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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Sven De Herdt Sven.DeHerdt@***********.be
Subject: [T-Shirt]: UPDATE ShadowRN t-shirt orders for EUROPE
Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 12:14:49 +0200
At this moment I have an order of 10 t-shirts for Europe, following
persons already ordered:
* BioNick***
* arclight arclight@**************.com
* Gurth gurth@******.nl
* Tommy Lindner tommy.lindner@*******.de
* Albain DE SAINT MARTIN adsm@******.be

============================================ORDER YOUR SHADOWRN T-SHIRTS RIGHT HERE AND
NOW!!! (Taking orders for
Europe only!)

On July 1st I will deposit all the checks I've received and place the
order. Any checks received after July 1st may be returned to the
sender. If possible I will try to add late orders, but I can't
guarantee anything. Get your order in early.

sorry to keep you all waiting, but here are the prices for black colored
shirts with the appropriate prints in green on the front and on the
* 350,- Bef which will be about $9 or 8.7 EURO according to the
current exchange rate.

The above price is when at least 20 t-shirts are ordered, paid and of
course printed!

The shipment ratings will be (package included):
* 150,- Bef which will add up to $3.9 or 3.8 EURO

Please note, if you order more than one T-shirt please send me money as
if I'm shipping each shirt separately. When I actually ship the shirts
I will try to cram bulk orders in a single box and will refund extra

Mail your order (number and size(s) of T-shirts) and a check or money
order to:

Sven De Herdt
St.-Michielskaai 24/21
2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: +32-3-237.22.11

Bank stats:
Bank van Breda
Blarenstraat 46
2180 Ekeren (Belgium)
accountnumber: 645-1152461-39
PLEASE make all payments/deposits in EURO (if possible) AND include
'T-Shirt' and your email address in the comments!

When transferring money using my bank account, then please state with
the transfer that YOU will handle ALL charges. That way I will see the
exact amount on my account with any charges subtracted.

Don't forget to include your NAME, ADDRESS, phone number (so I can call
you if there's a problem), and email address (so I can confirm your
order when I get it) in your e-mail order.

Hope to hear from you all soon,

Sven De Herdt :)

SRCG v0.2 SR1! SR2++ SR3++ h b++>+++ B>+ UB->++ IE+(-) RN+(-) dk++>+++
sa- ma++ sh++ ad+ ri+ mc- m+ gm+>++(+++) M-(+)
Message no. 2
From: Sven De Herdt Sven.DeHerdt@***********.be
Subject: [T-Shirt]: UPDATE ShadowRN t-shirt orders for EUROPE
Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 08:47:28 +0200
At this moment I have an order of 15 t-shirts for Europe, following
persons already ordered:
* BioNick***
* arclight arclight@**************.com
* Gurth gurth@******.nl (SIZE ?)
* Tommy Lindner tommy.lindner@*******.de
* Albain DE SAINT MARTIN adsm@******.be
* Arcaist arcaist@**********.net
* Arno Arno.Lehmann@**** (SIZE ?)
* Andreas andreas.wagner@****

============================================ORDER YOUR SHADOWRN T-SHIRTS RIGHT HERE AND
NOW!!! (Taking orders for
Europe only!)

On July 1st I will deposit all the checks I've received and place the
order. Any checks received after July 1st may be returned to the
sender. If possible I will try to add late orders, but I can't
guarantee anything. Get your order in early.

Here are the prices for black colored shirts with the appropriate prints
in green on the front and on the back:
* 350,- Bef which will be about $9 or 8.7 EURO according to the
current exchange rate.

The above price is when at least 20 t-shirts are ordered, paid and of
course printed!

The shipment ratings will be (package included):
* 150,- Bef which will add up to $3.9 or 3.8 EURO

Please note, if you order more than one T-shirt please send me money as
if I'm shipping each shirt separately. When I actually ship the shirts
I will try to cram bulk orders in a single box and will refund extra

Mail your order (number and size(s) of T-shirts) and a check or money
order to:

Sven De Herdt
St.-Michielskaai 24/21
2000 Antwerpen, Belgium
Tel: +32-3-237.22.11

Bank stats:
Bank van Breda
Blarenstraat 46
2180 Ekeren (Belgium)
accountnumber: 645-1152461-39
PLEASE make all payments/deposits in EURO (if possible) AND include
'T-Shirt' and your email address in the comments!

When transferring money using my bank account, then please state with
the transfer that YOU will handle ALL charges. That way I will see the
exact amount on my account with any charges subtracted.

Don't forget to include your NAME, ADDRESS, phone number (so I can call
you if there's a problem), and email address (so I can confirm your
order when I get it) in your e-mail order.

Hope to hear from you all soon,

Sven De Herdt :)

SRCG v0.2 SR1! SR2++ SR3++ h b++>+++ B>+ UB->++ IE+(-) RN+(-) dk++>+++
sa- ma++ sh++ ad+ ri+ mc- m+ gm+>++(+++) M-(+)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about [T-Shirt]: UPDATE ShadowRN t-shirt orders for EUROPE, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.