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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Fastjack <uc298@*****.UNICAN.ES>
Subject: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 12:37:05 +0100
Sorry for my last post:"Hello,im new...",but in the last mailing
discussion list i was(uh...i cant remember the name...:-) ) i have many
problems with a failed mail,they fulled my mail with tons of "you are
stupid"etc(well,you can imagine)...

But this is the question (is very hard to me write it in english,but ill

I have the second edition of shadowrun (the first publicated in
spanish),and of course the "old rules"as dodge dissapears.But after look
many web pages,i found tons of rules about martial arts,and i dont know
what is a counterattack,dodge...I find that rules useless,because the
best action is always an opposed roll to attack (why i need to avoid an
attack when i can avoid it and hit my opponent?).

Also according to the rules,in an unarmed combat you only have one
action,and this is wrong!.because so a pedestrian can defeat a
mega-ultra-samurai with lot of cyber.So in my games we do this:

Smurai 1:initiative 26
Samurai 2:initiative:13

Well,the first samurai has 3 actions,and the second has 2 actions.The 2
actions are resolved as an opposed test(because i dont want to dodge,i
want to dodge and hit).And the first samurai has another action,so he can
attack,and the second samurai only can resist with the CONP+any combat
pool he has yet.

Anybody understand my question??*SMILES*

I cant fit all the rules for martial arts in my games,im lost with that
problem since i started to play shadowrun...since 1992(i have all the
books traducted to spanish,and tons of supplements in english)...anybody
could help me??(assuming somebody understand my question:-) )
Message no. 2
From: Mark Steedman <M.J.Steedman@***.RGU.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 13:28:22 GMT
Fastjack ?? writes

> Sorry for my last post:"Hello,im new...",but in the last mailing
> discussion list i was(uh...i cant remember the name...:-) ) i have many
> problems with a failed mail,they fulled my mail with tons of "you are
> stupid"etc(well,you can imagine)...
Doesn't tend to be too bad round here, thankfully.

> But this is the question (is very hard to me write it in english,but ill
> try):
You seem to be managing ok, there are enough problems between those
of us in Britain, The Americans and the various folks from the rest
of Europe than write very good English, between folks using phrases
you don't learn speaking English as a foriegn lanuage, and the
differences in the American version.

> I have the second edition of shadowrun (the first publicated in
> spanish),and of course the "old rules"as dodge dissapears.But after look
> many web pages,i found tons of rules about martial arts,and i dont know
> what is a counterattack,dodge...I find that rules useless,because the
> best action is always an opposed roll to attack (why i need to avoid an
> attack when i can avoid it and hit my opponent?).
> Anybody understand my question??*SMILES*
I think i can guess the problem. But i'm not sure.

You seem to be wondering why someone would not counter attack in
Melee in SR.

Well they sould always roll their skill or default attribute to do so.
Allocation of combat pool however is more complex.
If defending (hand to hand, or armed)
you may
spend combat pool on the melee skill OR on full dodge (or body soak
if you fail to dodge)
Therefore it is sometimes better to roll minimal dice in
parry/counter attack if you are not very good at it and save your
combat pool to dodge (i.e. parry with an armoured part of your body,
so although you 'get hit' you don't get hurt) and hope the target
number on the dice 'power level - armour' is lower than your melee
roll target number.

As to the initative 26 and 12 guys, yes the one going in 26 gets two
attacks first, the poor guy going in 13 can defend both times (yes
thats two free defense actions) but has to split his combat pool
between these two attacks while the guy acting in 26 will have his
pool refreshed in 16 ready for his second attack.

This is less than perfect, but after a long discussion around 2
months (i think) ago no one really has an easy and good solution that
everyone likes.

Message no. 3
From: The Digital Mage <mn3rge@****.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 14:42:23 +0100
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, Fastjack wrote:

> I have the second edition of shadowrun (the first publicated in
> spanish),and of course the "old rules"as dodge dissapears.But after look
> many web pages,i found tons of rules about martial arts,and i dont know
> what is a counterattack,dodge...I find that rules useless,because the
> best action is always an opposed roll to attack (why i need to avoid an
> attack when i can avoid it and hit my opponent?).
Well seeing as how it may be my Martial Arts rules which are giving you
problems I'd best tell you that my house rule for dodging melee attacks is
to roll Combat Pool with NO limit at TN 4 versus the attack roll. If you
win the test you totally dodged. This option is useful for those
characters who have low or non-existent Melee skills:

e.g. Gregor has Unarmed Combat of 2 and a Combat Pool of 6, he can
Counterattack with 4 dice (Unarmed 2 plus 2 Combat Pool) or
Dodge with 6 dice (all Combat Pool).

