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Message no. 1
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 07:00:01 2002
I'm assuming everyone has seen the Darwin Awards, for those who haven't the
Darwin Awards are given every year to those people who have removed
themselves from the gene-pool in hideously stupid ways (the awards are of
course given postumously); as an example (and the first couple that come to
Somewhere in the USA a guy decided he wanted to bungee jump off a railway
tressle near his home, unable to afford a proper bungee rope he decided he
could get the same effect by taping bungee cords (the sort you use to secure
your bag to the back of your bike) together, he spent a great deal of time
preparing a one hundred foot rope (The details may be slightly off this was
the awards for the year 2000 I think) tied it off securely and taped the
other end to his ankles. Then he jumped. Unfortunately he had neglected to
measure the hieght of the tressle which happened to be about 50 feet.

In Brazil the four occupants of a light aircraft were killed when it went
down, nothing stupid about that - until you read the report of another
aircraft in the area. The pilot of the other aircraft, a commercial jet,
reported that the four men had not been in control of the aircraft, they
were too busy mooning him.

So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes threads;
does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun Darwin Awards
(cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings to simsense
starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them killed.
Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the skin of
their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or because the GM
was extra kind.)

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Message no. 2
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Mark M. Smith)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 08:05:01 2002
At 6/27/02 05:58 AM, you wrote:
>So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes
>threads; does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun
>Darwin Awards (cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings to
>simsense starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
>So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them killed.
>Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the skin of
>their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or because the GM
>was extra kind.)

Going the way of many others this is likewise not SR, but rather AD&D.
About two years or so ago I was playing in a mid-level campaign at the time
as a 9th level or so mage. Having used up a good deal of my spells and
getting most of the party a bit angry at me (never give a mage with a
propensity for fireballs a ring of fire resistance) I decide to take a
slightly more active stance in things. We enter a room surrounded by a
giant bubble barely holding back a massive tumult of raging, boiling hot
water. In the middle of said room is a giant crab. Gauging my position in
the room I decide to do something about this.

Me:"Ok, I think I'm close enough, I'm going to smack the crab with my staff."
DM: "Ok, you rush the crab and smash into it with your staff."
Me: "Um... I never said I was rushing it per se...."
DM:*totally ignores my feeble protests against painful crustacean retribution*
".. and..."
*dice are rolled*
".... miss horribly."
Me: "Alright" *waits for party to attack and kill the crab after making a
token effort not to burn anyone excessively*
DM: "Now the crab reaches down and picks you up in it's pincer and quite
messily rends you about as thoroughly as possible."
Me: "WHA???!? I thought you said this was a giant crab!?"
DM: "Yeah, I did. It's like 20' or so across...."

This fact was quite new to me. Assuming the average size of a crab to be
around 6" in diameter perhaps I thought that a giant crab would be merely
human-sized at worst. This was some sort of inhuman giant space-crab
instead. Thusly I quite messily destroyed and barely ressurected shortly

The times where I dispelled magic in a room with a gnome subject to a
polymorph other spell to accomodate for missing legs, or died in a
Cloudkill that didn't affect me because it just happened to kill my familar
and I got a 99% on my system shock in the first round of the big fight at
the end of the campaign (we averted Fimbulwinter... so yeah, pretty big...
I spent 5 hours or so rolling up a new one) will not be discussed. The
other mage who on his first day of existence managed to become immolated by
an entire army of orcs in a massive forest fire set specifically to get him
out of a tree will likewise be ignored....

Mark M. Smith

Version: 3.12
GS/CS/AT d- s-: a-- C++++ UL++>++++ US P+>++ L++>+++ E@ W++(+++) N+++@ o+
K++ w---() O- M-- !V PS+@ PE++(+++)@ Y+@ PGP- t+ 5 X++@ R++ tv++ b+++
DI++++ D+++ G++ e>++++$ h(!) r++ y+**
Message no. 3
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ursus Grim)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 08:50:01 2002
At 6/27/02 05:58 AM, you wrote:
>So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes
>threads; does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun
>Darwin Awards (cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings to
>simsense starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
>So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them
>Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the skin of
>their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or because the GM
>was extra kind.)

