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Message no. 1
From: Ein_Schuss <Jhary-a-Conel@***.NET>
Subject: (Fwd) Hitting Haze (not) [off-list]
Date: Sun, 28 Jun 1998 20:12:50 +0200
***** PRIVATE: Killswitch
>>>>>[ The job ya hired me for is not doable within given specifications.
know, double-hiring several hitmen actually destroyed all chances a pro
could have had, 'specially if da target is a pro like Haze himself.

A consider ya way of acting in dis matter as strongly counter-productive.
Before any more attempts can be done, a compensation for ma expenses is
neccessary: >>nuyen<<

Just if ya're wonderng what A do talkin' about:

+++++ Include: LSS.WDC.04-20.dat

Stuff like dis makes targets aware dere's someone hunting 'em.

+++++ Begin Download:
The scope of a rifle, crosshairs, distance tracker, ammo counter (8 APDS)
and some other data. It is aimed at a dwarf, wearing an ill-fitting
coverall and a large respirator, beard showing under the mouthpiece. The
dwarf is obviously waiting for someone.

10 minutes pass. The dwaf, standing on a plaza with minimal traffic,
barely moves, and the rifle aiming at him nearly not at all. Finally, a
male person approaches the dwarf. "Ein_Schuss?" the German vocables
heavilly accented, a native American probably. A caption informs you that
a "Laser Mike" performs at "100%". "Are you Haze?" the dwarf

"No, no, no," another voice curses, off camera, "he's not!" Then, a
is activated. "He's not! Where's Haze?"

"I am here for Haze, he was hindered, but we did perform the job for him,"
the large man informs the dwarf. "Bullshit," the off--camera voice
curses, "the fucker is just too clever to show up!"

"Hm. I thought I was doing my business with himself. So, who are you,
and where's Haze?" the dwarf demands to know.

"Hey, chummer, I've done the job, am here to get payed." The man looks
down to the dwarf, "I thought we'd be acting like pros?"

"'s okay," the hidden observer states, give hm da money. Fuck!"

"Okay", the dwarf says, and hands over a credstick.
+++++ End Download:

So, what's your response? ]<<<<<
-- Ein_Schuss <10:57:07/06-28-59>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Hitting Haze (not) [off-list], you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.