Calvin once said) being a necktie for your butt.

It makes a definitive look. (Would a classic 'devil' be the same without a
tail? How about Godzilla?)

But, back to the tail. the 'shadowfurry' tails are fairly articulated,
enough to use as a 'limited' arm (IE : you can't exactally fire a gun with
it, but you can hold yourself onto a pipe or something.)

Hanging from the celing by your tail... Hmm... Playin' 'Possum? Now
THATS muscle control...

> P.S. Anyone who knows Lafcadio the Lion knows you can shoot with a
>tail. =O]

Heh. How 'bout while he was hanging by it? :X)


"It's not like talking with people. With people, anything can be said and
nothing matters. Words and words and words. You go to a party... people
sit around and say things. Anything. Just to talk. Put forth views and
debate them. Sometimes you get a new idea. Sometimes something changes"
From "Virtual Realities"
Message no. 2
From: Robert Sunderlage <87902166@******.UWW.EDU>
Subject: Re: tails!
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 23:53:04 CST
=> But, back to the tail. the 'shadowfurry' tails are fairly articulated,
=> enough to use as a 'limited' arm (IE : you can't exactally fire a gun with
=> it, but you can hold yourself onto a pipe or something.)

Alright, I'm stupid, but what is this ShadowFurry stuff? How can you
get it?


|Real Name: E-Mail Address: Major: |
|Robert Sunderlage 87902166@****** Management & Computer Systems|
|**** The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up! ****|
Message no. 3
From: "Robert A. Hayden" <hayden@*******.MANKATO.MSUS.EDU>
Subject: Re: tails!
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 1993 23:59:20 -0600
On Wed, 17 Nov 1993, Robert Sunderlage wrote:

> Alright, I'm stupid, but what is this ShadowFurry stuff? How can you
> get it?

Contact Tyger, or wait for NERPS; ShadowLore to come out sometime first
quarter '94, which will also have it.

____ Robert A. Hayden <=> hayden@*******
\ /__ -=-=-=-=- <=> -=-=-=-=-
\/ / Finger for Geek Code Info <=> Veteran of the Bermuda Triangle
\/ Finger for PGP 2.3a Public Key <=> Expeditionary Force -- 1993-1951
(GEEK CODE 1.0.1) GAT d- -p+(---) c++(++++) l++ u++ e+/* m++(*)@ s-/++
n-(---) h+(*) f+ g+ w++ t++ r++ y+(*)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about tails!, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.