D&D story:
Group is in swamp being chased by pirates. The halfling pulls forth Daern's
instant fortress, holds it aloft, and shouts the command word "Aloysius". He
thought the fortress would appear at a convenient distance. A saving throw
was pointless - the fortress appears instantaneously. He instantly became
somewhat less than a halfling.


Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
Message no. 4
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Rand Ratinac)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 08:55:01 2002
> So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and
best ever quotes threads; does anyone have any
nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun Darwin Awards
(cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising
strings to simsense starlet in sequined dress with a
gold envelope) So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have
done which wound up getting them killed. Honourable
mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the
skin of their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The
Hand of God or because the GM was extra kind.)

Okay, this was in a game where *I* was the experienced
Shadowrun player, right? Hitting a Yakuza warehouse,
blah blah blah. This was after I'd impressively saved
the mage's (I think it was the mage, but it might have
been the rigger/decker) life with a single silenced
rifle shot (hunting rifle - this guy would have gotten
a sniper rifle eventually if he'd survived) while
hanging from the side of the building, so I was quite
pleased with myself and not thinking straight (that's
my excuse and I'm sticking with it ;) ). Anyway, the
guy monitoring the security system was holed up in a
room with only one entrance on the second floor. Me
(an adept) and Rommel (another adept, this one more of
a close combat-type) had been dealing with the guys up
top. Rommel got himself a bit shot up, so I was in the
best condition of the two of us, and thus I decided to
go deal with Security Jerk. I head down this corridor
and I'm thinking of ways I'm going to get this locked
door at the end open. That must've been what was going
on, because I TOTALLY failed a Perception check and
walked into a grenade set up as a booby-trap. Boom. 6
Body dice, 8 combat pool dice and 1 karma pool (my
only one) die later, I'd managed to knock it down to a
Serious wound. So what do I do next? I decide - get
this - I decide that there couldn't possibly be
another booby trap there and take another step.

Heh. :)

Now, to be fair to me, I'd actually been thinking that
there couldn't be another booby trap there OR IT WOULD
the Yakuza are better bomb builders than I thought. :)
The GM was kind enough to give me another Perception
check, which I AGAIN proceeded to fail miserably.

This time I took a Deadly wound. As noted above, I had
6 Body - that means 6 boxes of overflow. And, count
with me - one Serious wound plus one Deadly wound
equals, what? Deadly damage plus 6 boxes of overflow.
Bam - me dead.

Or so I thought. :) After a brief discussion, it was
decided that I COULD use the Hand of God rule (the one
and only time in this character's life), even though I
had no unspent karma left in my pool. I just burned it
completely and was left hanging at death's door.

So I sit there the rest of the session, while the
others start cracking jokes about separated body parts
and stuff. I got into the spirit of it soon enough,
and even I was laughing when one of the other
characters produced a sports bag to carry my guy out
once they'd finished the job. Obviously, it
immediately became a "body" bag. :)

But wait, I'm still not done. :) So, anyway, the van
we'd arrived in was currently invisible and being
concealed by a city spirit. That helped on the way in.
On the way out, though, no one thought it would be
wise to do away with those little effects. The GM
rolled a few dice and...yup, we crashed into a car
that couldn't see us. :) That did medium damage to the
van, then it came time to determine damage to the
characters. They all looked at me...


So, anyway, they're all determining damage, and the
other guys are trying to argue that my guy would still
have survived ("He was in a bag on the floor of the
van! He wouldn't have gotten banged around much!").
Eventually I just laughed and said, "Okay, NOW he's


I did get a good follow-up character out of all that,
though (friend of the original guy from his merc days,
come to check up on him, and obviously out for revenge
once he learned his friend had died - although no one
ever disclosed the EXACT circumstances to my new guy
;) ), until the group paranoid spun my guy such an
awful tale after I'd missed a few sessions that I
decided my guy packed up his stuff and headed out to
another country, where he was, in fact, not a wanted
criminal, but rather a productive member of a
mercenary unit, never to be heard from again. :)

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow, aka Doc'booner, aka Doc' Vader)

.sig Sauer

If you SMELL what the DOC' is COOKING!!!

