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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Paul J. Adam Shadowtk@********
Subject: A Death in the Family
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 23:54:14 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Lt N E Cole, IAD
>>>>>[Nicki, I just had a visitor. He may file a complaint, he may not, but
this is the meeting as it happened.

+++++begin video
Hart is studying a series of crime-scene reports, plotting them on a
streetmap of Tacoma. They sing a brutal, deadly song: over a period of
three weeks, two score of Malone "businesses" have been raided with
ruthlessly professional force.

The methods and weapons used vary. The targets are diverse. But, time
and again, Malone's mobsters have been overwhelmed by sudden, savage
violence, and there's no evidence that the attackers have taken a single
casualty -

A commotion outside her office door, and she has time to shut down the
holodisplay before it bursts open. A big, black-skinned Ork man stands
there, looking furious, a nervous administrator trying to restrain him.
"You! I want to talk to you!" the Ork bellows. He looks at her, and loses
his fury for a moment as he sees the ruined flesh of Hart's face.

"So talk." Hart sees several uniformed police gathering behind the man,
and under the desk she's drawn her Thunderbolt.

"What are you doing to find who killed my son?"

"I don't know. Who's your son? Is it one of my cases?"

The Ork's dark skin flushes with blood. "Dominic Pevesy. My son. You want
his SIN too?"

"No..." A quick tap of the screen, a rapid search. "I got it. I was working
on that case when you came in, he's one of about a hundred homicides."

"A hundred?" The Ork gapes.

"Yeah, a hundred and... twenty-six dead. Four hundred and sixty-nine
seriously injured. No telling how many more that weren't hurt enough to
go formal." Hart shrugs. "Someone declared war on a Mafia clan and
Dominic was caught in the crossfire."

"My son was a good boy!" the Ork roars.

"Your son was killed in a chip house." Hart replies coldly. "Fifteen years
old. He was found with an Indonesian copy of an Uzi submachinegun in his
hand. That weapon had been used in one rape-murder and two drive-by
shootings. _Don't_ talk, listen. He fired five rounds before or while being
killed, didn't hit anything except the wall: he was struck in the chest by
three 5.56mm armour-piercing rounds, which pretty much killed him
outright. His blood tested positive for triphenyl chloromardinal
oxysulphate, better known as 'crackle', a popular stimulant and exilherant.
He'd probably recently had sexual intercourse, with one of the prostitutes
working at the BTL house: he certainly had the early stages of gonhorrea.
Is this sinking in yet?" The twisted scar tissue down the side of her face
gives her a definite lisp, but not in a nice way.

"Are you investigating or not?" the man asks. His bluster's gone.

"Yeah, I'm investigating. What the hell were you doing letting Dominic play
games like this?"

"I... he wasn't playing. He said he'd got a job, a good job. He was bringing
home money. Since he got thrown out of school we'd argued." The Ork
shakes his head. "I told him, get a job or get out. He was... running with
the Mafia?"

"Yeah. He was guarding a chip house."

"But... rape? Murder? Not my Dominic. He wouldn't. He-"

"The rape and murder on the gun's three years old. Probably just a cheap
POS weapon that they gave the new guy. I don't think he had anything to
do with that." Hart throws the man a bone. "Was coming here your idea?"

"Yeah... pretty much."

"Pretty much? Did someone tell you who to talk to?"

"This guy I was talking to in a bar. Said you were on the case. He was..."
Pevesy looks blank. "Real ordinary-looking. Sort of... uh..."

"Skip it. You were upset at your son being killed and you were talking
about it. He said, Lieutenant Hart's meant to be investigating but isn't
doing jack. Or something like that?"

"Yeah. Something like. I thought Dominic'd just been killed and the cops
were ignoring it 'cause he's an Ork. You're not drekking me?"

"Why would I bother? You can take it to Internal Affairs if you don't believe
me." Hart shrugs.

"But... Dominic's dead."

"Dominic decided he wanted to protect a massively illegal operation.
Someone, I don't know who, came through the door and Dominic - half-
wasted on crackle - fired at them and got shot in return. That's pretty
much 'natural causes', Mr Pevesy."

"My son's still dead."

