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Message no. 1
From: Xyron-II <markus.meisen@****.UNI-MUENCHEN.DE>
Subject: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 12:17:14 +0100
David Hinkley wrote:
> 3.) Reliablity ratings for weapons (as opitional rule)
> In RL there are good weapons and there are junk. A "less then
> reliable" weapon can make for an interesting game. Especially if the
> current market is flooded with them.

I think Bull posted something about a "Wild Die" Concept som time ago to
the list (I think it was from Star Wars RPG, oroginally, IIRC). We (my
group and I) modified this a bit and came up with this:

On every Skill Roll, roll an additional die (most suitably an oddly
colored one). on a result of 1 or 6, roll again.

Examples for Firearms tests:

1, then 3 (or lower): Weapon jams on full auto
1, then 2 (or lower): Weapon jams on burst-fire
1, then 1: Weapon jams on semi-auto
6, then 6: automatic success, regardless of TN#

this makes up for a lot of fun in any firefight...

BTW, this can also be used in melee, driving, magic,...

OK that's it for now, see ya,
Message no. 2
From: Justin Pinnow <vanyel@*******.NET>
Subject: Re: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 07:27:56 -0500
> From: Xyron-II <markus.meisen@****.UNI-MUENCHEN.DE>
> Date: Monday, November 10, 1997 6:17 AM

> David Hinkley wrote:
> > 3.) Reliablity ratings for weapons (as opitional rule)

> > In RL there are good weapons and there are junk. A "less then
> > reliable" weapon can make for an interesting game. Especially if the
> > current market is flooded with them.

> I think Bull posted something about a "Wild Die" Concept som time ago to
> the list (I think it was from Star Wars RPG, oroginally, IIRC). We (my
> group and I) modified this a bit and came up with this:

> On every Skill Roll, roll an additional die (most suitably an oddly
> colored one). on a result of 1 or 6, roll again.

> Examples for Firearms tests:

> 1, then 3 (or lower): Weapon jams on full auto
> 1, then 2 (or lower): Weapon jams on burst-fire
> 1, then 1: Weapon jams on semi-auto
> 6, then 6: automatic success, regardless of TN#

> this makes up for a lot of fun in any firefight...

I like some of this. :) How long does it take to clear a jam?

> BTW, this can also be used in melee, driving, magic,...

How about melee weapons? I would make dikoted weapons pretty much
unbreakable (as well as monofilament whips, etc.), but what about your
everyday edged weapon? How often do they break? How would you determine
(realistically) how durable they are?

> OK that's it for now, see ya,
> Xyron-II

Justin :)
Message no. 3
From: "Logan Graves <Fenris>" <logan1@*****.INTERCOM.NET>
Subject: Re: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Mon, 10 Nov 1997 19:23:13 -0500
In our last episode, Justin Pinnow wrote:
> > On every Skill Roll, roll an additional die (most suitably an oddly
> > colored one). on a result of 1 or 6, roll again.
> > Examples for Firearms tests (courtesy of Bull):
> > 1, then 3 (or lower): Weapon jams on full auto
> > 1, then 2 (or lower): Weapon jams on burst-fire
> > 1, then 1: Weapon jams on semi-auto
> > 6, then 6: automatic success, regardless of TN#
> > this makes up for a lot of fun in any firefight...
> I like some of this. :) How long does it take to clear a jam?

Well, it takes one complex action to reload a non-clip'd weapon, so I'd
say: *at least* that long. Normally, I'd make 'em roll at the beginning
of each action to see if they'd cleared it -- with the number of
successes dictating how much, if any, of that phase was left over.

> > BTW, this can also be used in melee, driving, magic,...
> How about melee weapons? I would make dikoted weapons pretty much
> unbreakable (as well as monofilament whips, etc.), but what about your
> everyday edged weapon? How often do they break? How would you
> determine (realistically) how durable they are?