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Message no. 5
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:05:01 2002
In a message dated 6/27/2002 7:03:53 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
loneeagle2061@*******.com writes:

> So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes
> does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun Darwin
> (cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings to simsense
> starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
> So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them
> Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the skin of
> their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or because the GM
> was extra kind.)

This one's a classic and I'm sure I've told you all about it before, but the
player still hasn't lived this down and I don't expect she ever will. If she
can win the SR Darwin for it at least it will give her something nice she can
frame and be embarrassed over. ::grins::

My brother had worked up a Shadowrun based on the movie Deep Blue Sea, and
told us all that he was going to do this. My wife had never seen the movie
and had the rather annoying penchant for going for NPC's throats. At the
point where (Samuel L. Jackson) is standing at the drydock and making his
speech about how we should all pull together to get through this, her
character decides (not surprisingly) that she is annoyed with this little man
who is daring to raise his voice at her. So she proceeds to step up to him
and start throttling him.

Everybody else in the room who had seen the movie at this point started
yelling for her not to do it, and explaining that overall it was a really bad
idea. The GM even gave her a chance to listen to us and step down, but after
it went on for what he termed long enough anyone who's seen the movie knows
what happens next. For those of you who haven't, she and the NPC both got
swallowed whole by a shark that jumped up out of the water and back into it.
Granted, it was technically in-character but it was one of her more annoying
in-character tendencies which always tended to get on everyone's nerves
Message no. 6
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Marc Renouf)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:25:00 2002
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Ursus Grim wrote:

> D&D story:
> Group is in swamp being chased by pirates. The halfling pulls forth Daern's
> instant fortress, holds it aloft, and shouts the command word "Aloysius".
> thought the fortress would appear at a convenient distance. A saving throw
> was pointless - the fortress appears instantaneously. He instantly became
> somewhat less than a halfling.

Yes, but there's still one important question: Did the castle
sink into the swamp? Or did it perhaps burn down, fall over, and *then*
sink into the swamp?

Message no. 7
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:30:02 2002
In a message dated 6/27/2002 10:28:54 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
renouf@********.com writes:

> Yes, but there's still one important question: Did the castle
> sink into the swamp? Or did it perhaps burn down, fall over, and *then*
> sink into the swamp?

But the fourth one stayed!
Message no. 8
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Lone Eagle)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 10:40:01 2002
>From: Marc Renouf <renouf@********.com>
> Yes, but there's still one important question: Did the castle
>sink into the swamp? Or did it perhaps burn down, fall over, and *then*
>sink into the swamp?

All depends on how many other halflings had met the same fate in that
particular swamp.
(And of course whether the fair maiden the party had rescued in the previous
adventure (there's always one) had the appropriate great big <gestures> -
tracts of land.

And as punishment for trying to introduce Monty Python into the thread you
must bring us...<pauses for dramatic effect>
<muffled screams as I'm dragged away from my keyboard before I can key in
anything involving plants of any kind, particularly...>
Now, now. Stop that!

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Message no. 9
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Meph)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 11:05:01 2002
Okay, well I got one. But it wasn't SR it was Hell on Earth, however it was
SOOOO stupid that it begs to be mentioned!!!

The players in a humvee with a full tank of gas (plus 2 5 gallon cans in the
back) were trnasporting a CRATE opf dynamite....when they got ambushed by a
road gang. The gang pulled a semi in front of them blocking their path, and
a bus behind. So they were boxed in. Then a ganger on top of the semi
stands up with an RPG. One player jumps out to run (smart). Another is
trying to get the car to coninue to drive forward and the third is "getting
his stuff" from the back! Suffice it to say that the RPG was launched, one
of the players (the smart one) botched his dexterity roll and knocked
himself unconscious about 10 feet from the relative safety of behind the other tries to hide in a nearby shack (right next to the
humvee) and the third never finished getting his "stuff" out. So the RPG
hits the humvee and explodes....then I have to calculate the explosive from
the 100 sticks of dynamite...then I have to add the gas in the cans....the
explosions turned out to be MASSIVE....and everyone died! I was in utter
shock...this was the first encounter in a fairly easier published
adventure....and the whole troupe was toastied!!!!!!

