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Message no. 1
From: Georg Greve <greve@*******.HANSE.DE>
Subject: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule)
Date: Fri, 25 Apr 1997 23:57:57 GMT
Drekhead (drekhead@***.NET) wrote:
: roll though. No drain is taking when the character changes
: his powers by performing the ritual though. Comments anyone?

We have already a house rule for something like that. In
case you are interested, here it is:

The sourcebook Awakenings describes several ``Ways'' for
Physical Adepts which mean general orientations/directions of living.
Furthermore the possibility to accept geasa on PA abilities is introduced.

This is another way for Physical Adepts, the ``Way of the
Versatilist''. The Versatilist doesn't like being stuck to one set of
abilities, he wants to be able to adopt to different situations.

If a player decides his PA wants to follow this way, he may
NEVER accept any geasa on his abilities, otherwise he could just
configure himself in a way that makes the geasa obsolete. He has got
one huge advantage compared to other PAs: the ability of
reconfiguration. A Versatilist ``learns'' all his powers with good
Karma and all learned abilities are part of his pool of

When he decides he wants to reconfigure, he sits down and starts to
meditate. After one hour all his adept powers are gone (he's as weak
as any mundane at this point) and after that he starts to fill up his
magic points again. He may chose any combination of abilities from
his pool -- as long as the total cost of all active powers stays
within his magic attribute. This refilling process takes one hour per
point of magic and if he gets disturbed by something, the process is
interrupted (he may continue with it, though) and he has only got the
powers at hand he already activated through meditation.


Loewi the Versatilist sits in his hotel room, mediating. After one
hour all his abilities are gone and he hurries to begin the refilling
process. He has got a magic attribute of 6 and hence has to meditate
for 6 more hours until he is on full power again, so he starts channeling
the magic through his body (No, he does NOT get
vulnerable to the astral plane for those who want to ask !) and
concentrates on his inner self.
Three hours and fifty minutes later Durin wants to see what Loewi is
doing and knocks on is door. There is no answer, so he starts knocking
louder, yelling
and making a lot of noise so Loewi is interrupted in his
meditation. He only got 3 full hours of meditation -- the 50 minutes
are lost. He decides which abilities he already got (this is rounded
down if you cannot chose a set of abilities that fits exactly) and
then rolls willpower to see whether he makes Dwarf-burger out of
Durin. His dice come (unfortunately) up very high, so he decides to
just shout a merciful: ``Piss off and don't dare to come back for the next 3
hours !!'' and drinks some beer before he continues the meditation. Three
hours later he got all the abilities he chose from his pool.

O.k. - that's it. Any comments ?


| "The Clan's are marching 'gainst the law - |
| bagpipers play the tunes of war - death or glory I will find - |
| rebellion on my mind" |
| Grave Digger - "Rebellion" |
| Georg Greve greve@******* |
| Tel.: +49-40-23809080 |
Message no. 2
From: MENARD Steve <menars@***.UMONTREAL.CA>
Subject: Re: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 00:22:36 -0400
On Fri, 25 Apr 1997, Georg Greve wrote:

> NEVER accept any geasa on his abilities, otherwise he could just
> configure himself in a way that makes the geasa obsolete. He has got
> one huge advantage compared to other PAs: the ability of
> reconfiguration. A Versatilist ``learns'' all his powers with good
> Karma and all learned abilities are part of his pool of
> abilities.
We have a very similar rule, but instead of a "way", it is a power
available only to initiates that cost 2 magic points. They way we made it
left the possibility to be VERY powerful, while limiting the availability
of the power (initiate grade 2 or higher, unless the character started
with less than 6 points of power).

