From: | Ratinac, Rand (NSW) RRatinac@***** |
Subject: | The Shadowrun Academy Awards |
Date: | Tue, 9 Feb 1999 16:15:10 +1000 |
> poll - an academy awards, if you will.
(Note: Okay, now I know that this kind of thing HAS been done, but not
in the same way - so I'd like to do it anyway.)
> Basically, I want to find out everyone's favourite Shadowrun product
> and, hopefully, get a Hall of Fame.
> The categories are...
> Best Adventure (inc. any PURE module - e.g. not including the NAN
> sourcebooks, or Mob War)
> Best Adventure/Module (i.e. anything with an adventure (or five) in it
> that doesn't fall into the above category - inc. Mob War, NAN
> sourcebooks, Blood in the Boardroom)
> Best Novel
> Best People, Place and Thingy Sourcebook (e.g. Cyberpirates, Tir
> Tairngire, Threats)
> Best Rules Sourcebook (e.g. BBB1, 2 and 3, Rigger 2, Awakenings)
> Best Shadowrun Product (this is an overall category - just your
> absolute favourite Shadowrun product EVER).
> Mail me privately if you wish to vote. If you have any ideas for
> categories you think I've forgotten, let me know. If you have any
> ideas for an award name better than the one below, let me know.
> I'll compile the results and figure out the top five in each category.
> The Hall of Fame will consist of the top product in each category. If
> you want to know the results, let me know. I'm not sure if GridSec
> would appreciate me posting them on the list. Guys? Can I?
> I'll be running this until the end of February or thereabouts. There
> will be NO awards unless I get at least 25 voters. Otherwise its just
> REALLY pathetic. :)
> *Doc' starts making up some gold-plated Ares Predators - The
> Runnies...*
> Doc' - Just call me Dick Clark
> .sig Sauer
P.S. Anyone who can come up with a better name for Shadowrun Academy
Awards trophies than I did gets...a sloppy kiss and a free SKutRing...