> Also according to the rules,in an unarmed combat you only have one
> action,and this is wrong!
I'm not sure as to what you mean by this, perhaps you could explain.
The main advantage of having extra actions is that you get to refresh your
combat pool more often, and as combat pool can be used to augment attack
tests this is a serious advantage.

The Digital Mage : mn3rge@****
"Life is a choice, obligation."-Me
Shadowrun WWW site at
Message no. 4
From: Chris Miska <cmiska@********.ISD2135.K12.MN.US>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 10:57:30 -0500
Are you just a user or are you one of the designers of this mail list?
What is your real name and email address? You seem to have a lot of
knowledge about the subjects you talk about. How many years experience
do you have with RPG or AD&D in specific?
Message no. 5
From: A Halliwell <u5a77@**.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 17:44:05 +0100
|Are you just a user or are you one of the designers of this mail list?
|What is your real name and email address? You seem to have a lot of
|knowledge about the subjects you talk about. How many years experience
|do you have with RPG or AD&D in specific?

What's that got to do with shadowrun experience????
|u5a77@** | |
|Andrew Halliwell | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" |
|Principal subjects in:-| "THAT WOULD BE AN ECCLESIASTICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!!|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ |
|X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! >*SULK*<|
Message no. 6
From: Tim Kerby <tkerby@***.NET>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 23:41:54 EDT
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996 17:44:05 +0100 A. Halliwell wrote:

>What's that got to do with shadowrun experience????

That's easy, Andrew. It allows you to appreciate a real RPG when you
play one, and to spot a munchkin from a mile away.

tkerby@***.net | Never relax. Your run may be over, but someone, somewhere,
drekhead@***.com | is just starting his and the target could be you.
drekhead@*******.com |\drekhead\home.html---
Version: 3.1
GB d-(+) s: a C++(+++)>++++$ U--- P L+ E? W++>$ N o? K-? w+()>--- O++>$ M--
V? PS+ PE++ Y PGP- t++>$ 5 X+ R+ tv+ b++ DI++(+) D++ G e>++ h--- r+++ y+++
Message no. 7
From: "Robert Pendergrast (Tom)" <3011_3@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 00:00:07 -0700
> >ADnD???
> >What's that got to do with shadowrun experience????
> That's easy, Andrew. It allows you to appreciate a real RPG when you
> play one, and to spot a munchkin from a mile away.

If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.

If not, my apologies.

Message no. 8
From: Fastjack <uc298@*****.UNICAN.ES>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 11:21:02 +0100
On Wed, 23 Oct 1996, A Halliwell wrote:

> |
> |Fastjack,
> |Are you just a user or are you one of the designers of this mail list?
> |What is your real name and email address? You seem to have a lot of
> |knowledge about the subjects you talk about. How many years experience
> |do you have with RPG or AD&D in specific?
> Well *SMILES* im only an user as you,but Shadowrun is my favourite
RPG.Was edited in Spain in 1993(no 1991 as i said before),and i was
phoning and mailing about 1 and half year to Diseños Orbitales,the
editorial who traducted it asking about the game.I have tons of books
about Shadowrun(in Spanish only traducted Screen,DNA-DOA,street samurai
atalog,Shadowtech,Paranormal animals of europe,DMZ(agg!) and few more
:-(.But no problem with the english!:-)
But since i started to play Shadowrun (only 3 years ago)i had the unarmed=

combat problem.
And im a (i think) veteran Roleplayer,about 8-9 years playing.
My name *GRINS* Fastjack,and my e-mail uc298@*****

> _________________________________________________________________________=
> |u5a77@** | =
> |Andrew Halliwell | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" =
> |Principal subjects in:-| "THAT WOULD BE AN ECCLESIASTICAL MATTER!...FECK=
> |Comp Sci & Electronics | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
> |GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ =
5++ |
> |X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! >*SU=
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------=
Message no. 9
From: A Halliwell <u5a77@**.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 13:01:49 +0100
|If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.
|If not, my apologies.

Before you start attacking peoples characters, it might be an idea for you
to get to know people first!