"Yeah? So's my husband." Hart snaps. "Only _he_ was murdered for helping
me and the FBI do our jobs. Who's looking out for _him_?"

"My son-"

"Was killed trying to protect a bunch of chip-pushing drug-dealing
whoremongers. You cared that much about him, you should have known
where the fuck he was, not let him run 'round the streets with an Uzi and
a gutful of drugs, catching the clap off underage whores."

"Don't you talk about my Dominic like that! Who the hell do you think you

"A sworn peace officer who's under oath to serve and protect." Hart
replies, ice dripping from her voice and her damaged-face sibilance much
more noticable: she rises from her chair and leans forward, and Pevesy
flinches back. "And if some psycho cybervigilante hadn't killed your son,
maybe Dominic would have shot it out with the cops and you'd be
explaining to an officer's orphaned children what a _good boy_ Dominic
really was and how he didn't actually want to hurt anyone with that Uzi."

"I don't-"

"No, you don't. Get out of my office before I arrest you as an accessory."
Hart collapses into her chair, as several uniforms wall Pevesy in and herd
him away. One of the uniforms closes her door.

Hart doesn't collapse into tears, or smash furniture, or indulge in any of
the usual actions of the emotionally disturbed. She starts the chronometer
on her watch running and rapidly, efficiently, breaks her Thunderbolt
down to its eight main assemblies: laying them out on her desk, ignoring
the slight smears of oil they're leaving on her paperwork.

"Nine point two. Adequate. Not good." she says, zeroing the chronometer.
Reassembly takes her thirteen point six seconds: that, she seems more
satisfied with. After that small exercise, her hands are steadier and her
breathing more regular.

Hart picks up the reassembled Ruger pistol, slots the magazine home,
chambers the first round. For nearly a minute, she sits and admires the
play of light and shadow across the Thunderbolt's sleekly lethal shape,
turning it to and fro, before whispering "Not today." and applying the
safety, then holstering the weapon.

Hart reaches for her desk 'phone, and hits the IAD speeddial-
+++++end video

I lost my temper. Pevesy may be genuine or he may be a plant, I don't
know, but I meant what I said: we're lucky it was some cybernonster
death squad that hit that place, not Lone Star. They were tooled up and
dug in and we'd have lost two or three officers real easy.]<<<<<
-- Lt Julianne Hart <23:46:43/01-24-61>
Homicide Division
Lone Star (Tacoma)

*****INTERNAL: Lt Julianne Hart, Homicide
>>>>>[Why were you so interested in your sidearm?

And what did you mean, 'not today'?

You okay?]<<<<<
-- Lt N E Cole <23:48:16/01-24-61>
Internal Affairs
Lone Star (Tacoma)

*****INTERNAL: Lt N E Cole, IAD
>>>>>[I was just thinking a few thoughts. Nothing special.

I'm fine. Don't worry, Nicki, I'm not skipping my psych evals. They say I'm
really bent out of shape about Andy being dead. Big surprise there.
They're doing what they can to help.

I look at my sidearm and I think how easy suicide would be. But there's too
much to do for me to actually put the gun in my mouth and pull the
trigger. Thinking about it, properly, in depth, helps me realise I don't
really want to do it. Not yet, anyway.

I'll be okay, Nicki.]<<<<<
-- Lt Julianne Hart <23:53:43/01-24-61>
Homicide Division
Lone Star (Tacoma)
Message no. 2
From: Paul J. Adam Shadowtk@********
Subject: A Death in the Family
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2000 23:54:14 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Lt N E Cole, IAD
>>>>>[Nicki, I just had a visitor. He may file a complaint, he may not, but
this is the meeting as it happened.

+++++begin video
Hart is studying a series of crime-scene reports, plotting them on a
streetmap of Tacoma. They sing a brutal, deadly song: over a period of
three weeks, two score of Malone "businesses" have been raided with
ruthlessly professional force.

The methods and weapons used vary. The targets are diverse. But, time
and again, Malone's mobsters have been overwhelmed by sudden, savage
violence, and there's no evidence that the attackers have taken a single
casualty -

A commotion outside her office door, and she has time to shut down the
holodisplay before it bursts open. A big, black-skinned Ork man stands
there, looking furious, a nervous administrator trying to restrain him.
"You! I want to talk to you!" the Ork bellows. He looks at her, and loses
his fury for a moment as he sees the ruined flesh of Hart's face.

