From: | Brian Angliss <angliss@******.PSU.EDU> |
Subject: | Voodoo Conversion From Chill, with added extras. |
Date: | Fri, 2 Apr 93 15:54:12 -0500 |
This is my Voodoo conversion from Chill into ShadowRun. It now also contains
+ some of the ideas from the Voodoo system published in White Wolf magazine,
+ like the loa. Enjoy.
Voodoo as a Magic System
Voodoo is a magical type that is both more powerful than Shamanic/
+ Hemetic magic and more powerful than both. Voodoo practitioners are either
+ Houngans/Mambos or Bokor. A houngan is a voodoo priest, generally using
+ thier powers for good(a mambo is a femal houngan). Bokor are more dark and
+ evil than their counterparts. The worst of the bokor are the veau bokor, the
+ leaders of the black sects devoted to the spread of evil. Opposing them are
+ the nou houngans/mambos of the red sects. I will refer to the practicioners
+ as houngans from now on.
Houngans are capable of using all spells, but are very limited in
+ respect to conjuring. The only spirits that the houngan can summon are Loa
+ and zombies. They are still capable of banishing elementals and spirits.
+ The houngan can also summon up several Paranormal Animals. While these
+ creatures must come to the houngan's call, they have the option to turn down
+ the houngan's orders and return to wherever they came from. Voodoo also has
+ several specialized foci that are unusable by any other magical type and it
+ has several powerful abilities.
There is no such thing as a Voodoo Adept. You're either fully a
+ houngan or fully mundane(for voodoo). There is no in-between.
Voodoo ablilities are based off a special skill called Voodoo. They
+ are granted one at a time each time the houngan spends the karma. But just
+ like a spell, they must be taught by another houngan willing to do so. They
+ can be learned in any order the player wishes. But all of these special
+ abilities require the use of Loa, or the specialized spirits that only a
+ houngan can summon. Each ability requires the sacrafice of at least 2 Loa at
+ a minimum force of 1 each. But there is an advantage of using higher force
+ Loa: average the forces of the Loa, round down, and subtract 1. This number
+ is the additional number of dice that the houngan adds to his/her Voodoo
+ skill to perform the desire ability.
Communication Abilities:
Summon Snakes: this ability calls all natural(including paranormal)
+ snakes in a Magic Ratingx100m area. Once they get to the area immediately
+ around the houngan, they revert back to their natural behavior, possibly
+ attacking the houngan. This must be maintained and requires Loa of Damballah
+ and Ezili.
Drain: 6M stun
Command Snakes: this one allows the houngan to command natural snakes
+ to do his bidding. Range is Magic Ratingx10m. The snakes will not do
+ something that they know will cause their death and will avoid flame. This
+ one must be maintained and the snakes can be given one order every 3 seconds.
+ It requires Loa of Damballah and Legba.
Drain: 6M stun
Distortive Abilities:
Coup N'ame: this ability causes a wasting sickness to afflict the
+ target. The target must be in Line of Sight to begin this ability but, once
+ it is started, it continues until the target either dies, gets the ability
+ stopped by another houngan, or it lasts the full 8 days. The effective
+ wounds per day are as below and are cumulative. Magic cannot stop the
+ cumulative progression of wounds. After the eight days, the body drops will
+ return to normal over three weeks. The damage per day is:
Day 1: 6M Day 5: 12S, -1 body
Day 2: 10M, -1 body Day 6: 5D
Day 3: 4S Day 7: 8D
Day 4: 9S Day 8: 11D, -1 body
The drain is resisted when the ability is initiated and it need Loa of Samedi,
+ Agwe, and Ogu.
Drain: (Target's Body)D stun
Sympathetic Magic: this abilitiy is a really nasty one that allows the
+ houngan to attack the target from any distance doing massive damage. It
+ requires a material link of some kind for no extra target numbers. If the
+ houngan uses a symbolic link, the target numbers are at +4. This ability
+ requires a symbolic voodoo doll that may look like the target(-2 TN) or not.
