From: | David Buehrer <dbuehrer@******.CARL.ORG> |
Subject: | Vehicle Subsystem Damage Rules |
Date: | Sat, 1 Nov 1997 21:15:27 -0700 |
damage rules from R2 into a full-blown replacement for the vehicle damage
track. Comments, suggestions, criticisms, etc. are welcome. Enjoy.
Vehicle Damage Determination Rules for Shadowrun
Instead of using a single damage track to determine damage to a
vehicle, this system applies damage to the vehicle's subsystems (tables
and rules liberated and modified from FASA's Rigger 2 by Jonathan
Roll to hit and resist damage as per the rules with one exception:
Vehicles *do not* reduce the damage level of weapons attacks by one
The outcome of the attack determines how many subsystems have been
hit. If the vehicle suffers Light damage 1 subsystem is hit, Moderate
damage 2 subsystems, Serious damage 3 subsystems, Deadly damage 4
For each subsystem hit roll on the following table. If the roll
results in a subsystem which is not present roll again. If the roll
results in a subsystem which is already destroyed then that hit has no
Result Category Corresponding Table
2 Accessories Table 7
3 Weapon Systems Table 6
4 Vehicle Electronics Table 5
5 Vehicle Controls Table 4
6 Chassis Table 3
7 Engine Table 2
8 Chassis Table 3
9 Vehicle Controls Table 4
10 Vehicle Electronics Table 5
11 Weapon Systems Table 6
12 Accessories Table 7
1 Gridlink
2 Turbocharger/Superconductive Drive
3 Engine Hit
4 Engine Customization
5 Nitrous Injector
6 SunCell
1 Fuel System
2 Passenger Compartment
3 Aggravated Body Damage (Anti-Vehicle and Explosive Weapons Only)
4 Armor Defeating Hit (Anti-Vehicle and Explosive Weapons Only)
5 Roll on Table 2: Engine
6 Roll on Table 4: Vehicle Controls
1 Rigger Control Box
2 Autonav
3-4 Handling
5 Remote Control Linkup
6 Drive-by-Wire System
3-4 Sensor Systems
5 ED
1-2 Turret
3-4 Vehicle Weapon
5-6 Target Acquisition System
2 Roll on Table 2: Engine
3 APPS System
4 Amphibious System
5 Anti-Theft System
6 Communications Gear
7 Drone Rack
8 EnviroSeal
9 External Cargo Mount
10 Life Support
11 Spotlight
12 Roll on Table 4: Vehicle Controls
Light Damage: The subsystem operates at reduced efficiency. Reduce by
1 any bonuses or extra dice provided by modifications or accessories.
(If the subsystem has no such bonuses or extra dice, apply a +1 target
modifier to Success Tests made with the damaged device/system.)
Moderate Damage: The subsystem is suffering a serious malfunction.
Reduce by half the original value of any bonuses or extra dice provided
by modifications or accessories. (If the subsystem has no such bonuses
or extra dice, apply a +3 target modifier to Success Tests made withthe
damaged device/system.)
Serious Damage: The subsystem is inoperative but repairable.
Deadly Damage: The subsystem is destroyed beyond repair, and must be
replaced completely.
If a previously damaged subsystem is hit again the new damage is added
to the previous damage: Light increases the damage by 1 level,
Moderate by 2 levels, and Serious by 3 levels. A Deadly hit results in
Deadly damage to a subsystem.
Rigger Control Box: The attack distrupts the rigger control hardware
installed in the vehicel and triggers and ASIST backlash. The rigger
must make a Damage Resistance Test against physical damage. The damage
Power Level is equal to the Power of the vehicle's attack (after Armor
reductions), and the Damage Level is equal to the Damage Level of the
Handling: The attack damages the primary vehicle control mechanisms.
Increase the Handling of the vehicle by 1 for a Light hit, 2 for a
Moderate hit and 3 for a Serious hit. If the Handling sustains Deadly
damage, the vehicle automatically crashes.
Turret: The attack damages the servo-mechanism controlling the vehicle
turret (if the vehicle has more than one turret, the GM may determine
which one is damaged). Weapons fired from that turret suffer a Damage
Modifier based on the damage of the Hit (see Table 8: Damage
Severity). If the turret suffers a Deadly hit, it is rendered
inoperative and frozen in place (the direction it is pointing is
determined by the GM).
Target Acquisition System: The attack damages key sensor or electronic
components relating to target-acquisition functions. Missiles,
sensor-enhanced weapons and other smart weapons suffer a Damage
Modifier (see Table 8: Damage Severity). If the target-acquisition
system suffers a Deadly hit, the vehicle cannot lock onto a target and
is unable to fire smart weapons. "Dumb" weapons, such as rockets,
cannons and firearms, are not affected.
Engine Hit: The attack damages the engine, which in turn reduces the
vehicle's Acceleration, Speed and Load Ratings. For Light damage,
multiply all Ratings by .9, rounding down. For Moderate damage,
multiply all Ratings by .7, rounding down. For Serious damage multiply
all Ratings by .4, rounding down. If the engine suffers Deadly damage,
the vehicle loses power and decelerates at a rate equal to twice the
Acceleration, and the driver must make a Crash Test.
Fuel System: The attack causes a leak in the vehicle's fuel system.
For light damage, calculate the loss rate by multiplying the fuel
remaining by .01. The result is the amount of fuel that leaks each
turn. For Moderate damage, multiply the remaining fuel by .05. For
Serious damage, multiply the remaining fuel by .1. If the fuel system
sustains Deadly damage, it ruptures and the driver must make a Crash
Test. (Pyromaniac GMs may also check to see if the destruction of the
fuel system results in an electrical fire or fuel explosion).
Passenger Compartment: The hit generates shrapnel in the passenger
compartment. Passengers must make a Damage Resistance Test against
physical damage. The damage Power is equal to half the Power of the
attack against the vehicle (after armor reductions), and the Damage
Code is equal to the Damage Code of the hit.
Aggravated Body Damage (if the attack is not from an anti-vehicle
weapon or explosive device ignore this result and roll again): If the
vehicle has a Body of 1 or less, it and all of it's subsystems are
destroyed and it automatically crashes.
If the vehicle has a Body of 2 or more the attack seriously weakens the
infrastructure of the vehicle. For a Light damage, reduce the
vehicle's Body by 1. For Moderate damage, reduce the vehicle's Body to
one-half its value, rounded up. For Serious damage, reduce the
vehicle's Body to one-third of it's original value, rounded up. Deadly
damage to the vehicle's Body destroys the vehicle and all of it's
subsystems, and it automatically crashes.
Armor-Defeating Hit (if the attack is not from an anti-vehicle weapon
or explosive device ignore this result and roll again): The attack
reduces the effectiveness of the vehicle's armor. Light damage reduces
the Armor Rating by 1, Moderate damage reduces the Armor by 3, Serious
damage reduces the Armor by 6, and Deadly damager reducesthe Armor
Rating by 10. Armor points lost in this manner are gone for good and
can only be recovered by replacing the armor.
Note that this rule is separate from the Armor Degradation rules (p.
75, Fields of Fire).
"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing
which ones to keep."