From: | cm5323@*** (J.W.Thomas) |
Subject: | The Speed Elf Project |
Date: | Wed, 27 Mar 1996 18:00:49 +0000 (GMT) |
> From: Sascha Pabst <Sascha.Pabst@****>
> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 1996 20:01:32 +0100 (MET)
> Subject: Re: Min/Max Characters
> David wrote:
> > Here's an idea. Who can make the most munchkineous character?
> What about the speed elf from... err... Gurth (?) and... errr...
> someone else?
Now thats an IDEA...
INTRODUCING the new and improved, FLIPPER IS DEAD, Jet propelled
Just how fast is your Elf? How munchkin can your initiative get?
Just mail your fastest possible character and we'll start
getting even worse...
CAN you get a character to break the sound barrier?
(i did it in Vamp:tM to prove its possible to a sucker GM)
Also coming Soon...
Stats for Harlequins Initiative!
Well, now i've got your attention, i'd just like to say...
Its good to be back...
And now the sensable comments.
Has anyone noticed that a toxin exhaler has glands that
naturally produce the toxin biologically, and that having these
glands in your body gives you an increased resistance to the
I've been working on this line of thought and have several now
items of bioware based around bioengineered glands.
Anyone interested?
The body Overstress caused by bioware is only due to the systems
not being designed to work in sync with each other and with your
personal biosystem.
Thinking along these lines, i came up with the Clone as a race
Clone are Human (priority E) and have Tech (A) but start with cash
equivalent to priority E.
They may not have Social Skills above 2.
They have the full 1,000,000 =Y= to spend on Bioware or
cyberware, with an overstress limit of TWICE there natural body.
They suffer no overstress or difficulty in healing magic.
All bioware is part of there DNA and will regrow at normal rates.
They start with HALF normal essence (3), and may only start the
game with 1 essence point of cyberware.
The clone has been artificially created by genetic and possibly
magical DNA manipulation. They were force grown in nutrient vats
by blank faced scientists.
(This is within SR scope, as clone limbs and organs require a
full body to be grown. The clone is normally lobotomised as soon
as it is decanted, and remains mindless untill 'Harvested'.)
The Moral and legal implications of a non-lobotomised clone
showing intelligence could cause public outcry and damage the
medical corporations and the value of organ banks.
Magically, clones have a weak life force as if the spirit has not
fully developed. (at Gm fiat they may get reduced Magic effects
like cybermanced individuals, and may attract wraiths and
Comments? Reasoned Debate?
Gibbered howls?
MAil me
CHOPPER The god is absent
ChOpPeR His dead leaves are piling
cHoPpEr And all is deserted
chopper -Basho