+ The houngan must perform a ritual(sacrafice a chicken/goat, etc.) to bond the
+ doll to the target. The doll must have the material link inside it or it
+ will not function properly. Once the ritual has begun, the bond is
+ unaffected by distanc. Also, once the bond has been created, only a reverse
+ ritual, destruction of the doll, or the houngan's forgetting to attack the
+ target every day will break the bond. Yes, this means that the houngan must
+ attack the target every day. Damage is as below:
Days: Damage:
1-3 (Magic Rating)M stun
4-6 (Magic Rating)S stun
7-9 (Magic Rating)D stun,
(Magic rating)M wound
10-12 (Magic Rating)S wound
13-15 (Magic Rating)D wound
16+ (Magic Ratingx1.5)D wound
This ability requires Loa of Samedi, Agwe, and Aqua. The drain for the
+ originap ritural is 10D stun and every day of attack is 8L physical.
Wanga: this ability causes bad luck. It is resisted by willpower.
+ Every success the houngan gets increases the target's TNs by one for ALL
+ tests and every success makes this operate for 1 week. It will operate
+ independently of the houngan, but the houngan must see the target to initiate
+ the ability. It needs Loa of Agwe and Maitre Carrefour.
Drain: (Target's Willpower+1/2 Intelligence)S stun
Mental Abilites:
Spirit Capture: this one also operates independently of the houngan
+ once it is begun. What this ability does is strip the target of all
+ Willpower, giving them a Willpower rating of 1. It requires a Canari jug(see
+ below) and operates until the target or the houngan dies, or until the Canari
+ is destroyed. It requires a Loa of Maitre Carrefour and Agwe.
Drain: (Target's Willpower+1)S stun
Sensory Abilities:
Prise du Mort: this lets the houngan extract information from a
+ recently dead corpse, so long as it still has its head attached and is in
+ good shaope. Also, no more than 12 hours can have passed between death and
+ the use of this ability. Range is 5m and each success gets higher quality
+ information from the corpse. It needs Loa of Maitre Carrefour and Samedi.
Drain: 10M stun
Protective Abilities:
Gad: this ability raises the luck of the target for a certain amount
+ of time. The houngan draws veves on his skin or the skin of another person
+ with a flour water mixture(for another person) or rooster blood(him/herself).
+ Only one person at a time can be protected in this manner and if an
+ unexpired Gad remains on the target, both Gads fail and the target is at +2
+ TN to all tests for 1d6 days. The Gad adds 1 die on ALL tests for every two
+ successes and operates for 1 day per success. It needs Loa of Legba and
+ Maitre Carrefour
Drain: 4S stun
Spirit Protection: this ability does two things for the target. When
+ actively used, it breaks a Coup N'ame or a Wanga. It also provides a number
+ of dice equal to successes to help resist or break any spirit Possession or
+ form of mind or body control. If used on the houngan, this also grants an
+ additional number of dice equal to its successes to help attack and defend
+ against spirits and elementals. Its protection effects last for 6 hours per
+ success and its active effects act when the ability is used. It requires a
+ Canari jug and Loa of Ogu and Legba to work properly.
Drain: 6S stun
Restorative Abilities:
Exorcism: this ability literally kicks out a Possessing or Controlling
+ being(spirit, elemental, Loa, or Magician of any kind). The target number is
+ the Essence of the controller. The possessor gets a resistance test at +2 TN.
+ A single success is all that is needed, but the ability must be maintained
+ over 20 turns to work properly. If it is cut off, Drain is resisted normally,
+ the Loa are used up, and the possessor retains control. It needs Loa of Ogu,
+ Legba, and Ezili.
Drain: (Essence of Creature)S
Incorporeal Abilities:
Coup Poudre: this ability allows the houngan to tailor any of the
+ voodoo potions(at the end) to attack only a specific person, having no effect
+ on any other. However, the houngan must know the true name, not a street
+ name, of the target and the houngan must create the voodoo potion him/herself.
+ There is no drain, but this requires a small, mild ritual. It also needs
+ the full use of four Loa to properly tailor the potion to the target: Loa of
+ Maitre Carrefour, Legba, Samedi, and Ogu.
Coup l'Aire: this ability fills the target area with thick smoke,
+ causing a +4 TN to all visibility(including thermo, low light, and ultrasound)
+ . The cloud fills an area of Voodoo Skillx10m and it stays, unaffected by
+ any but gale force winds. The cloud must be maintained and is poisonous as a
+ 6D inhaled and instantaneous poison. This needs the Loa of Damballah and
+ Agua.