Message no. 10
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Ursus Grim)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 11:15:01 2002
On Thu, 27 Jun 2002, Ursus Grim wrote:

> D&D story:
> Group is in swamp being chased by pirates. The halfling pulls forth
> instant fortress, holds it aloft, and shouts the command word "Aloysius".
> thought the fortress would appear at a convenient distance. A saving
> was pointless - the fortress appears instantaneously. He instantly became
> somewhat less than a halfling.

Yes, but there's still one important question: Did the castle
sink into the swamp? Or did it perhaps burn down, fall over, and *then*
sink into the swamp?


They were on a little island at the time. The surviving party members
barricaded themselves into the keep and were promptly laid seige by the
pirates. Eventually they were able to get out under cover of fog.

Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
Message no. 11
From: shadowrn@*********.com (malcolm)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 13:35:01 2002
while running a campaign my players made there way to a hidden research lab
high in dangerous mountains , combating the elements an awakened surprise
and a few security measures they carefully avoided guns and the like as
intell said the area was prone to avalanches ,

upon reaching a fairly substantial door the party decided that they had to
get thru the door with all due haste they planted a door opening explosive
charge and retreated the appropriate distance only to get nastily and
messily killed by the couple of thousand tons of snow and rock

wins a darwin award every time

----- Original Message -----
From: Lone Eagle <loneeagle2061@*******.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 12:58 PM
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)

> I'm assuming everyone has seen the Darwin Awards, for those who haven't
> Darwin Awards are given every year to those people who have removed
> themselves from the gene-pool in hideously stupid ways (the awards are of
> course given postumously); as an example (and the first couple that come
> mind)...
> Somewhere in the USA a guy decided he wanted to bungee jump off a railway
> tressle near his home, unable to afford a proper bungee rope he decided he
> could get the same effect by taping bungee cords (the sort you use to
> your bag to the back of your bike) together, he spent a great deal of time
> preparing a one hundred foot rope (The details may be slightly off this
> the awards for the year 2000 I think) tied it off securely and taped the
> other end to his ankles. Then he jumped. Unfortunately he had neglected to
> measure the hieght of the tressle which happened to be about 50 feet.
> In Brazil the four occupants of a light aircraft were killed when it went
> down, nothing stupid about that - until you read the report of another
> aircraft in the area. The pilot of the other aircraft, a commercial jet,
> reported that the four men had not been in control of the aircraft, they
> were too busy mooning him.
> So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes
> does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun Darwin
> (cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings to simsense
> starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
> So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them
> Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the skin of
> their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or because the GM
> was extra kind.)
> _________________________________________________________________
> Join the world's largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
Message no. 12
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 13:40:02 2002
According to Lone Eagle, on Thu, 27 Jun 2002 the word on the street was...

> So as a continuation of the badly hosed scenes and best ever quotes
> threads; does anyone have any nominations for the (drumroll) Shadowrun
> Darwin Awards (cymbal crash, fanfare. Pan up stairs with rising strings
> to simsense starlet in sequined dress with a gold envelope)
> So stupid things PCs (or NPCs) have done which wound up getting them
> killed. Honourable mentions to PCs (or NPCs) who managed to escape by the
> skin of their teeth (whether by luck, by use of The Hand of God or
> because the GM was extra kind.)

In a Cyberpirates campaign, a few years back, the players were on the run
from some bad (or should that be "good"?) guys, and decided to hide out on
a small island in the middle of nowhere, which some folks ran as a kind of
safe haven for pirates needing to lay low for a while. The island wasn't
much more than a sandbank a bit above sea level, with a few buildings on it
and couple of jetties built onto on one side. At the same time, on a ship
moored at the next jetty, another bunch of pirates were trying to get into
a big vat they'd "found," using grinders, blowtorches, and similar subtle

Now this was intended as the first encounter the players would have with the
efforts of a Winternight cell around which the upcoming campaign was going
to be based. The vat, which the other pirates had stolen from said
Winternight cell, therefore contained a highly persistent chemical weapon.
So what happens when you cut open a pressurized vat with a blowtorch?
Exactly: it blows up...

