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Message no. 1
Subject: Fung
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 13:28:27 EST
>>>>>[ Berkely still has some of Fung's research on line. It seems that
was close to being able to use the HMHVV virus as a carrier for recombinant
strands of DNA. One of his project proposals contains the following quote:

"I believe that I am now closer than ever to seperating the useful aspects of
vampirism from the destructive. In the near future it will be possible to
create genetically engineered workers that have some of the abilities of HMHVV
victims. HMHVV has unlimited potential as a genetic engineering tool as it
has mechanisms for implanting segments of it's own DNA into a host body,
causing those alterations to propagate to every cell until the changes it
carries assert themselves into the phenotype. This would provide a way of
introducing and tecting genetic changes in a matter of weeks and months rather
than years in even the most complex organisms. While this mechanism is not
entirely biochemical, having strong connections to magick (see attached report
from magickal sciences division) we are still on the verge of understanding and
controlling this mechanism."

Nasty stuff if you ask me. The files also included a list of independant
supporters that Fung had been in contact with in search of grants. A trace
through an independant industrialist named Anthony Rhodes (a former fujikawa
shareholder) revealed where some more of Fung's notes may be located. Rhodes
had interest in building powered armor systems that fell through due to cost
overruns (ending his association with fujikawa) and it seems that he took an
interest in Fung's work as a potential for genetic-enhanced soldiers rather
than his previous attempts at mechanically-enhanced soldiers. Fung began
working for Rhodes, until Rhodes was killed in an "accident" and Fung was
"hired" by MagnaTech. (does it sound like an extraction to you? It should.)

There isn't much data left in the Rhodes system. The only reason that his
private system is still partially online is because of an ongoing dispute of
Rhodes' will. His family still hasn't decided how they want to carve up his
considerable fortune and assets, so some of it is still in one piece.

Fung seemed to be working on infecting subjects with his tinkered HMHVV.
Highly illegal, and thus well protected (it took a good deal of IC breaking to
get this). Fung did not seem to care who he was working for or who he hurt
with his research, as long as he could progress his science. There are vague
records of several failed experiments that were destroyed.

During this time, Fung (who could well be a post-modern frankenstien) was only
partially succesful. He found that even his successful experiments began to
show more vampiric attributes than he planned. He began making more drastic
alterations to the virus, creating subjects that were insane at best, deformed
monsters at worst. In this time he managed to make one viable subject that was
approximately 40% vampiric. That was when Rhodes died. When the MagnaTech
representatives "contacted" Fung, the subject was fully functional. This
end product of his work broke free and slew three people before escaping, never
to be seen again. Much of Fung's lab was wrecked in the conflict, and Fung
decided to willingly join MagnaTech if they would allow him to continue his

Now we have something on Magna! Fung's experiments while with Rhodes were
wholly criminal! He took people from the streets and completely changed what
they were, killing many, and leaving many horribly disfigured or insane.
I also have some sketchy evidence that MagnaTech killed Rhodes and raided his
compound in order to acquire Fung and his research. It's not enough to stand
up in court, but it's a start. Showing that Quention, Trevor, Howe, and
Tirandor were in control of the company when this occured would be the start of
a case against them. When I get enough data, I swear it will appear on the
vidscreens of every law enforcement agency in the UCAS! ]<<<<<
---Dark Elf <14:04:15/03-22-54>

>>>>>[ My god! Fung was operating a "chamber of horrors" for
Rhodes, and
then for Magna, and then for Precision, and now he's probably got one down in
Omega! He's gotten into cloning too, and the fact that Feral saw a number of
clone vats down there is not a good sign! ]<<<<<
---Big Jake <14:06:11/03-22-54>

>>>>>[ Fung is tampering with things not meant to be played with! HMHVV
strongly connected to the Astral! His mundane blunderings could do more than
just genetic harm! He could seriously piss off some major forces in the ether
and the metaplanes! Have you ever heard the legends of Cthulhu? Beings
similar to those may exist out there, and if the astral disturbance caused by
messing with things vampiric in that way are felt by them things could start to
look like the "inferno" depicted in 20th century comic books!
---Napalm <14:10:24/03-22-54>

>>>>>[ Could it really be that bad ? ]<<<<<
---OddBall <14:10:52/03-22-54>

>>>>>[ I don't know. HMHVV draws upon very dark astral energies. There's
telling what kind of beings are in intimate contact with those energies. The
work Fung has been doing has caused new interfaces between the astral and
vampiric creatures. It may be that it is different enough to attract unwanted
attention. I could also be dead wrong. It's possible that no beings are
attuned to vampiric energies, and if there are it is quite possible that they
wouldn't care at all. I just fear the worst! ]<<<<<
---Napalm <14:14:48/03-22-54>
Message no. 2
From: Christina Johnson <johnson1@**.UWP.EDU>
Subject: Re: Fung
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 93 20:55:04 CET
<<<<<[Jesus Christ! You're telling me that I could be a vampire, too?
I'm going to find a cave somewhere...]>>>>>
-DOA- <13:45:23 / 3/22/54>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Fung, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.