Drain: 6S
Houngans are only capable of summoning Loa and Zombies, but are capable
+ of banishing any spirit. The Maximum number of Zombies and Loa that can be
+ controlled and maintained by any houngan is equal to his/her charisma. But
+ up to 4 extra Loa can be maintained for a day if the intention of the houngan
+ is to use them in either a Zombie summoning or a Voodoo Ability.
There are three types of zombies. The Cadavre Zombie is your run-of-
+ the -mill reanimated corpse. An Astral Zombie is a spirit zombie, and a
+ Greater Zombie is a powerful combination of both that only an Initiate can
+ summon. To create a Zombie, the houngan needs an intact, freshly dead corpse
+ and a night to summon it. Freshly Dead means within the houngan's Conjuring
+ skill in days. He/she also needs Loa of Samedi and Maitre Carrefour of equal
+ force to the zombie being summoned. Just as with the Abilities, these Loa
+ are gone after the zombie is successfully summoned. After performing the
+ appropriate ritual, the houngan touches the grave and a zombie appears.
+ Astral zombies appear immediately, cadavre zombies dig their way out within
+ 3d6 minutes, and Greater zombies appear within 1d6 minutes. If the houngan
+ that created the zombie dies or takes a Deadly wound, the zombies will go
+ free much like an Ally. If it does go free, then it will remain in the world
+ to wreak havok and evil upon it. The only
Loa are special spirits that are not either elemental or spirit, but
+ have some characteristics of both. They require a certain amount of
+ materials much like elementals(500xForce of Loa) and the summoning takes(
+ Forcex10 min.) to complete. Each success counts as a service. But the Loa
+ don't remain until the houngan uses all their services. Every 24 hours after
+ summoning counts as a service, after which the Loa returns to wherever it
+ came from. Loa have much stronger personalities than spirits and elmentals
+ which are largely determined by the personalities of the gods the Loa were
+ originally thought to be. Even two Loa of the same type can be different,
+ depending on who summond them and for what purpose they were summoned.
In addition to the powers of the Loa listed below, they have the
+ ability to possess the houngan who summoned them, upon his/her request. The
+ houngan attempts a Conjuring(Loa's Force) test. A single success is all that
+ is necessary. While possessed, the houngan is aware of what is going on, but
+ is unable to do anything without going through the Loa to do it. The
+ possession goes on for a maximum of 24 hours, or until the houngan commands
+ the Loa to leave his body. While possessed, the Loa has access to all of the
+ houngan's knowledge and skills, and the houngan's physical attributes are
+ increased by the Loa's Force, and the Loa also has access to all its powers.
+ It may be banished from the body, and if it's host is knocked unconscious or
+ killed, the Loa must make a Force(10-Force) test to resist disruption. When/
+ if the Loa leaves the houngan's body, the houngan must resist a a (Force)D
+ drain.
But the Loa can refuse to vacate the body after commanded to do so. If
+ this occurs, the Loa must make a Force(Houngan's Conjuring Skill) test
+ against the houngan's Conjuring(Loa's Force) test. Ties are re-rolled and
+ the winner retains control of the body. If the houngan fails, he/she may try
+ once every 24 hours to regain control. If, after a number of days equal to
+ the houngan's Magic Rating, the houngan still hasn't regained control, the
+ houngan's spirit dies and the Loa retains permanent control of the body,
+ becoming a Free Spirit.
Loa and Zombie list:
Loa of Agua: this Loa is volence incarnate. It is
+ unpredictable and rarely adheres to a single course of action. When acting,
+ it is quick and relentless. It manifests as a muscular black man wearing
+ loose white clothing with lightning in his blue eyes.
B: F+1 Q: F+2(x4) S: F+1
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+2
Powers: Confusion, Electrical Projection, Fear, Movement, Search, Storm
Loa of Agwe: this Loa is strong and fluid as the ocean and all
+ that lives in and on it. It can wear down obsticles through slow and stead
+ force or quick, crashing force and it is rarely turned from its destination.
+ It manifests as a large black man clothed only in the seeweed that wraps
+ around his body, and he smells of salt and the ocean.
