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Message no. 1
From: Jeremy Fisher <jmf4402@***.NYU.EDU>
Subject: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 17:45:52 -0400
In the Tir Tangire book someone in the shadowtalk section puts forth the
assumption that VITAS was designed to kill of a particular species or
race. After reading the Cyberpirates book, I think we have evidence that
it may have been the Tskrang. This is because the Chupucabras seem to be
a HMHVV infected form of Tskrang. They are bipedal humanoids, iguana like
in apperance, with crested heads, opposable thumbs, give birth to live
young, and have a genetic similarity to primates. Furthermore they test
positive for some form of HMHVV and have the power Essence drain and the
weakness of Essence loss. If VITAS was designed to kill off the people
who would have become Tskrang, it would make sense that the only Tskrang
who would survive would be HMHVV infected, as HMHVV provides an immunity
to VITAS, or at least some strains, such as the Ghoul strain does
(according to the SR Companion), do. The Chupucabras breed true, unlike
other HMHVV infected creatures. This would make sense if perhaps a
population of humans, who would goblinize into Tskrang, had HMHVV survived
the VITAS epidemic, changed into Chupucabras, and then gave birth to the
next generation of Chupucabras.
This would explain why no Tskrang have been seen yet, only Chupucabras, as
well as go along with Mike Mullvihill's statement that Tskrang would not
appear in SR. Right, no Tskrang just Chupucabras. This would also help
explain the missing population of Madagascar (the point of origin of
Chupucabras), those who became Tskrang/Chupucabras went feral and left the
cities, those who didnt died of VITAS.

Well feel free to comment and/or shoot holes in this thing.
Message no. 2
From: Mike Elkins <MikeE@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Wed, 6 May 1998 12:05:19 -0500
<snip: Chupacabras are vampire T'Skrang>
Cute! I like it. I'm not sure I'll use it, but it is internally consistant.

Double-Domed Mike
Message no. 3
From: "Ubiratan P. Alberton" <ubiratan@**.HOMESHOPPING.COM.BR>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Tue, 5 May 1998 15:09:38 -0300
Jeremy Fisher escreveu:
> Chupucabras seem to be

I believe the correct name is ChupAcabras... Please give some more
info on these
creatures... Apparently, some of them have attacked cattle in some
regions of Brasil
and Argentina last year :) . No, I'm not kidding, sheep and other
animals appeared
dead with strange wounds, and people started saying it was a Chupacabra.
Don't know
how this ended, tough.

Message no. 4
From: "Mark C. Farrington" <alareth@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 11:17:22 -0400
> > Chupucabras seem to be
> >
> Please give some more info on these creatures... Apparently, some of them
> have attacked cattle in some
> regions of Brasil and Argentina last year

The Chupacabras is actually being reported in the eastern portion on Puerto
Rico. There have been strange animal mutilations and eyewitness acounts of
a 4-5 ft tall bipedal creature with a bat like appearance. One of the
rampant rumors is that it is an escaped biogen experiment from a US military
research facility on that end of the island and others report the source of
the creature as some newly reopened caves on the area. Proponents of the
caves as the source of the creature tell of similar reports in the early
historical record of the island.
Mark C. Farrington
ICQ# 11468823
Stellar Visions -
Home of the Stellar Visions Webring for astronomy sites
Message no. 5
From: Alexia Silverstein <alexia_silverstein@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 12:07:46 -0700
---"Ubiratan P. Alberton" <ubiratan@**.HOMESHOPPING.COM.BR> wrote:
> Jeremy Fisher escreveu:
> > Chupucabras seem to be
> >
> I believe the correct name is ChupAcabras... Please give some more
> info on these
> creatures... Apparently, some of them have attacked cattle in some
> regions of Brasil
> and Argentina last year :) . No, I'm not kidding, sheep and other
> animals appeared
> dead with strange wounds, and people started saying it was a
> Don't know
> how this ended, tough.
> Ubiratan
They had that on X-Files once...Funky stuff...
Get your free @*****.com address at
Message no. 6
From: Wraith <wraith@************.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 17:37:37 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark C. Farrington <alareth@*********.COM>
>The Chupacabras is actually being reported in the eastern portion on Puerto
>Rico. There have been strange animal mutilations and eyewitness acounts of
>a 4-5 ft tall bipedal creature with a bat like appearance. One of the
>rampant rumors is that it is an escaped biogen experiment from a US
>research facility on that end of the island and others report the source of
>the creature as some newly reopened caves on the area. Proponents of the
>caves as the source of the creature tell of similar reports in the early
>historical record of the island.

