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Message no. 1
From: Quicksilver <jhurley1@******.STEVENS-TECH.EDU>
Subject: World Population Figures (was Re: shadowrun ==> earthdawn)
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 09:19:23 -0400
On Sun, 8 Oct 1995, Robert Watkins wrote:
> S.F. Eley wrote:
> > Robert Watkins writes:
> > > > That, coupled with increased violence worldwide, may be enough to lead
to a
> > > > negative growth rate until things stabilize.
> > > VITAS... :)
> > No kidding. I know about VITAS. The question I was attempting to answer
> > was, what KEPT the world's population so low after the plagues, which
> > happened several decades ago and could otherwise have been compensated for?
> Nothing kept the world's population low. Roughly, we can double the world's
> population every 30 or so years. Given the unrest most of the world is in
> in SR (not to mention the state of the environment), that figure is
> probably too low.
> So, if VITAS happened around 40 years ago, and the world's population NOW
> is around 3 billion, all that you need to assume is that VITAS knocked the
> population down to around 1.5 billion. *shrug*
See _Tir Tairngire Sourcebook_ pp. 60-68 (Around there). In the comments
on agriculture, someone in the shadowcomment section flames about
so-called unnatural farming. At that point, one of the reccuring
shadownames (IIRC it to be Findler-man, but I could be wrong) points out
how stupid going back to the "natural" farming ways would be, given that
non-enhanced methods of farming would mean that less people can be
supported. He then goes on to comment that 3/5 of the population had be
killed off during the worldwide troubles, and that perhaps a billion or
so had been replaced, making the world pop 4(?) bill or so. See the
entry for the right numbers

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about World Population Figures (was Re: shadowrun ==> earthdawn), you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.