This left the PCs to flee the island pretty damn quickly once they
discovered (the hard way) that the explosion had scattered a chemical
weapon over the island. In the panic they managed to take the helicopter
that was also at the island, which one of them could fly. I think the reason
they didn't go for their own boat was because the helicopter was closer, and
they were taking enough damage from just walking around as it was. They
headed to the next excuse for an island, because they didn't want to leave
their boats with all their stuff behind, and from there they could keep an
eye on things so nobody else would come in and steal it all.

After spending a night at the next island, they decided the chemicals would
have evaporated, and so they flew back. Too bad none of the players (or
their characters) knew that some kinds of chemical weapons are intended to
linger for a long time, so when they set foot on the island again they
found it was still as dangerous as it was the day before. They only just
managed to return to the second island before anyone got killed.

However, they didn't have a lot of food there -- so when that started to
run out, and the pilot told them that there was only enough fuel for one
more trip, which would be one-way at that, they had to make another
attempt. IIRC, the idea was now to jump into the water, climb aboard their
boat, and sail away without having to come ashore. One of the PCs had an
internal air tank, so he made part of the approach to the island by walking
along the bottom of the sea. (No, don't ask me why, I don't know either :)

So far, so good. There'd been a few understandable mistakes, but nobody was
dead or anything. However, when it came to loosening the mooring ropes, the
PC with the internal air tank, who also had a full set of teeth
replacements, said, "I'll bite through the rope." A rope that had been
soaking in a powerful poison for two days...

Gurth@******.nl -
Little ever changes, if anything at all
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++@ UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--) O
V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 13
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Alex Case)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 18:00:01 2002
I've got two, a Shadowrun one and a AD&D one. My group was playing
B2, the famous "Keep on the Borderlands". If you've run the adventure,
you'll remember that there is a room with a Medusa, and there is a window
in the room, and you can't see the gals hair, but you can see her face and
torso, and look around the room a little. Now, the GM told us, and he
hinted at it was a medusa by describing a hissing sound coming from the
room and that you can see the arm of a statue. Party storms in anyway. I am
not involved as my mage has been previously killed off by a rat but I'm
hanging around until they can find an opportunity to introduce my next
character. The party's rogue is promptly turned to stone. The remaing
characters close their eyes and blind-fight the medusa (without the
blind-fighting proficiency) and win. While the rogue is saved with the
stone-to-flesh potion on the Medusa's corpse, for a time, he was dead (and
as his player was one of the people advocating that we go in, it's sort of
a Darwin Awards qualifier).

The Shadowrun related one is shorter. We were in a run at a
Renraku top secret facility out in the Pullayup (sp?) Barrens. There is a
hidden door that can only be opened from the other side. There is a short
corridor coming off from this and then the corridor sharply turns to the
left/right (depending on which way you're coming from). One of the members
of our team had a grenade launcher. Around the turn, having just come
through the door, which closed behind him, were 10 heavily armed Red
Samurai. Now, the player could have stuck the end of the launcher around
the corner and opened up. The corner was narrow enough where firing blind
would have been effective and, as we were using miniatures, and had been to
this door before, especially the player, knew that, he leapt around the
corner and fired his first grenade. It was slightly effective (they took
Lights, and some of them took Moderates). If he had stayed under cover and
opened up he would have survived. However, he became Swiss cheese (were the
Red Samurai using explosives he would have become like a Zen pizza... one
with everything). The mission was almost completely hosed. The mage managed
to Hellblast the red samurai and combat mages on the other side of the wall
but the drain took him out of commission. I stuck my smartgun around the
corner (I managed to persuade my GM that I wasn't firing blindly) and took
out *a* Red Samurai), before the party was forced to retreat. One other
member of the party was taken capture.
However, there was one little line from the character's on site
capture that was kewl. Closer to the exit from the facility, one of our PCs
(which was played by the owner of the store where we were holding the game)
was extracting data from the computer at the site about Renraku's project.
We pick up from there

GM: "Download Complete" appears on the screen of the computer console
Player 1: Alright, I let everyone know over the comm that the
download is complete.
Player 2 (character is prisoner, has headware radio): I should
tell you, that I have informed my colleagues to destroy the computer
systems (emphasizing "destroy the computer systems"). The only copy of the
data on your experiments is from the data stolen from them. I can negotiate
with them to get that data back for you.
Player 1 (getting the hint): GM, is the room soundproof?
GM: Yes.
Player 1: I open fire on the computer console.