> When he decides he wants to reconfigure, he sits down and starts to
> meditate. After one hour all his adept powers are gone (he's as weak
> as any mundane at this point) and after that he starts to fill up his
> magic points again. He may chose any combination of abilities from
> his pool -- as long as the total cost of all active powers stays
> within his magic attribute. This refilling process takes one hour per
> point of magic and if he gets disturbed by something, the process is
> interrupted (he may continue with it, though) and he has only got the
> powers at hand he already activated through meditation.
> O.k. - that's it. Any comments ?
IMHO, your rule is very unbalanced. The tradeoff to get to have that
many powers, namely "no geas", is VERY minor compared to the power gained
through your versatility. Just imagine, when we introduced our version, we
were afraid it would unbalance the character, make it too powerful. Not
with yours ...

--- |\_/| Still The One and Only Wolfbane! ---
--- |o o| " Hey! Why ya lookin' at me so weird? Ain't ya 'ver seen a ---
--- \ / decker witha horn ?" --- Scy, Troll decker with a CC ---
--- 0 Steve Menard menars@***.UMontreal.Ca ---
Message no. 3
From: Ray & Tamara <macey@*******.COM.AU>
Subject: Re: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule)
Date: Sun, 27 Apr 1997 12:46:36 +1000
> If a player decides his PA wants to follow this way, he may
> NEVER accept any geasa on his abilities, otherwise he could just
> configure himself in a way that makes the geasa obsolete. He has got

I have used a similar house rule, but I allow a physad with power swapping
ability to put the Geas on a magic point (or points), so that any power
that is using that point is getting geased. It means that they can still
get Geasa, but they can't escape it's affects.


| The universe is a big place, and whatever happens,|
| You will not be missed |

EMAIL: macey@*******
Message no. 4
From: Jose Vicente Mondejar Brell <jomonbre@***.UPV.ES>
Subject: Re: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 11:47:41 +0000
> IMHO, your rule is very unbalanced. The tradeoff to get to have that
> many powers, namely "no geas", is VERY minor compared to the power gained
> through your versatility. Just imagine, when we introduced our version, we
> were afraid it would unbalance the character, make it too powerful. Not
> with yours ...

And what about spending good karma to buy the physad powers at twice
or more it base magic cost? Do you think it would be more balanced,

Message no. 5
From: MENARD Steve <menars@***.UMONTREAL.CA>
Subject: Re: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 11:59:03 -0400
On Mon, 28 Apr 1997, Jose Vicente Mondejar Brell wrote:

> > IMHO, your rule is very unbalanced. The tradeoff to get to have that
> > many powers, namely "no geas", is VERY minor compared to the power
> > through your versatility. Just imagine, when we introduced our version, we
> > were afraid it would unbalance the character, make it too powerful. Not
> > with yours ...
> And what about spending good karma to buy the physad powers at twice
> or more it base magic cost? Do you think it would be more balanced,
> then?
That would balance it out a little, but make for VERY weak starting
characters, no? Unless they can buy extra powers at creation, which I
would advise against.

> --
> Monde

--- |\_/| Still The One and Only Wolfbane! ---
--- |o o| " Hey! Why ya lookin' at me so weird? Ain't ya 'ver seen a ---
--- \ / decker witha horn ?" --- Scy, Troll decker with a CC ---
--- 0 Steve Menard menars@***.UMontreal.Ca ---
Message no. 6
From: Jose Vicente Mondejar Brell <jomonbre@***.UPV.ES>
Subject: Re: The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 1997 18:12:47 +0000
> > And what about spending good karma to buy the physad powers at twice
> > or more it base magic cost? Do you think it would be more balanced,
> > then?
> >
> That would balance it out a little, but make for VERY weak starting
> characters, no? Unless they can buy extra powers at creation, which I
> would advise against.

Well, then let them buy the first set of powers at no karma cost.
Then, when the physads medit to "forget" their old powers and
"activate" new ones, they have to pay karma. Is it more balanced?
It would be like creating a physad, as always, but when he wants to
change his powers, he has to pay a lot of karma (IMO, the balancing

Comments? :)


Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The way of the versatilist (was: Re: Phys Ad House Rule, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.