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Message no. 1
From: Steve Collins <einan@*********.NET>
Subject: Witch wars was Re: My first magician
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 16:58:57 -0400
>On Mon, 24 Aug 1998, Steve Collins wrote:
>->Actually none of the magical archetypes are. Druids are all over the
>->place as well. I find it amusing that through a wierd series of events I
>->ended up on the board of directors as a founding member of a druidic
>->religous group founded in NH.
> I, for one, would love to hear this story. Perhaps it would make
>an interesting SR adventure interpreted correctly.

Ok here goes.

My wife has been a long time on and off again member of the ADF which is
a neo pagan religous group (oldest in North America IIRC). I won't try to
spell the gaelic but it translates roughly to "our own druidry", I
believe some people here are familiar with it or at least it's founder
Issac Bonewitz (strange guy I met him at my wedding). ADF originaly had a
vrery strict educational requirement for priesthood and initiation
(something not common in the neo pagan movement) So strict in fact that
even it's founder barely qualified as a priest and was only (I'm not sure
of the term here) a first circle initiate (there were only 2 3rd circle
people in the whole church). Well it seems that many in ADF decided the
wanted to be able to become priests and whatever without doing any work,
so they threw out the rules. The priestess of out local grove at the time
was a woman by the name of Domi O'Brian, she was also the Preceptor of
ADF and created/administered the educational plan. Well there were many
who considered this to be the central point of ADF who were angered by
it's trashing. This combined with the bungled handling of a child
molestation case against one of the leaders of the religion caused some
to leave ADF and start a new Church. This move was centered on our home
Grove. So they got together to start DANA (Druidic Association of North
America). They wanted an odd number on the papers of incorporation (for
obvious reasons) and since I was the 9th person at the foundational
meeting the begged me to sign on even though I have never believed in any
aspect of druidry (philosophicaly I like it but I'm too much a skeptic to
believe in spirits and magic), I just went to the rituals because my wife
dragged me and the food was real good at the after ritual feast. So I
guess this would ruin any chance I had of running for elected office (I
now live in the bible belt) ;).

How this could be turned into a Shadowrun. Well I suppose a religous
schism might not be as friendly thing as it was and could turn violent
with both factions hiring runners to bring down the other, but other than
that nothing much comes to mind.

Message no. 2
From: Adam Getchell <acgetchell@*******.EDU>
Subject: Re: Witch wars was Re: My first magician
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 1998 14:34:43 -0700
>How this could be turned into a Shadowrun. Well I suppose a religous
>schism might not be as friendly thing as it was and could turn violent
>with both factions hiring runners to bring down the other, but other than
>that nothing much comes to mind.

Oh, the Ritual Sorcery that would fly before, during, and after such a
split. What a great adventure idea!



"Invincibility is in oneself, vulnerability in the opponent." --Sun Tzu
Message no. 3
From: bryan.covington@****.COM
Subject: Re: Witch wars was Re: My first magician
Date: Tue, 25 Aug 1998 08:28:04 -0400
> Ok here goes.
<snip pagan schism story>

> How this could be turned into a Shadowrun. Well I suppose a religous
> schism might not be as friendly thing as it was and could turn violent
> with both factions hiring runners to bring down the other, but other
> than
> that nothing much comes to mind.
Wouldn't have to be violent. You don't have to kill the
other church. You mentioned a child molestation case, there could be a
run to gather info on the case that might not otherwise come to light.
There could be the obvious run to procure ritual magic samples (parts of
the altar(?), people's hair/skin/blood, etc). You could even pull a run
to get just general dirt on one group or the other, for release to the
media. Properly edited I'm sure it could look like a death cult or blood
magic or something. This would get the Star on their ass and even if
they weren't doing anything wrong the cops would have them under
surveillance for weeks.
This is all assuming that neither group is actually
doing anything nasty (like bugs or blood magic or vampires or wendigos

Very nice idea. Thanks for sharing.

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Witch wars was Re: My first magician, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.