Just use Bull's chart again or a modified (more-friendly) version, there
of. (Actually, I see no reason why Dikoted melee weapons would be more
resistant against breakage, they're just sharper. It could be aruged
that the Dikoting process actually weakens the base material. That's
why you can't Dikote just *anything.* Plus, the stuff eventually wears
off & must be re-baked, which costs more ¥ & weakens the object, again.)

Just my .02¥, again,
(>) "It's true that I don't like you. But being
ordered to kill you is just a happy coincidence."
(>) --Sgt. Servo
Message no. 4
From: "Ojaste,James [NCR]" <James.Ojaste@**.GC.CA>
Subject: Re: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 08:55:24 -0500
Logan Graves <Fenris>[SMTP:logan1@*****.INTERCOM.NET] wrote:
> > How about melee weapons? I would make dikoted weapons pretty much
> > unbreakable (as well as monofilament whips, etc.), but what about =
> > everyday edged weapon? How often do they break? How would you
> > determine (realistically) how durable they are?
> Just use Bull's chart again or a modified (more-friendly) version, =
> of. (Actually, I see no reason why Dikoted melee weapons would be =
> resistant against breakage, they're just sharper. It could be aruged

Yeah, diamonds are *tough*, but they'll shatter pretty easily.

> that the Dikoting process actually weakens the base material. That's

This I can't agree with - currently to diamond-coat something
just means subjecting it to a relatively high heat. It would
be more likely to toughen the base metal (at the expense of
hardness, pointless since it's dikoted).

> why you can't Dikote just *anything.* Plus, the stuff eventually =

Well, you can't Dikote just anything because dikoting takes
place at high temperatures at which cloth just goes FWOOMP!

> off & must be re-baked, which costs more ¥ & weakens the object, =

You're going to wear away *diamond*? The hardest substance
known to man? With what? What are you cutting? Certainly
not limbs like everybody else...

James Ojaste
Message no. 5
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowrn@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 20:24:20 +0000
In article <cÊ%a=GOVMT.CANADA%p=GC+EC%lìNCR_EXCH2-971112135524Z-
2784@*****_exch1.SID.NCR.DOE.CA>, "Ojaste,James [NCR]"
>You're going to wear away *diamond*? The hardest substance
>known to man? With what? What are you cutting? Certainly
>not limbs like everybody else...

Armour. If your target has armour with, say, ceramic inserts, you'll
shatter areas of your DiKote in the impact. Diamond-tipped machine tools
need to be treated with care, because while diamond is very hard it's
very brittle and can't cope with interrupted cuts or high feeds.

So, yeah, after a while you'll find you need to reglaze the blade.

There are four kinds of homicide: felonious, excusable, justifiable and

Paul J. Adam paul@********
Message no. 6
From: "Logan Graves <Fenris>" <logan1@*****.INTERCOM.NET>
Subject: Re: Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist)
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 1997 19:58:12 -0500
In our last episode, Paul J. Adam wrote:
> >In response to "Ojaste,James' post:
> >You're going to wear away *diamond*? The hardest substance
> >known to man? With what? What are you cutting? Certainly
> >not limbs like everybody else...
> Armour. If your target has armour with, say, ceramic inserts, you'll
> shatter areas of your DiKote in the impact. Diamond-tipped machine
> tools need to be treated with care, because while diamond is very
> hard it's very brittle and can't cope with interrupted cuts or high
> feeds.
> So, yeah, after a while you'll find you need to reglaze the blade.

Armor...vehicles, doors, rifles, cyberarms, windshields, skulls...
[Thanks, Paul! You beat me to that answer.] ;-)

I'll add to it that Hatchetman says in Shadowbeat that Dikoted weapons
need to be retreated periodically, too.

I read where they're going to take the bells out of the Leaning Tower of
Pisa and replace them with a clock.
It's no use having the inclination if you haven't got the time!

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Weapon Reliability (was: SR3 Wishlist), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.