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Message no. 1
From: Ratinac, Rand (NSW) RRatinac@*****
Subject: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:15:10 +1000
> Okay, I don't know if this has been done before, but I'd like to run a
> poll - an academy awards, if you will.
(Note: Okay, now I know that this kind of thing HAS been done, but not
in the same way - so I'd like to do it anyway.)

> Basically, I want to find out everyone's favourite Shadowrun product
> and, hopefully, get a Hall of Fame.
> The categories are...
> Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
> sourcebooks, or Mob War)
> Best Adventure/Module (i.e. anything with an adventure (or five) in it
> that doesn't fall into the above category - inc. Mob War, NAN
> sourcebooks, Blood in the Boardroom)
> Best Novel
> Best People, Place and Thingy Sourcebook (e.g. Cyberpirates, Tir
> Tairngire, Threats)
> Best Rules Sourcebook (e.g. BBB1, 2 and 3, Rigger 2, Awakenings)
> Best Shadowrun Product (this is an overall category - just your
> absolute favourite Shadowrun product EVER).
> Mail me privately if you wish to vote. If you have any ideas for
> categories you think I've forgotten, let me know. If you have any
> ideas for an award name better than the one below, let me know.
> I'll compile the results and figure out the top five in each category.
> The Hall of Fame will consist of the top product in each category. If
> you want to know the results, let me know. I'm not sure if GridSec
> would appreciate me posting them on the list. Guys? Can I?
> I'll be running this until the end of February or thereabouts. There
> will be NO awards unless I get at least 25 voters. Otherwise its just
> REALLY pathetic. :)
> *Doc' starts making up some gold-plated Ares Predators - The
> Runnies...*
> Doc' - Just call me Dick Clark
> .sig Sauer
P.S. Anyone who can come up with a better name for Shadowrun Academy
Awards trophies than I did gets...a sloppy kiss and a free SKutRing...
Message no. 2
From: grahamdrew grahamdrew@*********.com
Subject: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 03:33:56 -0500
Ratinac, Rand (NSW) wrote:
The categories are...
Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
sourcebooks, or Mob War)
: Universal Brotherhood

Best Adventure/Module (i.e. anything with an adventure (or five) in it
that doesn't fall into the above category - inc. Mob War, NAN
sourcebooks, Blood in the Boardroom)
:"Renraku Archlogy: Shutdown" count? Was packages and numbered as an
adventured, but really should have been rated as a sourcebook based on

Best Novel
:Never Deal With A Dragon, by Robert N Charrette

Best People, Place and Thingy Sourcebook (e.g. Cyberpirates, Tir
Tairngire, Threats)
:Bug City

Best Rules Sourcebook (e.g. BBB1, 2 and 3, Rigger 2, Awakenings)
:Grimore 2nd edition, by far

Best Shadowrun Product (this is an overall category - just your
absolute favourite Shadowrun product EVER).
:Renraku Archology: Shutdown
Message no. 3
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 01:17:27 -0600
> The categories are...
> Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
> sourcebooks, or Mob War)
> : Universal Brotherhood

Except that this was listed as a sourcebook/adventure. (And is in large part
a novella...or "whatever the proper literary term is for a fictional work of
that number of pages").

-David Goth-
Message no. 4
From: XaOs [David Goth] xaos@*****.net
Subject: FW: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Fri, 19 Feb 1999 04:42:49 -0600
> David - could you forward this message to this list?
> Btw, if YOU have gotten this updated message from the list, then don't
> worry about it - that'll mean I'm getting through. I suspect, however,
> that the list (for some reason) isn't receiving my mail - again.
> Doc'

As requested... (it was in a mail folder that may be somewhat infrequently
used of late, so I may have overlooked it for a bit...