B: F+2 Q: F(x2) S: F
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+1
Powers: Accident, Alienation, Concealment, Confusion, Engulf, Fear,
+ Guard, Movement, Search, Storm
Loa of Damballah: This Loa represents the cobra, master of
+ Heaven's waters as well as all the springs, rivers, and lakes that those
+ waters are supposed to feed. It is also known for being swift, steady, and
+ almost impossible to turn from its course. It always manifests as a giant
+ King Cobra.
B: F+1 Q: F+4(x2) S: F-1
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+4
Powers: Concealment, Engulf, Fear, Guard, Movement, Search, Storm
Loa of Ezili: this Loa represents both Love AND Lust,
+ personifying gentle affection, devotion, and friendship as well as mindless
+ desire, raw sensuality, and an insatiable sexual appetite. It always
+ manifests as a beautiful black woman, a dream lover to all who see her.
B: F-2 Q: F(x2) S: F-2
C: F+4 I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F-1
Powers: Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Guard, Search
Loa of Legba: this Loa is the only Loa that seems to feel any
+ kinship with humans and metahumans. It is the most trusted of the Loa and is
+ very "mature." It always manifests as and old, bent, and withered black man.
B: F+2 Q: F+1(x2) S: F+1
C: F+1 I: F+1 W: F+1
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+1
Powers: Accident, Alienation, Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Guard,
+ Search
Loa of Maitre Carrefour: this Loa personifies the power of
+ magic. It can be very helpful, but is also egotistical, sarcastic, and
+ sinister. It manifests as a thin, arrogant black man in robes of
+ scintillating colors.
B: F-1 Q: F(x2) S: F-1
C: F I: F+2 W: F+2
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F
Powers: Accident, Alienation, Concealment, Confusison, Fear, Guard,
+ Search
Loa of Ogu: this Loa has two very distinct natures, one of the
+ warror spirit of fire, power, and wisdom, and the other of healing and
+ compassion. It manifests as an African Warrior, complete with spear and
+ shield.
B: F+4 Q: F+2(x2) S: F+4
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+2
Powers: Alienation, Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Flame projection,
+ Guard, Search
Loa of Samedi: this Loa is also dual natured, representing
+ both the cold hand of death and rabid eroticism. It is also a joker with a
+ macabre sense of humor. It always manifests as a laughing black man wearing
+ a top hat and long coat and carrying a cane.
B: F+1 Q: F(x2) S: F
C: F+4 I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F+1
Powers: Accident, Alienation, Concealment, Confusion, Fear, Guard,
+ Search
Zombie Cadavre: this is your run of the mill material zombie
+ that can destroyed rather easily. A means the original Attributes of the
+ dead person being used for the zombie.
B: A+F Q: A(x3) S: A+1/2 F
C: 1 I: F W: F
Ess: F Reaction: F+1, 2d init. Attacks: (Str)S phys.
Powers: Cold Aura, Fear, Noxious Breath, Sonic Projection
Weaknesses: Vulnerability(Fire)
Astral Zombie: there are only two ways to fully kill this type
+ of zombie. You can kill it in astral combat or banish it, or you can treat
+ the corpse it came from in the following way. Dig up its coffin, shave the
+ corpse totally, and trim its nails. Then re-bury the body in a new coffin
+ with its hair, clippings, a comb, a handkerchief, a rosary, and 6 pins or
+ needles. When the grave is finally closed, the Astral Zombie dies and is
+ unraisable ever more. However, the zombie and its summoner know immediatly
+ if the grave is disturbed and they often try to defend the body.
B: F Q: F(x6) S: F
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(A) Reaction: F(+10/20 astral) Attacks: (F)M phys.
Powers: Cold Aura, Fear, Immunity to Normal Weapons, Manifest
Greater Zombie: this is a very powerful spirit that looks like
+ a zombie cadavre until your attacks begin to bounce off it. The only way to
+ kill it is to incapacitate it with blows and such, dress it in a black suit
+ of which the pockets have been turned inside-out and slashed, bury it in a
+ coffin with 24 seeds. When the lid is closed, the zombie crumbles to dust.
+ This type
of zombie is only available to Voodoo Initiates and is always physical, but
+ with a dual nature. If "killed," it remains incapicated for 24 hours after
+ which it regains consciousness with no wounds whatsoever.