The people on this list do understand what the terms Irony and Sarcasm mean.
If you don't, I suggest you look them up!
|u5a77@** | |
|Andrew Halliwell | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" |
|Principal subjects in:-| "THAT WOULD BE AN ECCLESIASTICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!!|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ |
|X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! >*SULK*<|
Message no. 10
From: "Robert Pendergrast (Tom)" <3011_3@***.EDU>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 11:02:50 -0700
> |If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.
> |
> |If not, my apologies.

> Before you start attacking peoples characters, it might be an idea for you
> to get to know people first!
> The people on this list do understand what the terms Irony and Sarcasm mean.
> If you don't, I suggest you look them up!

See above.

Message no. 11
From: A Halliwell <u5a77@**.KEELE.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 19:09:00 +0100
|> |If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.
|> |
|> |If not, my apologies.
| *********************
|> Before you start attacking peoples characters, it might be an idea for you
|> to get to know people first!
|> The people on this list do understand what the terms Irony and Sarcasm mean.
|> If you don't, I suggest you look them up!
|See above.

Oh, why should that make any difference?
You didn't put that in the second one, did you?
And a lot of people do feel thst way with good reason....

End this.
|u5a77@** | |
|Andrew Halliwell | "ARSE! GERLS!! DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!!!" |
|Principal subjects in:-| "THAT WOULD BE AN ECCLESIASTICAL MATTER!...FECK!!!!|
|Comp Sci & Electronics | - Father Jack in "Father Ted"
|GCv3.1 GCS/EL>$ d---(dpu) s+/- a- C++ U N++ K- w-- M+/++ PS+++ PE- Y t+ 5++ |
|X+/++ R+ tv+ b+ D G e>PhD h/h+ !r! !y-|I can't say F**K either now! >*SULK*<|
Message no. 12
From: Faux Pas <fauxpas@******.NET>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 15:15:36 -0500
At 11:02 AM 10/24/96 -0700, you wrote:
>> |If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.
>> |
>> |If not, my apologies.
> *********************
>> Before you start attacking peoples characters, it might be an idea for you
>> to get to know people first!
>See above.

Which still doesn't change the fact that you called Tim ignorant and stupid
because he dislikes MS and TSR. That - not the conditional you're
emphasizing - is what we're calling you on.

Think before you type. Failure to do so will paint you as ignorant
regarding this mailing list's decorum, causing some people to think that you
are stupid.

-Thomas Deeny
the Cartoonist at large is on the web at

"They'll hunt you down like, well, a dog."
-Wallace to Gromit, _Wallace & Gromit: A Close Shave_
Message no. 13
From: olafur gunnarsson <olafurg@******.IS>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 20:37:35 GMT
>At 11:02 AM 10/24/96 -0700, you wrote:
>>> |If that is truly how you feel, you are ignorant and stupid.
>>> |
>>> |If not, my apologies.
>> *********************
>>> Before you start attacking peoples characters, it might be an idea for you
>>> to get to know people first!
>>See above.
>Which still doesn't change the fact that you called Tim ignorant and stupid
>because he dislikes MS and TSR. That - not the conditional you're
>emphasizing - is what we're calling you on.
>Think before you type. Failure to do so will paint you as ignorant
>regarding this mailing list's decorum, causing some people to think that you
>are stupid.

Ill join In the Ignorant and Stupid club
-Olafur G
Message no. 14
From: John Pederson <Canthros@***.COM>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 21:51:38 -0400
In a message dated 96-10-23 06:44:02 EDT, you write:

> Sorry for my last post:"Hello,im new...",but in the last mailing
>discussion list i was(uh...i cant remember the name...:-) ) i have many
>problems with a failed mail,they fulled my mail with tons of "you are
>stupid"etc(well,you can imagine)...
>But this is the question (is very hard to me write it in english,but ill
> I have the second edition of shadowrun (the first publicated in
>spanish),and of course the "old rules"as dodge dissapears.But after look
>many web pages,i found tons of rules about martial arts,and i dont know
>what is a counterattack,dodge...I find that rules useless,because the
>best action is always an opposed roll to attack (why i need to avoid an
>attack when i can avoid it and hit my opponent?).
> Also according to the rules,in an unarmed combat you only have one
>action,and this is wrong!.because so a pedestrian can defeat a
>mega-ultra-samurai with lot of cyber.So in my games we do this:
> Smurai 1:initiative 26
> Samurai 2:initiative:13
>Well,the first samurai has 3 actions,and the second has 2 actions.The 2
>actions are resolved as an opposed test(because i dont want to dodge,i
>want to dodge and hit).And the first samurai has another action,so he can
>attack,and the second samurai only can resist with the CONP+any combat
>pool he has yet.
> Anybody understand my question??*SMILES*
Sí :)
>I cant fit all the rules for martial arts in my games,im lost with that
>problem since i started to play shadowrun...since 1992(i have all the
>books traducted to spanish,and tons of supplements in english)...anybody
>could help me??(assuming somebody understand my question:-) )
You might try letting the first samurai have his first action run with the
second samurai unable to resist except with Body and Combat pool, while later
actions are run as normal...unless that's what you're already doing, in which
case I apologize for repeating what you already knew.

