From: | The Reverend <MDB0213@*****.TAMU.EDU> |
Subject: | Truly, really, extremely, exceedingly hard armor |
Date: | Sat, 9 Oct 1993 19:41:34 -0500 |
] Yes,if it is rigid, solid plates that stop bullets instead of
]a ballistic nylon cloth, then I say it's hard armor. As in, it is hard instead
]of soft.
Sorry, that's not what they're referring to. By that argument, a armored long
coat, which contains removable ceramic (?) plates would be considered hard.
Hardened armor, is exclusively the purveyance of vehicles and certain
^^^^ (not just HARD, but HARDENED)
paranormal beasties. There are several things to remember here:
1) Hardened armor acts as a barrier: if the power doesn't exceed the rating, it
doesn't go through
2) Hardened armor subtracts from the power of the weapon.
(3?) It also automatically stages down the wound level of the weapon by 1.
4) Hardened armor is NOT the same as regular armor: if a car is unarmored, then
it's body acts as combination ballistic AND impact armor. If it has armor,
then more rules apply (see SR2 black, under "vehicles and magic", in the
vehicle section, I believe).
5) There is no number 5 (so shoot me: I HAD to say it:)
The Reverend "They called me the Reverend when I entered the church unstained"
Fear the Information Revolution...for it has reached the hands of the strange.
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