From: | Mary Margaret Danforth <mmd@***.UMD.EDU> |
Subject: | Time/Date Stamps |
Date: | Mon, 19 Oct 92 08:02:42 -0400 |
1. think of it as a fad smiling bandit did it now every wants
to do it only most can't (in game terms limit it to computer 9)
or something as such
>My character's computer skill is 11, and he has a good deck. I think
that would qualify him to be able to do it.
>I also have matrix etiquette at 6 and computer theory at 7. I know
of many other characters out there who are better than I can dream to be, so
you may want to consider letting us do it. Anyway...
(Magic questions)
>If a mage had a concentrated/specialized sorcery skill, the Ally would
get the same thing, Specialization/COncentrations and all.
--->Question #2
Can you ground down an Astrally Projecting Person the same way
you can attack down a foci. Here's my reasoning:
Yes- Damage done to one form is felt/inflicted upon the other.
No- If you move a magician's body, they must succeed in a test
to re-locate their body. Therefore how could there be a link
of any worth if the magician could not use it to avoid this
>There is always a astral link to a magicians body, no matter whether
the mage knows where his body is. A good question would be "Well then if a mage
lost his body, why couldn't he just follow the link to find it?" I don't have
the answer to that... but I would like comments... He probably would have to
make an astral perception skill test with an incredibly high target number.
What do you mean ground down? If you were to cast a power blast on an astrally
projecting mage, he would take damage (if any) and so would anyone within the
range of the power blast IN THE REAL WORLD. That's why somepeople like staying
away from mages when they are astrally projecting!
Question #3
Do you folks believe you could design a sustained Combat Spell?
My reasoning is because I want to develop a Sleep spell that only
affects the target(s) while the mage sustains it. If it wouldn't
qualify under Combat, would I then have to default to Damaging
Manipulation? What sort of drain would you calculate it to be?
>There are a few ways you could do that spell. You could call it a
manipulation, and make it an area control thoughts or something similar to that
which took control of the person and SAID sleep. Drain that way would be
(if we were calling it a special control actions)
>Bse: M/2, Area-S/2, Limited Target-M/2 (If you disagree, say so)
>You could also work it out as a damaging manipulation if you really
wanted to be, see, the spell rreally isn't damaging!
Question #4
Could you develop a spell to basically negate the hypersense
spells under the Detection Catagory? What catagory would they
fall under. Once again, here is my reasoning:
Illusion: The power to 'deceive' the hypersense.
Manipulation: Air which is linked to Detection, clashes with
Earth which is linked to Manipulation.
No "it could be either" responses please, to me this is obvious
but I'd like to nail it down to ONE catagory.
>I'd make it an illusion, but I disagree with a spell that negated ALL
hypersense spells. You could do it, but the drain would be up there...
Question #5
Has anyone run with the idea of a Rigger equivalent of a "Ghost
in the Machine"? As in, a rigger dies which 'rigged in' and
keeps his/her sentience/personality via the autopilot of the
vehicle. (assuming the vehicle has a decent autopilot).
>Uhh, no. I don't think it would be physically possible. I mean, how
does the rigger get saved in it? There's no memory for the rigger to get
sucked into. And if it did happen, the rigger would probably go insane.
Just think about it yourself, you were rigging along, suddenly you caught
sight of a missle with "Ares Macrotech AVM" stamped on the side, and then you
died. You awoke to find yourself IN your car. As part of your car. I think
I'd go insane. But maybe I'm just insanity prone :).
Question #6
How long (time) do you folks charge your player to raise a skill?
>In the games I've played, I haven't been charged time to raise skills,
although it does make sense. I'll think about that one... maybe it would be
the new skill rating in days or something...
Question #7
Since Bonelacing affect Unarmed attacks, and Cyberspurs qualify
as Unarmed, would you then deduce that Bonelacing affects Spurs?
>No, bonelacing is strictly UNARMED, that definition of unarmed being
with no weapons, including Cyberspurs. How would titanium bones do anything
for someone when they were stabbing someone with a knife. It's the same concept
as spurring someone with bonelacing. It would be a neat phenomenon, but my
vote is no for that one...
>Well, that looks like about it, so see you all later!