B: F+A+4 Q: F+A+3(x3) S: Fx2
C: F I: F W: F
Ess: F(dual) Reaction: F+10, 2d init. Attacks: (Str)M phys.
Powers: Immunity to Normal Weapons, Noxious Breath, Animal Control (
+ flys/worms), Wanga(voodoo), Coup N'ame(voodoo), Enhanced Strength(2x per day)
Special Creatures summonable by Houngans:
Houngans are capable of summoning to themselves several powerful
+ paranormal creatures/animals. But these creatures are free willed beings.
+ They must come when the Houngan calls, but they have the option of turning
+ down the job that the houngan has for them. The houngan uses his/her
+ Conjuring skill to summon them, and then they must convince them to do his/
+ her bidding through rollplaying. Once the creature has agreed to perform the
+ houngan's task, they must complete it or die trying. The reason for this is
+ that summoning these paranormals requires powerful Loa of Legba and Agua.
+ These Loa kill the creature if it attempts to break the agreement with the
+ houngan. For this reason, the minimum Force of the Loa of Legba is the
+ creature's Intelligence and the minimum Force for the Loa of Agua is the
+ creature's Body. These Loa can only be used this once, as this qualifies as "
+ elemental remote service." Once the agreed upon deed is complete, the
+ creature is free to do whatever it wishes and the Loa that
Baka: this creature is, in its natural form, a small black
+ panther. However, it is dual natured and very dangerous, but relatively easy
+ to control.
B: 5* Q: 6*(x4) S: 4*
C: 3 I: 4 W: 5
Ess: 6 Reaction: 7*, 2d* init. Attacks: 5M*
(*): this is the natural form of the Baka, but if encountered in a different
+ form, use its ratings for these attributes.
Powers: Darkness, Silence, Adaptive Coloration, Noxious Breath,
+ Shapechange(any other 4 legged animal)
Borreau: this is an astral creature that manifests on the
+ physical plane as an 8 meter long serpent with faintly glowing red eyes. Its
+ reduced regeneration means that, unless it fails the regeneration test, it
+ goes astral when "killed" or knocked unconscious, and then resumes its hunt/
+ attack after 8 hours, fully healed.
B: 8 Q: 6(x3) S: 8
C: 4 I: 6 W: 7
Ess: 8 Reaction: 7(+10/20 astral), 2d init.
Attacks: 8M bite + venom, 10S constriction
Powers: Manifest, Venom, Influence(sleep), Darkness, Silence, Enhanced
+ Senses(smell), Reduced Regeneration(8hours/see above), Immunity to Normal
+ Weapons
Chasseur: this is a very large bat(3 meter wingspan) that has
+ no hair and often has sores and boils all over its skin.
B: 4 Q: 7(x5) S: 4
C: 3 I: 3/5 W: 3
Ess: 5 Reaction: 7, 2d init. Attacks: 4M
Powers: Animal Control(bats), Electrical Projection, Weather Control,
+ Influence(sleep), Darkness, Adaptive Coloration, Enhanced Senses(hearing/
+ sight), Sonic Projection, Infection
Weaknesses: Allergy(sunlight;severe)
Corpselight, Ghoul, Nomad, and Gedhi fly are four creatures
+ that I will not write down all the stats for. The first three are in
+ Paranormals of North America and the last is in Paranormals of Europe.
Djab: this being is another primarily astral being, but it's
+ manifest form is very unappealing. It manifests as a 1m tall, bloated toad
+ with fangs, bulging whit eyes, and a tri-forked tongue. It can move much
+ faster than it looks like it should. It usually assumes an innocuous form
+ common to the area. These are very hard for the houngan to control and are
+ at +2 TN for all attempts.
B: 6 Q: 6(x3) S: 7
C: 4 I: 7 W: 7
Ess: 8 Reaction: 7(+10/20), 2d init Attacks: 7S
Powers: Animal Control(centipedes/Corpselights), Manifest, Summon
+ Snakes(voodoo), Command Snakes(voodoo), 3-D Movement, Phychoinesis, Darkness,
+ Enhanced Senses(sight/smell), Shapechange
Weaknesses: Reduced Senses(hearing)
Voodoo Power Items: these items are powerful items and foci that only
+ houngans can properly use. They are still usable as ritual links, and
+ another houngan could potentially use one as a link for Symbolic Magic.
