From: | shadowrn@*********.com (Max Noel) |
Subject: | Vehicles, drones and the law |
Date: | Fri Aug 2 08:20:00 2002 |
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Hello again, folks...
I just realized that Rigger 3 doesn't have any legality codes
anywhere, aside from the weapons (which we already knew were illegal).
There's absolutely nothing in the vehicle design/customization chapters. Is
there an official list somewhere?
I mean, I know the cops probably aren't gonna like my Lone Star
Strato-9 drone and its MMG, or the micro-turrets on all my vehicles. But is
vehicular armor legal? I assume it is because the BMW Blitzen and some
others have some, but is it regular or concealed armor? In other words, is
my GMC Bulldog Security w/ concealed armor more legal than my Hughes
Stallion that's covered with big metal plates? What about Drive-by-Wire
systems? Do I even have the right to own a vehicle with a RBB inside? What
kind of licenses do I need to have all this stuff?
Thanks in advance,
-- Wild_Cat
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