From: | Bull bull@***********.com |
Subject: | The Clones Go Marching One By One... |
Date: | Tue, 19 Oct 1999 06:32:06 -0400 |
of what's going on, but I'd love to have a really killer finale to this
particular plot thread, and ATM I don;t have one :]
Here's the Set Up:
One of my players is playing a character called Mime. He's a Phys Ad,
specialized in great leap and Stealth, Acrobatics, and Hand to Hand combat
who doesn't talk. His childhood is a bit fuzzy, as he's an orphan who was
raised on the street by a "family" of squatters. He's always said that
some day he'd like to see if he can't track down what happened to his
parents. He also has a 1 Point flaw simply called "Flaw" that was never
defined at char gen, but that I planned early on to somehow relate to his
Well, over the last batch of game sessions, Mime has been recieving phone
calls over his vid phone from what appeared to be a matrix icon. This icon
was a "Golden Guy" icon (Picture Bob from Reboot, if you've seen it, with
gold skin), and it never spoke. The first couple of times it just looked
at him before disconnecting. Then it waved. Eventually it started
"talking" to him by holding up little white signs, ala Wile E. Coyote. The
messages were short at first ("Have fun in Japan?" "You're in
Danger" <grin>).
Mime's group was then hired to do a "sabatoge" run against a small
bio-engineering lab. Basically, they were to blow the place up, render it
unusable. The group snuck in, was placing the explosives, when they found
a secret basement level to the complex. They snuck down there, and found a
much more hi-tech lab underneath than the one on top. they split up,
because they were in a hurry to finish placing explosives, and Mime came
across a large tank with a body inside. The body looked just like him,
only without the facial tattoo he has.
Mime freaked, and that's when all kinds of alarms and sirens went
off. Mime smashed the radio detonators for the explosives they'd just
placed, and the group booked. Mime refused to explain until later. Of
course, they decided to give back the advance they'd gotten for the job,
since they weren't going to finish it now (Mime wouldn;t let them go back),
and this was especially painful since Mime and another party member were
flat broke :]
Anyways, mime decided to take it upon himself to provide additional
security for the building, and prevent their Johnson from sending in a new
team to do the job. While he was perched on the roof of the lab overnight,
the Golden Guy called again. This time, he held a "discussion" with Mime
(Which consisted of Mime typiung stuff into a data display that runs along
his goggled, and the Gold Guy holding up lots of signs :] ). During this
discussion, Mime found out that the Gold Guy also was his double, except
for that he, IRL, was a cripple, confined to a wheelchair, though he was a
really good decker. There was also another "clone" out there that's a
Mage, who works for Ares as a Security Consultant. The Decker hadn;t been
able to contact the Mage yet though, and was barely able to keep tabs on
him. Along with those three, there was also the body in the lab. that
makes 4 "Mimes". the Gold Guy can;t talk either :]
Of course, Gahbardi, the Voodoun in the group, saw the Mage in the airport
a few weeks earlier, but freaked, misread the situation, and decided not to
say anything <grin> So that REALLY made things interesting when the group
finally shared info :]
So that's kind of where they're at. Mime is about to go into the Lab where
the 4th clone is with a specialized cyberdeck and some programs the Decker
clone rigged up for him (Decker in a Can, basically :)) to snag data from
the lab's closed matrix system. So now I need to figure out what the
overall plot is going to be.
The overall plot is actually inspired from the Azure Bonds Forgotten Realms
novels. In those, the main character finds out that she was created by a
group of powerful evil beings to be an assasin or something (One of them
wanted to use her as a sacrifice, I think). Along the way, she finds out
she wasn;t the only one created. They actually made I think 7 of her, each
with a different area of expertise. She was a master swordswoman. one was
a Thief. one was a Mage. Etc.
Same concept here. There are a bunch of Mime's that have been created over
the years, for whatever reason. Mime thinks he's about 18 or 19, but he's
really only about 8 years old. All his fuzzy memories from before he went
to live with the Squatters are false implanted memories. How and why he
ended up on the streets, I'm not sure. The Decker Mime likewise ended up
in an Orphanage and was adopted. The Mage currently has no background, but
I'm thinking he ended up in a Corp Orphanage which meant a life of Corp
Seritude, so to speak. But since he's a powerful Mage, he ended up getting
a good job out of it.
The Clone in the Tank is the Sammy clone, I think. It's wired, cybered,
and Biowared to the max. During the "info Extraction" Mime and the gorup
are about to do, I think It's going to escape, with it's memory and
personality implants only about 1/2 done. It'll run off during the fight,
leaving it a future plot hook :]
There's also at least one more clone, a Rigger/Mechanic clone. I may have
that one be dead though, for whatever reason.
So that's where I'm at. It's beena fun little storyline thus far, and I'd
like to really give it a good ending, whenever that comes up. Of course,
the other 2 players also have some fun threads going on, so I tend to
bounce around a bit, but... we're focusing on Mime at the moment, so...
What do you think, sirs?
Bull -- The Best Ork Decker You Never Met
bull@*******.net == bull22@***********.com == bull@***********.com
ICQ: 35931890
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= Order is Illusion! Chaos is Bliss! Got any Fours? = =
"Animals have 2 jobs: To taste good and to fit well."
-- Greg Proops, "Vs."