"So talk." Hart sees several uniformed police gathering behind the man,
and under the desk she's drawn her Thunderbolt.

"What are you doing to find who killed my son?"

"I don't know. Who's your son? Is it one of my cases?"

The Ork's dark skin flushes with blood. "Dominic Pevesy. My son. You want
his SIN too?"

"No..." A quick tap of the screen, a rapid search. "I got it. I was working
on that case when you came in, he's one of about a hundred homicides."

"A hundred?" The Ork gapes.

"Yeah, a hundred and... twenty-six dead. Four hundred and sixty-nine
seriously injured. No telling how many more that weren't hurt enough to
go formal." Hart shrugs. "Someone declared war on a Mafia clan and
Dominic was caught in the crossfire."

"My son was a good boy!" the Ork roars.

"Your son was killed in a chip house." Hart replies coldly. "Fifteen years
old. He was found with an Indonesian copy of an Uzi submachinegun in his
hand. That weapon had been used in one rape-murder and two drive-by
shootings. _Don't_ talk, listen. He fired five rounds before or while being
killed, didn't hit anything except the wall: he was struck in the chest by
three 5.56mm armour-piercing rounds, which pretty much killed him
outright. His blood tested positive for triphenyl chloromardinal
oxysulphate, better known as 'crackle', a popular stimulant and exilherant.
He'd probably recently had sexual intercourse, with one of the prostitutes
working at the BTL house: he certainly had the early stages of gonhorrea.
Is this sinking in yet?" The twisted scar tissue down the side of her face
gives her a definite lisp, but not in a nice way.

"Are you investigating or not?" the man asks. His bluster's gone.

"Yeah, I'm investigating. What the hell were you doing letting Dominic play
games like this?"

"I... he wasn't playing. He said he'd got a job, a good job. He was bringing
home money. Since he got thrown out of school we'd argued." The Ork
shakes his head. "I told him, get a job or get out. He was... running with
the Mafia?"

"Yeah. He was guarding a chip house."

"But... rape? Murder? Not my Dominic. He wouldn't. He-"

"The rape and murder on the gun's three years old. Probably just a cheap
POS weapon that they gave the new guy. I don't think he had anything to
do with that." Hart throws the man a bone. "Was coming here your idea?"

"Yeah... pretty much."

"Pretty much? Did someone tell you who to talk to?"

"This guy I was talking to in a bar. Said you were on the case. He was..."
Pevesy looks blank. "Real ordinary-looking. Sort of... uh..."

"Skip it. You were upset at your son being killed and you were talking
about it. He said, Lieutenant Hart's meant to be investigating but isn't
doing jack. Or something like that?"

"Yeah. Something like. I thought Dominic'd just been killed and the cops
were ignoring it 'cause he's an Ork. You're not drekking me?"

"Why would I bother? You can take it to Internal Affairs if you don't believe
me." Hart shrugs.

"But... Dominic's dead."

"Dominic decided he wanted to protect a massively illegal operation.
Someone, I don't know who, came through the door and Dominic - half-
wasted on crackle - fired at them and got shot in return. That's pretty
much 'natural causes', Mr Pevesy."

"My son's still dead."

"Yeah? So's my husband." Hart snaps. "Only _he_ was murdered for helping
me and the FBI do our jobs. Who's looking out for _him_?"

"My son-"

"Was killed trying to protect a bunch of chip-pushing drug-dealing
whoremongers. You cared that much about him, you should have known
where the fuck he was, not let him run 'round the streets with an Uzi and
a gutful of drugs, catching the clap off underage whores."

"Don't you talk about my Dominic like that! Who the hell do you think you

"A sworn peace officer who's under oath to serve and protect." Hart
replies, ice dripping from her voice and her damaged-face sibilance much
more noticable: she rises from her chair and leans forward, and Pevesy
flinches back. "And if some psycho cybervigilante hadn't killed your son,
maybe Dominic would have shot it out with the cops and you'd be
explaining to an officer's orphaned children what a _good boy_ Dominic
really was and how he didn't actually want to hurt anyone with that Uzi."