Perhaps FASA got it wrong and the Awakening is really in 2000? <G> May not
be having spike babies, but instead spike critters...


Message no. 7
From: "Ubiratan P. Alberton" <ubiratan@**.HOMESHOPPING.COM.BR>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 00:28:06 -0300
Alexia Silverstein escreveu:
> >
> They had that on X-Files once...Funky stuff...

The difference between thw two cases being the one in Brasil happened
IRL, not in a TV... By the way, how did they get 2 FBI agents to work
outside of their jurisdiction?

Message no. 8
From: "Jeremy \"Bolthy\" Zimmerman" <jeremy@***********.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 20:43:42 -0700
> From: Ubiratan P. Alberton <ubiratan@**.HOMESHOPPING.COM.BR>
> Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
> Date: Friday, May 08, 1998 8:28 PM
> Alexia Silverstein escreveu:
> >
> >
> > >
> > They had that on X-Files once...Funky stuff...
> The difference between thw two cases being the one in Brasil happened
> IRL, not in a TV... By the way, how did they get 2 FBI agents to work
> outside of their jurisdiction?

They didn't. It was in LA, or some similar place in southern California.
Involved mutating mexican immigrants.
Message no. 9
From: MC23 <mc23@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Fri, 8 May 1998 23:55:20 -0400
Once upon a time, Wraith wrote;

>Perhaps FASA got it wrong and the Awakening is really in 2000? <G> May not
>be having spike babies, but instead spike critters...

Century Ferrets (PAoNA), first discovered on Jan 1st 2000.
Message no. 10
From: Lander Williams <lander@****.WAVE.CA>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 01:12:32 -0600
>> creatures... Apparently, some of them have attacked cattle in some
>> regions of Brasil
>> and Argentina last year :) . No, I'm not kidding, sheep and other
>> animals appeared
>> dead with strange wounds, and people started saying it was a
>> Don't know
>> how this ended, tough.
>> Ubiratan
>They had that on X-Files once...Funky stuff...

i quite liked the episode, despite watching it at 4am
Message no. 11
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 12:45:29 +0100
Wraith said on 17:37/ 8 May 98...

> Perhaps FASA got it wrong and the Awakening is really in 2000? <G> May not
> be having spike babies, but instead spike critters...

What, like the century ferret you mean? Discovered in 2000, scientists
being amazed that such a large animal could have remained unnoticed in the
modern world, and later discovered to be an Awakened critter.

Gurth@******.nl - - UIN5044116
Just passing time.
-> NERPS Project Leader * ShadowRN GridSec * Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-
-> The New Character Mortuary: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 12
From: Wraith <wraith@************.COM>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 06:11:08 -0500
-----Original Message-----
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>

>Wraith said on 17:37/ 8 May 98...

>> Perhaps FASA got it wrong and the Awakening is really in 2000? <G> May
>> be having spike babies, but instead spike critters...

>What, like the century ferret you mean? Discovered in 2000, >scientists
>being amazed that such a large animal could have remained >unnoticed in the
>modern world, and later discovered to be an Awakened critter.

Um, yeah, I guess so <G> Don't have that many Sourcebooks so I've probably
missed a few things...

Message no. 13
From: Spike <u5a77@*****.CS.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long)
Date: Sat, 9 May 1998 19:21:15 +0100
And verily, did Jeremy \"Bolthy\" Zimmerman hastily scribble thusly...
|> The difference between thw two cases being the one in Brasil happened
|> IRL, not in a TV... By the way, how did they get 2 FBI agents to work
|> outside of their jurisdiction?
|They didn't. It was in LA, or some similar place in southern California.
|Involved mutating mexican immigrants.

Not so much mutating, and fungus ridden....
|u5a77@*****| Windows95 (noun): 32 bit extensions and a |
| | graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit |
|Andrew Halliwell | operating system originally coded for a 4 bit |
|Principal Subjects in:- |microprocessor, written by a 2 bit company, that|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | can't stand 1 bit of competition. |
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ o+ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ |
|5++ X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! :( |

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Tskrang Conspiracy (A little long), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.