From: | Jonathan Hurley <jhurley1@************.EDU> |
Subject: | Thorshot defense (Was RE: Dunklezahn's Will, revisted) |
Date: | Thu, 14 Aug 1997 13:59:27 -0400 |
> ---------
> Given that Mike is not keen on the IE etc. it is likely this thread
> will play out in the novels till he manages to wrap up the horror
> threats in story at which point in time the immortal eleves will
> probably go sit on their backsides for a while and play politics
> amongst themselves at which point they can be safely ignored.
> It's not like the Tirs actually do very much except seem scary and
> keep most non eleves out, sure they have plans but the corps not them
> have the Thor shots :), so they have 4th World magic, try stopping
> something with the kinetic energy of a Thor shot, it's mundane, very
> very fast (please note no using radar systems to aim spells, sure
> you can ahve a force 10,000 barrier spell, you'll just get old
> Vergigorm come to play instead :) ) and they can fire lots at once.
Actually, this brings to mind the FireTrack (or some damn thing) system
from Lone Star sourcebook. The one where a radar scans the airspace, and
when a target matching set parameters appears in the scan area, releases a
fire elemental (apparently bound to remote service) to engulf the target.
The stated purpose is to be able to intercept and detonate hand-fired
missiles in the scan area. But the system seems a little too expensive for
My pet theory is that the UCAS military is driving the development of this
system. With a little redefining of parameters (and some spell anchoring to
be able to highlight the target for the elemental) this kind of setup makes
a pretty nifty way to divert Thor strikes into an area where the original
target isn't.
Scenario: Aircraft carrier group. The 205X equivalent of the AEGIS cruiser
detects incoming Thorshot. The CIC computer does *something* that a Detect
(Fu) spell can detect. The detect (Fu) spell is linked to a *HUGE* detect
Thorshot spell, which highlights the incoming Thorshot magically. The
detect (Fu) spell also triggers the release of a bound Air elemental whose
remote service is "When released, Move the highlighted Thorshot so it won't
hit the CV-group." All of this happens at computer, instantaneous, or fast
astral speeds, so it is certainly fast enough.
Can the PC's do it? Probably not. Can a government contractor, with a lot
of money do it. Probably.
Quicksilver rides again
Those who would give up a little freedom for security
deserve neither freedom nor security
-Benjamin Franklin
Yeah, I have Attention Deficit Dis - Hey, look at that butterfly!
Jonathan Hurley (mailto:jhurley1@************.edu)