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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@********.BITNET>
Subject: Time/Date stamp...
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 22:33:00 CST
> >>>>>[What is the big deal that everyone is talking about with the
>time/date stamp? I'm not a veteran to this Decking thing, but it really
>isn't THAT hard to modify - you only access the Matrix LTG phone net,
>change a few lines of code in the stamp subroutine, and set a couple of
>binary flags to fool the hardware and prevent the null stamp, then burn
>this setup to your login/initialization chip and there you go. It's almost
>too easy! I'm really surprised everyone isn't doing it already! See how
>easy it is - ]<<<<<
> -- Cyclops <Strikes w/One-Eye-Closed> ~3% & (^

>\#' > @* "~ ! ERROR - Stamp Tampering Alarm Activated ! ^$ *)/ ;? Q_
>Trace in Progress..........................................................
>..........................Successfull Acquisition @ LTG NA/UCAS-SEA-5947
>====> Proper Athorities have been notified.

> >>>>>[D>R^EK! - H*ey g~uy_s, &I wi)ll bego<ne fo%r
aw[hil?e - Inee:d
>to f+i$nd a n#(ew ap_art!ment, an4d fi==x wha~teve@* is wro8ng# wi*th m?y
>dec~% & X^? / ]<<<<<
> *** End Transmission -- Cyclops &%<20:33:46/10-21-52>

>>>>>[Amusing... Ahem, as I said before...SUCCESSFULLY performing an
such as this requires an amount of knowledge and experience which will thus
limit it to mostly the higher-level technomancers.]<<<<<
--Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>
Message no. 2
From: "Dark Thought Publications." <JEK5313@*******.BITNET>
Subject: Time/Date stamp
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 15:17:00 CST
{exceptionally amusing and creative stuff by cyclops deletia}

]>>>>>[Amusing... Ahem, as I said before...SUCCESSFULLY performing an
]such as this requires an amount of knowledge and experience which will thus
]limit it to mostly the higher-level technomancers.]<<<<<
] --Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>

>>>>>[I can personally vouch for DOOM's ability to do that, what is to him
a very trivial thing, but that don't mean that I, being a sasquatch, can do the
-Flare <nosig courtesy of DOOM>

]>>>>>[Cyclops, you are a newbie putz and I'll lay 3:1 odds that your brain
]will be fragged by some wimpy black ice by the time Christmas rolls
]around. Why don't you take up another line of work . . . like flower
]arranging. Sheesh. Who let's these little children in?]<<<<<
] -- Dante <20:55:04/10-22-52>

>>>>>[DOOM. This decker has no sense of humour. Scrag
-Flare <nosig courtesy of DOOM>
]>>>>>[Ich weiß nicht... However, I believe there is an
interesting guideline
]for Matrix novices which can be found in many old television shows in America:
]"Kids, don't try this at home."]<<<<<
] Doctor Doom <*:*:*/*-*-*>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Time/Date stamp, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.