Canari: this is a small clay jug in which veves ahve been inscribed.
+ It is required for several Abilities. However, it can spontaneously Spirit
+ Capture any person handling it, including the houngan. The toucher must
+ resist a 6M stun wound to no damage, or get 4 successes, or have his/her
+ willpower stripped until the Canari is destroyed.
Karma bond Cost: 1
Price: 50000
Fwet Kesh: this is a special, short whip that can disrupt and stop any
+ sustained Ability. Silence keeps this from working, and the sustainer of the
+ Ability must be within hearing range. If used as a weapon, it does (Strx2)L
+ and has a +1 reach.
Karma Cost: 1
Price: 15000
Joukoujou: this is a 1 meter long wooden staff that's been painted 1/2
+ black and 1/2 white. It also has regular notches along its length. This is
+ essentially a powerfocus for use only on Voodoo Abilities. It only helps
+ with using the abilities, nothing else. Unfortunately, this focus can
+ inadvertantly summon a voodoo creature(not Loa) every time its used, and that
+ creature will attack the user automatically.
Karma Cost: 3x Rating
Price: 60000x Rating
Ku-Bha-Sah: this is a machete sized sword and a voodoo weapon focus.
+ In the hands of a houngan, it does (Str+4)S damage and grants its owner/user
+ an additional +Rating in Impact armor and +1/2Rating in Ballistic Armor. A
+ regular mage or shaman can use this focus, but he/she only gets the (Str+2)M
+ wound and none of the Armor. This armor only works when the houngan is
+ actively holding or touching the Ku-Bha-Sah and is not granted in Astral
+ Space.
Karma Cost: 4x Rating
Price: 100000x Rating
Mait' Asson: this is a calabash rattle that helps the houngan perform
+ Voodoo Abilities. However, this only operates while it is being actively
+ held, and the dice it provides only refresh every day, not every action like
+ normal.
Karma Cost: Rating
Price: 50000x Rating
Mait' Clochette: this is an iron bell that grants 1/2 its Rating in
+ Body dice while actively held(improving Body like an Improve Body spell).
+ Also, when rung, it forces all shapeshifters within hearing range to change
+ form and it breaks all sustained shapechange/animal form spells. Treat this
+ as a resisted test between the rating of the bell and the force/essence of
+ the shapeshifter/spell.
Karma Cost: Rating
Price: 25000x Rating
Ouanga: these are amulets/talismans made from the bones of a ritually
+ sacrificed chicken. They are worn around the neck on a silk cord. There are
+ three types of Ouanga, but all three mus follow the same rules. Only one can
+ be worn at a time, and if any two of the same kind are worn, both go inert
+ permanently. These all leave a mark on the aura while worn that makes the
+ wearer look like he/she is being possessed.
Ouanga Ti Bon Ange: gives the wearer its rating in extra dice to
+ resist Spirit Capture while worn.
Karma Cost: Rating
Price: 10000x Rating
Ouanga N'ame: gives the wearer its rating in dice to resist Coup N'ame
while worn.
Karma Cost: Rating
Price: 10000x Rating
Ouanga Cadavre: gives the wearer its rating in extra dice to resist
+ toxins and pathogens while worn.
Karma Cost: Rating
Price: 15000x Rating
Paquet Congo: This is a small felt bag containing herbs, leaves,
+ flowers, etc. It must be kept in skin contact, but grants its rating in dice
+ vs. toxins as well as 1/3 Rating in extra Combat Pool dice. If you wear it
+ with a Ouanga Cadavre, both become inert, and wearing it with any other
+ Ouanga causes both to stop working until one of them is removed.
Karma Cost: 1.5x Rating(round up)
Price: 30000x Rating
Pierrre Tonnerre: this is really a catalyst foci, reducing the Karma
+ needed to Initiate the houngan by .5(the multiplier). It only works in
+ voodoo rituals. If it is ground up and put in a voodoo potion, it increases
+ its effectiveness by 1.5x Power, +1 Damage code. Finally, it can serve as a
+ knife/axe weapon focus doing (Str)L for the knife and (Str)S for the axe. To
+ be used as a weapon focus or in reducing Karma for Initiation, it must be
+ bonded, but otherwise bonding is not necessary. It looks like a chunk of
+ rocky meteorite, generally.