> * * * * *
> This is an update on the Shadowrun Academy Awards that I'm running.
> Don't worry if everything below this has > symbols in front of it. It's
> still current. I'm sending this to let those who missed it the first
> time know about it and to let everyone else see a couple of changes that
> have been made.
> Basically, I want to find out everyone's favourite Shadowrun product
> and, hopefully, get a Hall of Fame.
> The categories are...
> Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
> sourcebooks, or Mob War)
> Best Adventure/Sourcebook (i.e. anything with an adventure (or five) in
> it that doesn't fall into the above category - inc. Mob War, NAN
> sourcebooks, Blood in the Boardroom)
> Best Novel
> Best People, Place and Thingy Sourcebook (e.g. Cyberpirates, Tir
> Tairngire, Threats)
> Best Rules Sourcebook (e.g. BBB1, 2 and 3, Rigger 2, Awakenings)
> Best Shadowrun Product (this is an overall category - just your absolute
> favourite Shadowrun product EVER).
> Mail me privately if you wish to vote. If you have any ideas for
> categories you think I've forgotten, let me know. If you have any ideas
> for an award name better than the one below, let me know.
> I'll compile the results and figure out the top five in each category.
> The Hall of Fame will consist of the top product in each category. If
> you want to know the results, let me know. I'm not sure if GridSec would
> appreciate me posting them on the list. Guys? Can I?
> I'll be running this until the end of February or thereabouts. There
> will be NO awards unless I get at least 25 voters. Otherwise its just
> REALLY pathetic. :)
> *Doc' starts making up some gold-plated dragons with their pants around
> their ankles in full moon - The Dunkies...*
> Doc' - Just call me Dick Clark
> .sig Sauer
> P.S. Anyone who can come up with a better name for Shadowrun Academy
> Awards trophies than I did gets...a sloppy kiss and a free
> SKutRing...right now, it seems that poor, old Scott Wheelock is going to
> get done for this. :)
> P.P.S. If you hadn't guessed, David's forwarding this for me because I
> think I've been cut off from posting to the list. AGAIN.
> * * * * *
Message no. 5
From: Rand Ratinac docwagon@*******.com
Subject: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 22:00:54 PST
Yet another update on the Shadowrun Academy Awards that I'm running.
Don't worry if everything below this has > symbols in front of it. It's
still current.

Also, if you've already voted, there's a new category down below - the
Hall of Infamy - as suggested by AlSeyMer. You don't HAVE to vote, but
you can if you want to.

Awards nominations are still underway. I've had 15-odd replies, and I
know that there are a HELL of a lot more people than that on the list -
so if you haven't already voted, please do...

The categories are...

Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
sourcebooks, or Mob War)
Best Adventure/Sourcebook (i.e. anything with an adventure (or five) in
it that doesn't fall into the above category - inc. Mob War, NAN
sourcebooks, Blood in the Boardroom)
Best Novel
Best People, Place and Thingy Sourcebook (e.g. Cyberpirates, Tir
Tairngire, Threats)
Best Rules Sourcebook (e.g. BBB1, 2 and 3, Rigger 2, Awakenings)
Best Shadowrun Product (this is an overall category - just your absolute
favourite Shadowrun product EVER).

Mail me privately if you wish to vote. If you have any ideas for
categories you think I've forgotten, let me know. If you have any ideas
for an award name better than the one below, let me know.

I'll compile the results and figure out the top five in each category.
The Hall of Fame will consist of the top product in each category. If
you want to know the results, let me know. I'm not sure if GridSec would
appreciate me posting them on the list. Guys? Can I?

I'll be running this until the end of February or thereabouts. There
will be NO awards unless I get at least 25 voters. Otherwise its just
REALLY pathetic. :)

*Doc' starts making up some gold-plated dragons with their pants around
their ankles in full moon - The Dunkies...*

Doc' - Just call me Dick Clark

.sig Sauer

P.S. Anyone who can come up with a better name for Shadowrun Academy
Awards trophies than I did gets...a sloppy kiss and a free
SKutRing...right now, it seems that poor, old Scott Wheelock is going to
get done for this. :)

P.P.S. There is now a new category - a Worst Of, also known as the Hall
of Infamy. Basically, what, in your opinion, is the WORST Shadowrun
product you've ever seen? It can be in ANY category - sourcebook,
adventure, novel, whatever.

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Message no. 6
From: Rand Ratinac docwagon@*******.com
Subject: FW: The Shadowrun Academy Awards
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 17:25:28 PST
>> David - could you forward this message to this list?
>> Btw, if YOU have gotten this updated message from the list, then
>> worry about it - that'll mean I'm getting through. I suspect,
>> that the list (for some reason) isn't receiving my mail - again.
>> Doc'
>As requested... (it was in a mail folder that may be somewhat
>used of late, so I may have overlooked it for a bit...

Errr...okay. This one is pretty dated. Ignore it. The most current
update on the Awards is the one mentioning the new category - the Worst
Of category.

*Doc' thinks they haven't QUITE got all the invae...errr...bug
spirits...errr...bugs ironed out of the new list yet.*

(aka Mr. Freaky Big, Super-Dynamic Troll of Tomorrow)

.sig Sauer

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Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The Shadowrun Academy Awards, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.