That's one of the moments I remember the most from my Shadowrun campaigns I
was in. The other ones was my first ever combat in Shadowrun, and the last
combat I participated in in Shadowrun, at the last session my group met in.

At 12:05 PM 6/27/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Okay, well I got one. But it wasn't SR it was Hell on Earth, however it was
>SOOOO stupid that it begs to be mentioned!!!
>The players in a humvee with a full tank of gas (plus 2 5 gallon cans in the
>back) were trnasporting a CRATE opf dynamite....when they got ambushed by a
>road gang. The gang pulled a semi in front of them blocking their path, and
>a bus behind. So they were boxed in. Then a ganger on top of the semi
>stands up with an RPG. One player jumps out to run (smart). Another is
>trying to get the car to coninue to drive forward and the third is "getting
>his stuff" from the back! Suffice it to say that the RPG was launched, one
>of the players (the smart one) botched his dexterity roll and knocked
>himself unconscious about 10 feet from the relative safety of behind the
> other tries to hide in a nearby shack (right next to the
>humvee) and the third never finished getting his "stuff" out. So the RPG
>hits the humvee and explodes....then I have to calculate the explosive from
>the 100 sticks of dynamite...then I have to add the gas in the cans....the
>explosions turned out to be MASSIVE....and everyone died! I was in utter
>shock...this was the first encounter in a fairly easier published
>adventure....and the whole troupe was toastied!!!!!!

"It is written that it is better to burn a single city than to curse the
-From "The Furies" By Roger Zelazny
Message no. 14
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Graht)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 18:20:01 2002
> I've got two, a Shadowrun one and a AD&D one. My group was
> playing B2, the famous "Keep on the Borderlands". If you've run the
> adventure, you'll remember that there is a room with a Medusa, and there
> is a window in the room, and you can't see the gals


>At 12:05 PM 6/27/02 -0400, you wrote:
>>Okay, well I got one. But it wasn't SR it was Hell on Earth, however it was
>>SOOOO stupid that it begs to be mentioned!!!


Please place replies below/after quoted text. Thank you.


To Life,
ShadowRN Assistant Fearless Leader II
Message no. 15
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Derek Hyde)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 20:15:01 2002
> humvee) and the third never finished getting his "stuff" out. So the
> hits the humvee and explodes....then I have to calculate the explosive
> from
> the 100 sticks of dynamite...then I have to add the gas in the
> explosions turned out to be MASSIVE....and everyone died! I was in
> shock...this was the first encounter in a fairly easier published
> adventure....and the whole troupe was toastied!!!!!!
> Meph

umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8 which is a
diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and quite
likely to burn rather than explode
Message no. 16
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Meph)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 22:00:01 2002
> umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8 which is a
> diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and quite
> likely to burn rather than explode

Actually in this system most vehicles run off of Spook
Juice....which is this high combustable liquid made from a occult stone
called Ghost rock. I just didn't want to have to explain that! ;> So that
is what i had to base it off of, using the rules they provide for exploding
spook juice!