"I don't-"

"No, you don't. Get out of my office before I arrest you as an accessory."
Hart collapses into her chair, as several uniforms wall Pevesy in and herd
him away. One of the uniforms closes her door.

Hart doesn't collapse into tears, or smash furniture, or indulge in any of
the usual actions of the emotionally disturbed. She starts the chronometer
on her watch running and rapidly, efficiently, breaks her Thunderbolt
down to its eight main assemblies: laying them out on her desk, ignoring
the slight smears of oil they're leaving on her paperwork.

"Nine point two. Adequate. Not good." she says, zeroing the chronometer.
Reassembly takes her thirteen point six seconds: that, she seems more
satisfied with. After that small exercise, her hands are steadier and her
breathing more regular.

Hart picks up the reassembled Ruger pistol, slots the magazine home,
chambers the first round. For nearly a minute, she sits and admires the
play of light and shadow across the Thunderbolt's sleekly lethal shape,
turning it to and fro, before whispering "Not today." and applying the
safety, then holstering the weapon.

Hart reaches for her desk 'phone, and hits the IAD speeddial-
+++++end video

I lost my temper. Pevesy may be genuine or he may be a plant, I don't
know, but I meant what I said: we're lucky it was some cybernonster
death squad that hit that place, not Lone Star. They were tooled up and
dug in and we'd have lost two or three officers real easy.]<<<<<
-- Lt Julianne Hart <23:46:43/01-24-61>
Homicide Division
Lone Star (Tacoma)

*****INTERNAL: Lt Julianne Hart, Homicide
>>>>>[Why were you so interested in your sidearm?

And what did you mean, 'not today'?

You okay?]<<<<<
-- Lt N E Cole <23:48:16/01-24-61>
Internal Affairs
Lone Star (Tacoma)

*****INTERNAL: Lt N E Cole, IAD
>>>>>[I was just thinking a few thoughts. Nothing special.

I'm fine. Don't worry, Nicki, I'm not skipping my psych evals. They say I'm
really bent out of shape about Andy being dead. Big surprise there.
They're doing what they can to help.

I look at my sidearm and I think how easy suicide would be. But there's too
much to do for me to actually put the gun in my mouth and pull the
trigger. Thinking about it, properly, in depth, helps me realise I don't
really want to do it. Not yet, anyway.

I'll be okay, Nicki.]<<<<<
-- Lt Julianne Hart <23:53:43/01-24-61>
Homicide Division
Lone Star (Tacoma)
Message no. 3
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: A death in the family
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 15:50:43 -0400
>>>>>[Whoever was looking for Jett found her.


"A Seattle woman was killed early this morning in a fiery explosion on
the Tacoma docks. 23-year-old Galen Chang of Redmond was killed when her
car Though the body was badly burned, the victim was identified using
dental and DNA records."
A picture of a somber-faced black-haired woman appears in the corner,
followed by a cut to the smoldering wreckage of a Ford Americar. Oily
black smoke still rolls from the shattered remains, and the driver's
side has been cut away with the jaws of life.
"The 4am explosion had no witnesses. Chang was a registered bounty
hunter in the Seattle area. Police are considering this a homocide, and
continue to investigate."

++++End vid

As far as we can figure, after the job she finished, she set off alone
for another meet at the docks. That's how I knew it was her right away.
The car registration and the DNA only confirmed it. It was a trap, it
had to be. I don't know why Jett walked into it. She KNEW she was being
hunted. She KNEW.
My sister was a good person. She didn't deserve to die like that. Who
was looking for her? Who wanted her dead that badly, and why?]<<<<<
-- Ironthorne <15:40:12/07-17-59>
Message no. 4
From: Bredget Stroud <bstroud@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 14:43:22 -0700
>>>>>[Ironthorne, my condolences on your loss. Jett and I had become pretty
good friends. If I find the person that did this...