Karma Cost: 5x Rating
Price: 75000x Rating
Sekey Madoule: this is a small, ornate, black wooden coffin. In a 30
+ minute ritual, the houngan can, if he remains conscious after a 10D drain,
+ get up to 2d6 extra dice for 1d6 days for use with Voodoo Abilities. Also,
+ roll 1d6 and add this to the houngan's "natural" charisma for 1d6 days. This
+ charisma modification allows the houngan to summon more Loa or Zombies.
+ These rituals may accidently summon a really annoyed Voodoo Creature, like
+ the joukoujou.
Karma Cost: none
Price: 150000 base(what the market will bear)
Voodoo Potions: these are liquids, powders, and compounds that a
+ houngan can formulate from his/her extensive chemical knowledge. Roll the
+ houngan's Voodoo skill to properly make the potion. If the potion is a
+ poison, a failure could mean the houngan's premature death.
Poisons: the strength of these poisons range from a mild 4L with no
+ additional side effects to a full 14D with psychotropic hallucinations and a
+ PCP addiction even if the target survives. They take 1 hour per power level
+ times 1 for a L wound, 2 for a M wound, etc. base time.
Zombie Powder: this powder is a mixture of zombie cucumber, seatoad
+ secretions, powdered human bone, and many other goodies. What it does if
+ unresisted is induce a deathlike coma in the afflicted person along with
+ massive mental trauma, effectively reducing the person to a Willpower and
+ Intelligence of 1. This is permanent and the character is lost to the game.
+ There are 4 types of powder and ways of getting it. There are supposedly
+ antidotes, but they must be tailored to the type of powder and must be used
+ immediately after contact with the powder. However, they take much more time
+ to create and only the really powerful houngans know the secrets.
Base Level of attack:
Contact: 12M
Ingested: 8S
Inhaled: 12S
Injected: 12D
Levels of damage:
A: 1d6 minutes till coma and presumed death. Person becomes a
+ physical zombie. Bye.
B: Coma in 2d6 minutes, will zombify in 2d6 days unless
+ antidoted. Even if the person survives, they will be less mentally stable.
C: Passes out for 1d6 days, less stable.
D: 12D stun wound, less stable
E: 12S stun wound
Method of contracting: Successes: Damage Level:
Contact: 0 A
1 B
2 C
3 D
4+ E
Ingested: 0-2 A
3 B
4 C
5 D
6 E
Inhaled: 0-3 A
4-5 B
6+ C
Injected 0-3 A
4-5 B
6-7 C
8+ D
This powder takes a base 2 days for contact version, 3 days for
+ ingested version, 5 days for inhaled version, and 5 days for injected version.
+ If the houngan doesn't have an antidote on hand, he/she may accidently
+ zombify themselves. Oops.
Voodoo Lamps: these are just potions that require that they be burned.
Disaster Lamp: this potion costs around 20000 for one 30 minute burn.
+ Its smoke affects vision as normal and it fills a 25m radius area. Its
+ effects are that it is always rolls 12 dice against whoever inhales its fumes.
+ It is resisted by willpower. Every 2 unresisted successes adds +2 to ALL
+ target numbers for a base 4d6 hours.
Black Lamp: this lamp burns for 15 minutes, covering 20m radius area.
+ Every two successes vs a target number of 8(willpower) reduces the effect by -
+ 1 TN, +1 willpower. Its main effect is that it increases all willpower
+ target numbers by a base +4 and reduces the inhaler's willpower attribute by -
+ 4 for a base 3d6 hours.
Charm Lamp: this lamp burns for 25 minutes and covers a 25m radius
+ area. Its effects are +4 TN for willpower/intelligenct rolls and -4 Charisma
+ for a base 4d6 hours. Every two successes the inhaler gets vs. a target
+ number of 10 reduces the effect by 1/1.
Well, that's about it. Have fun. I expect a massive response, flame and
+ otherwise, from this post. Don't disappoint me please.