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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Kevin Roberts <krst0023@****.NET>
Subject: The Dragon
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 10:50:12 -0500
I would like to know if anyone knows where the
Write up for The big D is in?
Someone on this list said it was written in a mag.
Could someone tell me what mag it is in?

A few friend of mine are trying to come up
with a reenactment of the Big D's death.

End of line....
Message no. 2
From: Adam J <fro@***.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: The Dragon
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 12:49:54 -0600
At 10:50 5/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>I would like to know if anyone knows where the
>Write up for The big D is in?
>Someone on this list said it was written in a mag.
>Could someone tell me what mag it is in?

As far as actual stats and I believe a bit of a write-up, its in Dragon
Magazine #199, IIRC. And of course there are little snippets about him in
alot of the SR books, and of course Dunkelzahn's Secrets :)

-- -- fro@***
"Do you know how many times I have said something that ends up in
someone's .sig?" -Dvixen, a phone call that turned out to be bloody cheap.
"Leading by example" in Target:UCAS
Message no. 3
From: L Canthros <lobo1@****.COM>
Subject: Re: The Dragon
Date: Thu, 8 May 1997 22:04:19 EDT
On Thu, 8 May 1997 10:50:12 -0500 Kevin Roberts <krst0023@****.NET>
>I would like to know if anyone knows where the
>Write up for The big D is in?
>Someone on this list said it was written in a mag.
>Could someone tell me what mag it is in?
>A few friend of mine are trying to come up
>with a reenactment of the Big D's death.
>End of line....

The below is the original message as it was sent to the mailing list on
12-30-96 by Glenn Robertson. Enjoy.

And ye shall know the truth, and lobo1@****.com
the truth shall set you free. canthros1@***.com
--John 8:32, KJV

<<WARNING!! GM's ONLY (so as I don't get in trouble or nothing for
posting them!). Since many of you have asked, I thought I'd send them on
the list.


These stats are a private responce, case you like to keep your secrets

Body: 22/12 Char: 10 Ess: 12!
Quickness: 11 x 3 Intel: 9 Magic: 20!
Strength: 48 Will: 12 React: 9
Initiative: 9 +2d6 Threat: 10
Attack Code: 16D, + 3 reach Lvl of Init: 12 + Type of magic:
Areas of knowledge: Magic, Media, Technology
Power: Enhanced Senses (wide band hearing, low-light vision, thermal
Hardened Armor, Influence
Description: D is a silver- and blue-scaled great western dragon (Draco
(occidentalis)) aprrox. 48 m long including a 17 m tail. He stands just
3 m in height at the shoulder and has a wingspan in excess of 30 m. His
has been estimated at aprox. 2,000 kg.

(note: this info is an approx based on causal obser. and limited sec.

And if you want to read the article, its issue #199>>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The Dragon, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.