If there is anything you need, here is my number >>LTG<<.]<<<<<
--Jazz <16:42:32/07-17-59>
Message no. 5
From: Wraith <wraith@************.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 20:44:33 -0500
*****PRIVATE: Ironthrone
>>>>>[Your sister Jett was trying to help me track down a truck full of
chemicals that she had stolen that were later used to produce the nerve gas
that killed several in Seattle. I don't suppose she perhaps left any
information with you. She also asked me to try and find those that were
hunting her, I am sorry to say that I haven't found any information
-- Black Fire <02:43:12/07-18-59>
Message no. 6
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Fri, 17 Jul 1998 22:33:46 -0400
>>>>>[Thank you, Jazz, for your condolences. Jett spoke very highly of you
the last time we talked. Perhaps some time we could work together. Ideally, on hunting
down the fraggers who killed her.
Oh, yes. The funeral will be private. Family only. We're sending her
home to Boston to be buried in the family plot.]<<<<<
-- Ironthorne <00:03:12/07-18-59>

*****PRIVATE: Black Fire
>>>>>[Jett was actually my half sister, to clarify a bit. We weren't very
close, but she was family. Last I talked to her, she mentioned that she had gotten into
some sort of trouble, a run gone bad. She wouldn't tell me anything else. Normally, I work
out of Denver, so we don't speak much. I will be moving to Seattle, however, within a
short time to check on the circustances and to collect her belongings. I'll contact you
again when I get there. PLEASE keep me updated. I want to see Jett's killers brought to
-- Ironthorne <03:17:31/07-18-59>
Message no. 7
From: "Frank Pelletier (Trinity)" <jeanpell@****.QC.CA>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 01:19:44 -0400
>>>>>[Shit... Shit...

Jett was a good girl. She didn't deserve this. Goddamn. I thought of her
as one of the most fun-loving people around. A'ight, we had our
differences, and for a while there, I was about to tear her head off.
But... goddamn. Anyone know what she did for that? Fuckin' morons. Anyone
got any leads on the killers? I'd like to have a little talk with
-- Haze <11:36:12/07-17-59>
Message no. 8
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 02:04:59 -0400
>>>>>[Thank you, Methos, for your consideration. Anything you can share
that you think would be of interest, please, by all means.
As for my address, I will be coming to Seattle soon to take care of my
half-sister's belongings, and finish other business there. Once I arrive
in town, I'll drop you a line.]<<<<<
-- Ironthorne <01:59:59/07-18-59>
Message no. 9
From: Wraith <wraith@************.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 03:56:08 -0500
*****PRIVATE: Ironthorne
>>>>>[Loosing family is hard, I know. Anyway, the run itself didn't go
its what happened afterwards. The only possible lead that I can think of is
a runner named Static. She lead the run Jett was talking about, and she
passed that name onto me. I then passed that name onto....someone else. I
never mentioned Jett's name. Perhaps Static found out someone ratted her
out, and assumed Jett.

+++++FWD: Static's private message to Jett

Here is all I have, the shadow's have been quiet about this one.]<<<<<
-- Black Fire <09:55:12/07-18-59>
Message no. 10
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Sat, 18 Jul 1998 16:07:05 -0400
*****PRIVATE: Black Fire
>>>>>[Pieces are starting to faqll into place now. Yes, I can see why Jett
would have turned informant, and I also see the risk it posed to her.
Hopefully, the pieces will come together.]<<<<<
-- Ironthorne <09:55:12/07-18-59>
Message no. 11
From: Jett <zmjett@*********.COM>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Sun, 19 Jul 1998 14:40:30 -0400
*****PRIVATE: Haze
>>>>>[It's reassuring to see that Jett was...well, if not liked, then at
least respected by her colleagues. She was a very difficult person to get along with
We're doing the best we can to look into who may have done her in.
Unfortunately, she did have a rather shady past, some of which we're
only just now learning about. This may take some time, but if we come up
with anything, we'll let you know.]<<<<<
-- Ironthorne <14:38:34/07-19-59>
Message no. 12
From: Brion Wauters <stu2204@****.COCO.CC.AZ.US>
Subject: Re: A death in the family
Date: Mon, 20 Jul 1998 12:05:10 -0700
>>>>>[Sorry, Haze, can't help. People in the buisness tend to make
Could be anyone of a number of folks Jett pissed off. Personaly, I'd
suggest looking into her jobs over the last few months. If it was
payback for anything farther back, you'll proabably never find it.]<<<<<
-- Irish <12:10:59/20-07-59>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about A death in the family, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.