Message no. 17
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Granite Forge)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Thu Jun 27 22:25:03 2002
> > umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8 which is a
> > diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and quite
> > likely to burn rather than explode

Not to pick nits..but the gas engine was added as an option for the Hummer
in 1995 ;)

Lord grant Me The Serenity To
Accept The Things i Cannot Change,
The Courage To Change The Things I Can,
And The Wisdom To Hide The Bodies Of Those People I Had To Kill Because They
Pissed Me Off.
- Shadowrunner's Serenity Prayer
I Am The LAW!
- Dredd
What is Greatest In Life?
To Crush Your Enemies,
To Drive Then Before You,
And To Hear The Lamentation Of Their Women.
- Conan
"You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience which you
must stop and look fear in the
face . . . .You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
- Eleanor Roosevelt

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Message no. 18
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Derek Hyde)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 00:55:01 2002
> >
> > > umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8
which is
> a
> > > diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and
> quite
> > > likely to burn rather than explode
> Not to pick nits..but the gas engine was added as an option for the
> in 1995 ;)

by the military??
Message no. 19
From: shadowrn@*********.com (shadowrn@*********.com)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 02:20:02 2002
In a message dated 6/27/2002 10:03:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
meph@*********.net writes:

> exploding
> spook juice!

Do these three words look wrong together to anyone else?!?
Message no. 20
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Danyeal De La Luna)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 03:05:01 2002
His name was Johnny Cross. I was tired of the cybered to the gills street
sams and I decided to make a guy that was infatuated by the Wild West. In
his first gaming session, there he was, standing in the middle of the street
with his Ruger Blackhawk and secure longcoat facing down his first villain.
The problem was that the villain didn't ride a horse, but rather a mid-sized
sedan. Nor was he standing still, instead he was traveling at about 45 miles
per hour. The quickdraw. The shots. 3 bullets managed to pierce the
windshield and the drivers head. The car swerved and crashed into a
storefront in a billow of smoke and flame. Sounds like a magnificent start,
huh? Well, that was the last of the glory for this chap. In the next three
gaming sessions he suffered a destroyed lung, a burst spleen, had 3 toes
shot off, minor amnesia, a broken arm, a severed left foot, and a severely
bruised ego. Word to the wise: Never...I mean NEVER, agree to a contract
with a guy named Johnny Crosshairs!

Message no. 21
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Matthew Bond)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 06:10:01 2002
----- Original Message -----
From: "Granite Forge" <granite_forge@*******.com>
To: <shadowrn@*********.com>
Sent: Friday, June 28, 2002 3:25 AM
Subject: Re: The Darwin Awards (2063)

> >
> > > umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8 which is
> > > diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and
> > > likely to burn rather than explode
> Not to pick nits..but the gas engine was added as an option for the Hummer
> in 1995 ;)

And in any case, I doubt it was an actual modern day Hummer, more likely a
2060 equivalent... unless the runners like to be 'anonymous' running around
in a 70 year old distintive behemoth.... Not many bank robbers these days
use Model T Fords as their getaway cars...

Message no. 22
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Bryan Pow)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 06:55:01 2002
This is a D&D one.
The party pulls into a town described in the module as a "quaitn little
country town with two bars" and thats it! Its supposed to take like five
minutes. Two hours after entering the town the guardsmen are chasing our
bard and theif out of town. Meanwhile my fighter-mage and the mage are
strolling after them when the guardsmen recognise us as members of the same
party and tell us to freeze. The mage decides to be clever. He casts an
illusion which makes his face go deathly pale, his eyes black and his form
to shimmer. He intones "I am the Lord of Death!" and touches my character.
Realizing whats going on, my character screams and pretends to die. The
guardsmen also scream. They say "Its the Lord of Death! WE must flee!" the
sergeant agrees with them and cries "fire a volley and then run!". After 12
guards fired their sheath arrows at a 3rd level mage at short range, the
sergeant said "Scratch the running part" as the mage was now a pin cushion,
My character opened one eye to see his dead comrade and the approaching
guardsmen, so he did the honourable thing. Grabbed the guys spell book and
ran like hell!

