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Message no. 1
From: "Steven A. Tinner" <bluewizard@*****.COM>
Subject: Vampiric Conspiracy (Was - Re: [OT] Noise)
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 23:48:09 -0500
> A human who contracts the HMVV becomes a Vampire, an Troll become a
> Dzoo-Noo-Qua (sp?), an orc becomes a Wendigo,but what does an elf or a
> dwarf become if infected?

Elf = Banshee
Dwarf = Goblin

BUT - If you have the Threats book things can get a little funky here.
According to the great SR Vampire Hunter Martin Devries (? I think that's
it) there is a conspiracy among the vamps to breed more varieties of

This really opens up the opportunity for the GM to be creative!

I HATE the goblin - I just think it's stupid, so I came up with the

Basically it's a dwarf that loses all body hair, skin color, and begins to
crave essence/blood/flesh.
I also gave them an acute Psychological Allergy to Open Spaces
(Agoraphobia) which explains the preferences for living under beds, and in
empty refridgerators! :-)

I've got the stats here somewhere. If anyone is interested I could post

I only ever use the critter once with a single group of PC's.

The scenario runs like this.
The team is hired to extract the daughter of a prominent mafia Don.
She is pregnant, and under house arrest by her father, who is pissed
because the father of the baby is the son of a prominent Yakuza Oyabun
(read Shakespeare, you'll recognize some of this stuff there :-))

Anywho, the father of the child hires the team to rescue his beloved so
they can flee the country and live HEA (happily ever after).
Since she's rather fragile, and far along in the pregnancy, the yak kid
sends along a Dwarf medic to help the team move his pregnant girlfriend.

The dwarf is a Bogeyman (usually named Bodybag :-))
He works the ambulance detail on the night shift, since he has plenty of
opportunity to devour the "DOA's", and even make a few DOA's of his own.

Once the dwarf encounters the pregnant woman, his hunger becomes too great,
and he attacks the team during the middle of the extraction. (Wether he
kills the girl or not is up to your own sick minds)

My reasoning for the attack is that a pregnant woman can potentially
contain 12 points of easily drained essence - 6 for mommy and 6 for baby!

It's a real simple adventure that can really frag up a team in lots of fun
ways, esp. if the girl gets killed and one of the grandfathers find out.
Sure they don't want the kids together, but nobody kills their grandchild
without permission!

Hope this is useful, and I also hope it increases the signal to noise
ratio! :-)

Steven A. Tinner
"Not even God takes this long to get back."
Message no. 2
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Vampiric Conspiracy (Was - Re: [OT] Noise)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 00:06:51 -0500
>This really opens up the opportunity for the GM to be creative!
>I HATE the goblin - I just think it's stupid, so I came up with the
>Basically it's a dwarf that loses all body hair, skin color, and begins to
>crave essence/blood/flesh.
>I also gave them an acute Psychological Allergy to Open Spaces
>(Agoraphobia) which explains the preferences for living under beds, and in
>empty refridgerators! :-)
>I've got the stats here somewhere. If anyone is interested I could post

Yes please do. I'd like to see them if no one else does. So send via private
e-mail. Would you? ;-)

Nightlife Inc.

If you have to ask then it's probably classified.
Which means that I have to follow protocol.
But if you ask nicely I might forget that you asked.
Then again maybe not.

Document Classified
Message no. 3
From: NightLife <habenir@******.SAN.UC.EDU>
Subject: Re: Vampiric Conspiracy (Was - Re: [OT] Noise)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 00:11:19 -0500
Sick little idea. I love it! Wish I'd thought of the bodybag concept before.
I just had one player wake up in one with no memory. Well actually it was a
garbage bag dumped off the back off a truck but who's counting. But if
nothing else I'd really like to see bodybag's stats. So if you would send
them my way via private e-mail. I don't need anyone spazing on my behalf.

Nightlife Inc.

If you have to ask then it's probably classified.
Which means that I have to follow protocol.
But if you ask nicely I might forget that you asked.
Then again maybe not.

Document Classified
Message no. 4
From: David Buehrer <dbuehrer@****.ORG>
Subject: Re: Vampiric Conspiracy (Was - Re: [OT] Noise)
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 1997 08:21:43 -0700
Steven A. Tinner wrote:
| My reasoning for the attack is that a pregnant woman can potentially
| contain 12 points of easily drained essence - 6 for mommy and 6 for baby!

You are evil! :)

| Hope this is useful, and I also hope it increases the signal to noise
| ratio! :-)

When my players start hunting down a vampire that's feeding
off of pregnant women, and they start to turn green at the
gills, I'll be sure to give them your email address :)

/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\ dbuehrer@****.org /^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\/^\
"His thoughts tumbled in his head, making and breaking
alliances like underpants in a dryer without Cling Free."

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Vampiric Conspiracy (Was - Re: [OT] Noise), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.