John Pederson
Message no. 15
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: unarmed combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 22:11:47 -0700
>> I have the second edition of shadowrun (the first publicated in
>>spanish),and of course the "old rules"as dodge dissapears.But after look
>>many web pages,i found tons of rules about martial arts,and i dont know
>>what is a counterattack,dodge...I find that rules useless,because the
>>best action is always an opposed roll to attack (why i need to avoid an
>>attack when i can avoid it and hit my opponent?).

Ignore the net stuff for now. Work with the basics. The defender will always
try to parry ie he rolls more successes than the attacker. If he fails he
has the absorb the damage. Usually the best description of the reducing
phase is the defender is trying to roll with the attack and take less
damage. IE staging down from a moderate to a light. The defense and dodge
pools were merged into a more manageable combat pool. Or try this its a
house rule. Only the attacker can damage his opponet in the round the
defender is only trying not to get hit. In the event of a tie the defender
wins. Simple and easy. This isn't a shot at your intelligence just a helpful
suggestion. So don't take this the wrong way. ;-)

Nightlife Inc.

If you have to ask then it's probably classified.
Which means that I have to follow protocol.
But if you ask nicely I might forget that you asked.
Then again maybe not.

Document Classified
Message no. 16
From: Tomasz Kubacki <josefs@****.POLBOX.PL>
Subject: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 19:49:16 PDT

Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)


Message no. 17
From: Ray & Tamara <macey@*******.COM.AU>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 15:48:21 +1000
> Hi
> Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)

Fro where are you? You missed a plug opportunity.

You could have a look at The Shadowrun Supplemental. No 2 I think, has
some different combat rules. I don't know the URL, but I'm sure some one
will fill it in for you.


| The universe is a big place, and whatever happens,|
| You will not be missed |

EMAIL: macey@*******
Message no. 18
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 02:05:19 -0500
You wrote:
> Hi

> Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
This place has the best set of rules for Martial Arts I have ever seen. They
aren't too complicated but are still pretty in depth. Enjoy.

-The Immortal Mental
Message no. 19
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 01:34:14 -0400
At 07:49 PM 4/21/97 PDT, you wrote:
>Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)

Check out Linda Naughtons home page at
there's a really good set of martial arts rules here. A couple of the list
guys tried a revision but her's is still the best.

Nightlife Inc.

Ah at last! The TRANSFORMATION is complete!
For YEARS they mocked me! They took the name EMMANUEL LEWIS in vain!
But tonight RETRIBUTION will be mine!
For I am REBORN as --WEBSTER--, The adorable scamp of DOOM!
Ma'am's and Georges beware Webster walks the earth and he's got a

Man did I nail this mad doctor routine or WHAT?
"Deadpool #4"

Document Classified
Message no. 20
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 23:12:36 -0700
---Tomasz Kubacki wrote:
> Hi
> Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
> Tomasz=Tomek=J23TOM

My group and I have the optional rules we've come up with posted on my
page. They're in the Shadowrun section under Supplements. The URL is
in my sig.

I've found the changes add alot more flavor and flexibility to the
existing system.

Look it over and tell me what you think.

@>--,--'--- Loki

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
- A. C. Clarke

Poisoned Elves:

Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 21
From: Loki <daddyjim@**********.COM>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 1997 23:45:29 -0700
---Loki wrote:
> ---Tomasz Kubacki wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> >
> > Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
> >
> > Tomasz=Tomek=J23TOM
> My group and I have the optional rules we've come up with posted on
> page. They're in the Shadowrun section under Supplements. The URL is
> in my sig.
> I've found the changes add alot more flavor and flexibility to the
> existing system.
> Look it over and tell me what you think.

