From: | Tyler Shobe t_shobe@*******.com |
Subject: | The fine art of cannibalizing, or My First Post |
Date: | Sun, 17 Oct 1999 22:19:46 PDT |
I was just wondering how many of you guys still use published adventures as
they are printed, and to what extent you "cannibalize" them, ie taking bits
and pieces and generally rearranging them as you see fit. For example, I so
far have bought First Run, RA:S (which really isn't an adventure,
technically), and the SR Quick Start, and will use all three of those in my
upcoming campaign. Most I'm going to add things to them so that they can
fit into my plot (which is based on a great DC comic called Doom Patrol, you
guys probably heard me mentioning something about it). For example, if any
of you have read the Supernova adventure, for my campaign, the two, um, Corp
Bigwigs (not naming names for those who haven't read it) aren't really who
they say they are. They are, in fact, working for the Draco Foundation and
are acting as a test for the runners (who were handpicked and *named* in a
Secret Portion of Dunkie's Will), all of which ties into Year of the Comet.
Anyway, it's my first post after months of lurking. Be gentle. :)
Thanks fer listening.
What if your words
Could be judged like a crime?
-Creed, "What If?"
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