"No grand idea was ever born in a conference, but alot of foolish ideas have
died there."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

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Message no. 23
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Bryan Pow)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 07:15:01 2002
This is kind of a Darwin, but for a car.
A character had a Dwarf shaman with an allergy to synthetics. He had a low
lifestyle, bad clothing, no gun, no docwagon, and a custom all leather
interior Westwind. This didn't sit well with me.
First dammage, parked car directly outside a fast food joint that was
rocketlaunchered as a message to a nearby gang. This was part of the
adventure. Very badly scrtched paint.
Sedcond dammage, parked the car near the exit in a parking garage whwere he
knew a firefight would break out. As they sped away the badguys clipped his
car. Big dent, expensive.
Third dammage, fleeing from the cops in his car he accidentally turns onto a
bridge that is under construction. Luckily he made his driving roll and
stopped in time. Unfortunately the cops didn't. One very wet car. Time to
buy a new one.
Fourth dammage, parked his car ata the base of the Empire State building in
that adventure where the terrorists are going to blow it up and escape in a
blimp. The very shaman who owned the car fireballed the blimp sending it
into downtown traffic. He suddenly realizes his car is parked down there. I
decide, on the role of a one it hits his car, and let him roll it. Car dies
in a ball of burning metal.
Character buys a sensible car.
Ever since then it has been a running joke in my games that Westwind equals

"No grand idea was ever born in a conference, but alot of foolish ideas have
died there."
F. Scott Fitzgerald

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
Message no. 24
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Gurth)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Fri Jun 28 10:45:04 2002
According to Bryan Pow, on Fri, 28 Jun 2002 the word on the street was...

> I decide, on the role of a one it hits his car, and let him
> roll it. Car dies in a ball of burning metal.

That reminds me of another one from my group: about five year ago, I wrote
up this adventure, Field Trip, that appears in an early issue of TSS. When
I ran it for my group some time later (it had originally been an improvised
thing I ran at Euro GenCon '97, but that's neither here nor there) the
players are crawling through the high grass toward the survivalist camp.
Naturally, they don't avoid all the tripwires, and so one of the PCs falls
victim to a hand grenade tied to a stake. It causes him, I think, a
Moderate wound.

Then he says, "I'm also carrying five kilos of C12." So I roll 2D6, in
sight of the players, and think (but don't say), "It'll blow up on a 4 or
less." Literally while the dice are in the air between my hand and the dice
rolling tray, I change my mind, and decide to only have it explode on a 2.
Guess what I rolled :)

Gurth@******.nl -
Little ever changes, if anything at all
-> NAGEE Editor * ShadowRN GridSec * Triangle Virtuoso <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

GC3.12: GAT/! d- s:- !a>? C++@ UL+ P(+) L++ E W--(++) N o? K w(--) O
V? PS+ PE@ Y PGP- t@ 5++ X(+) R+++$ tv+(++) b++@ DI- D+ G+ e h! !r y?
Incubated into the First Church of the Sqooshy Ball, 21-05-1998
Message no. 25
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Christopher Merrill)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Sun Jun 30 16:25:02 2002
> > humvee) and the third never finished getting his "stuff" out. So the
> > hits the humvee and explodes....then I have to calculate the explosive
> > from
> > the 100 sticks of dynamite...then I have to add the gas in the
> cans....the
> > explosions turned out to be MASSIVE....and everyone died! I was in
> utter
> > shock...this was the first encounter in a fairly easier published
> > adventure....and the whole troupe was toastied!!!!!!
> >
> > Meph
> umm.....not to discredit ya but hummers run on diesel, or JP8 which is a
> diesel/gas mix, regardless it's not nearly as explosive as gas and quite
> likely to burn rather than explode

Meph was wrong on the type of vehicle (My character was the one going for
his stuff and made it to the shack.) it was a van and the RPG blew the
passenger's side away and the fire got to the Dynamite which set off the
gas. But hey, it wasn't his character killed so I can forgive him some

Christopher Merrill
A W.H.A.T.T. Member
Message no. 26
From: shadowrn@*********.com (Meph)
Subject: The Darwin Awards (2063)
Date: Sun Jun 30 23:15:02 2002
> Meph was wrong on the type of vehicle (My character was the one going for
> his stuff and made it to the shack.) it was a van and the RPG blew the
> passenger's side away and the fire got to the Dynamite which set off the
> gas. But hey, it wasn't his character killed so I can forgive him some
> details.


Hey, I'm just the one that killed ya! ;>


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The Darwin Awards (2063), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.