From: | "Chad S. Mawson" <csm2747@************.EDU> |
Subject: | ZINE |
Date: | Wed, 17 Nov 1993 00:55:15 CST |
kinda nice to be recognized as a "good" list.
Excerpted from ICS Electrozine. Issue 6, Frag. 2
In this issue I will be discussing the Shadowrun listserve.
The Shadowrun listserve is a discussion group on the fantasy role playing
game Shadowrun tm. On the basis of usability this group gets an A+.
This group is a great source for thoughtful discussion and debate of the
rules of the game. The members of the listserve are very knowledgable about
their subject and are generally helpful to anyone who asks for their
help. They also have very inventive minds and come up with some pretty
good ideas. On the basis of friendliness they also get a high score.
As mentioned earlier, they are always willing to help you think out an
idea no matter how ridiculous the idea may seem. If you are a shadowrunner
you will love the humor created by this group. In the seven weeks I
spent analyzing this group I laughed hard enough to knock me off my chair
a half a dozen times or more. Very prolific, they put out several yearly
reports and magazines reporting their inventions, ideas, and major
discussions. One of these is called NAGEE(Neo-Anarchists Guide to Everything
Else), it is approximately .16 megabytes long and is published in several text
formats. To pickup a copy go FTPing to and look under the
subdirectories Pub, Beelzebub, Role-Playing, Shadowrun, NAGEE.
{ What you need to know }
There are a couple of things you may want to know in order to
subscribe and enjoy this Listserve. The first is that they use a
plethora of abbreviations. If you ask, they will send you a complete
list of terms and what they mean. The THWAP is another thing you may
be curious about. A THWAP is the sound that a wet carp makes when it
hits bare skin. This is used when another member of the listserve gets
really goofy. You might want to ask for the complete history of the
THWAP. Just for fun. In all this is an extremely useful listserve
and if you are into Shadowrun I would suggest you join.
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