I should probably point out that the system my group and I use is some
editting and changes to an earlier version of the system Linda
Naughton and company devised. At the time it was handed to me, I
didn't have the names of the original designers and 'til now hadn't
been able to give credit where credit is do. That shall be rectified.
:o) Good job guys!

I also wasn't aware that a version 2.0 of the rules were out. I really
like the ideas for guns in melee! Now to somehow blend the revisions,
and the optional techniques and arts in our group...

@>--,--'--- Loki

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from
- A. C. Clarke

Poisoned Elves:
Sent by RocketMail. Get your free e-mail at
Message no. 22
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 02:59:56 -0400
>I also wasn't aware that a version 2.0 of the rules were out. I really
>like the ideas for guns in melee! Now to somehow blend the revisions,
>and the optional techniques and arts in our group...

I already did that. it's version 2.2 The kill maneuver is way out of balance

Nightlife Inc.

Ah at last! The TRANSFORMATION is complete!
For YEARS they mocked me! They took the name EMMANUEL LEWIS in vain!
But tonight RETRIBUTION will be mine!
For I am REBORN as --WEBSTER--, The adorable scamp of DOOM!
Ma'am's and Georges beware Webster walks the earth and he's got a

Man did I nail this mad doctor routine or WHAT?
"Deadpool #4"

Document Classified
Message no. 23
From: Gurth <gurth@******.NL>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 12:31:13 +0100
Ray & Tamara said on 15:48/22 Apr 97...

> > Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
> Fro where are you? You missed a plug opportunity.
> You could have a look at The Shadowrun Supplemental. No 2 I think, has
> some different combat rules. I don't know the URL, but I'm sure some one
> will fill it in for you.

It's not a set of combat rules, it's a set of rules to make combat rules
game-balanced by modifying how much Karma they cost to improve.

Gurth@******.nl -
I hate playing Solitaire by myself.
-> NERPS Project Leader & Unofficial Shadowrun Guru <-
-> The Plastic Warriors Page: <-

Version 3.1:
GAT/! d-(dpu) s:- !a>? C+(++)@ U P L E? W(++) N o? K- w+ O V? PS+ PE
Y PGP- t(+) 5++ X++ R+++>$ tv+(++) b++@ DI? D+ G(++) e h! !r(---) y?
Message no. 24
From: The Digital Mage <mn3rge@****.AC.UK>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 12:57:05 +0100
On Mon, 21 Apr 1997, Tomasz Kubacki wrote:

> Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
As well as Linda Naughton's rules you may wish to check out my Martial
Arts rules at the Digital Mage archive:

The Digital Mage aka Grant Erswell - mn3rge@****
"Sadder still to watch it die, than never to have known it"
-Rush, Losing It
Message no. 25
From: Adam J <fro@***.AB.CA>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 1997 12:47:38 -0600
At 12:31 4/22/97 +0100, you wrote:
>> > Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
>> Fro where are you? You missed a plug opportunity.

Can't a guy get some sleep without missing a plug? :)

>> You could have a look at The Shadowrun Supplemental. No 2 I think, has
>It's not a set of combat rules, it's a set of rules to make combat rules
>game-balanced by modifying how much Karma they cost to improve.

In a sense, expanding the entire unarmed combat system. Balances the game
for the phsyad who always attacks with his 'spinning flying kickflip' and
the troll sammy who 'punches da fragger in da face' Basically it lets you
build a combat style suited to your character, with a karma cost suited to
the style. Check it out, I think its pretty good (And I'm not just sayign
this because I published the mag it was in:)

Http:// <-- Plug! Plug! Plug! :)


-- -- Fro@***
"Do you know how many times I have said something that ends up in
someone's .sig?" -Dvixen, way too late at night, way too expensive a call.
"Entity responsible for bringing The Church of the Sqooshy Ball to the
Message no. 26
From: Ray & Tamara <macey@*******.COM.AU>
Subject: Re: Unarmed Combat rules
Date: Wed, 23 Apr 1997 13:51:51 +1000
> >> > Where can i get better U.combat rules ? (www)
> >>
> >> Fro where are you? You missed a plug opportunity.
> Can't a guy get some sleep without missing a plug? :)

Sleep is only for those that play at Real Life.


| The universe is a big place, and whatever happens,|
| You will not be missed |

EMAIL: macey@*******

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about unarmed combat rules, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.