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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Jon Stone <jonstone@*****.NET>
Subject: Weres
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 08:44:53 -0500
Okay, as far as SR3 is concerned... I don't believe Weres exist. There
was NO critter listing as in SR2. Granted it DID say to use the other
books with the new edition. Okay, with this in mind there STILL isn't
any development on Weres. Why are the stats for the Weres in SR2
different from Weres in Companion? My Were C went up against a Were NPC
and I got my ass kicked because the NPC's stats were MUCH higher. If I
ran across that NPC now... that Were would be a WAS.

GM Jon Stone
Message no. 2
From: Nexx <nexx@********.NET>
Subject: Re: Weres
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 09:09:20 -0500
> From: Jon Stone <jonstone@*****.NET>

> Okay, as far as SR3 is concerned... I don't believe Weres exist. There
> was NO critter listing as in SR2. Granted it DID say to use the other
> books with the new edition. Okay, with this in mind there STILL isn't
> any development on Weres. Why are the stats for the Weres in SR2
> different from Weres in Companion? My Were C went up against a Were NPC
> and I got my ass kicked because the NPC's stats were MUCH higher. If I
> ran across that NPC now... that Were would be a WAS.

Technically, there are no "traditional" were's (humans that turn into
animals) in Shadowrun. What there are is Shapeshifters, who are animals
that can change their shape to look like humans (a big difference from
animals that turn into humans). I've put them down as similar to the
Asian Hengeyokai <sp>, because the animal-that-becomes-human is much more
common there than in the west. They do, however, have the Western
addition of Regeneration, so its you're call what they are.

Once I get my hands on the GM Screen for SR3, I'm going to work on my own
version of Were's, however.
Message no. 3
From: Paul Gettle <RunnerPaul@*****.COM>
Subject: Re: Weres
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 14:16:36 -0400

At 08:44 AM 8/28/98 -0500, you wrote:
>Okay, as far as SR3 is concerned... I don't believe Weres exist.
>was NO critter listing as in SR2.

If you look closely, there's no critter listing for any paranormals,
except for dragons. (That's why the chapter is called Dragons and
Spirits, and not Critters). There just wasn't space, and FASA wanted
to make sure that everything that ended up in the book was stuff that
would be used by the majority of the people who bought it. Critter
listings are much more useful for the GM than a player, which was one
of the reasons that they only put Spirits and Dragons in the corebook.
(Isn't there supposed to be a Critters pamphlet included in the SR3 GM

>Why are the stats for the Weres in SR2
>different from Weres in Companion?

Play balance, mostly. Shapeshifters, as put forth in the critters
chapter, are too powerful to make for fun gaming. That's why the PC
version had to be toned down.

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-- Paul Gettle, #970 of 1000 (RunnerPaul@*****.com)
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Message no. 4
From: Patrick Goodman <remo@***.NET>
Subject: Re: Weres
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 1998 13:23:40 -0500
>(Isn't there supposed to be a Critters pamphlet included in the SR3 GM

That's what I've read on their website.

(>) Texas 2-Step
El Paso: Never surrender. Never forget. Never forgive.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Weres, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.