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Message no. 1
From: Dark Elf <VESPOSIT@****.SUNYSB.EDU>
Subject: The lowdown on Kevin Fung PhD
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 93 15:20:30 EST
>>>>>[ My little data extraction went well today. Nothing too difficult,
some white IC between me and MagnaTech's personnel files, then some more white
IC and a trace and report over in Precision Arts for the deeper files. While
it wasn't the most exciting run to me, Wytchwind got a kick out of riding on
the hitcher jack. Mich seemed fascinated with the vidscreen version of what
was going on too. They'll get used to it.

Anyway, in MagnaTech I found that Kevin Fung (PhD Bioengineering and a masters
in biochemistry) was the leader of something only referred to as the Alpha
project, which we now know to have been the project that created Tommy Harada.
I didn't dig any deeper on that thread since I already have the data from the
clone lab. Alpha project is not much of a mystery anymore.

What I found interesting was a reference in his file that mentioned a transfer
to Precision Arts special projects division in Seattle. So I crossed LTG's
and to take a better look at precision (last time I was in that part of the
matrix I was too busy fighting MONICA to take a look). Percision was a little
tougher to crack. A couple of simple white IC at the SAN and an SPU proved
easy. The datastore had a trace and report and was a nice shade of orange.
The trace started, but didn't have a chance against my relocate, but Wytchwind
was starting to get nervous so I crashed it before it could start another.
After decrypting the file on Fung, I discovered that he was in charge of the
enigmatic "Omega project" at percision that Harada found evidence of.

I no longer wonder why he's on Omega Island's cabinet, he's the labcoat that's
been carrying out Quention's plot, and creating life in ways not meant to be.
DOA, if you're still out there, let me know if you remember anything about a
Doctor Kevin Fung from your experiences with Percision, that is if you remember
anything from that time.

The direct link to MagnaTech's Seattle office was still up so I took Wytchwind
to see the node where MONICA was defeated (or rather defeated herself). There
is still a residual glow from the ASIST overload when she died. The node is
noticably brighter than others around it. I scanned the node for fragments of
AI code and came up nil, theres just a slight modification to the simsense
signal, nothing more. No trace of MONICA RUFUS or Splut (rest in peace friend)
It doesn't look like she'll be back to haunt us.

Had to make a quick stop at "Decker's Haven" to compare notes with some of the
local talent, and see if they know anything useful then jacked out. I love
travelling 3000 miles twice in less time than it takes to drive down to the
nearest stuffer shack for a NukitBurger (tm) or a box of NERPS(tm). ]<<<<<
---Dark Elf <15:41:48/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Wytch and Mich seem to have taken a liking to you DE. I guess
be hanging around for a while. ]<<<<<
---Big Jake <15:43:43/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ I guess so, unless you try to throw them out the window old friend!
Wytchwind is an interesting youg woman. She seems eager to learn the ropes of
the decking business and is interesting conversation. Mich is a good hearted
"gentle giant", but isn't so gentle when Wytch is in danger. He's a good man,
not the best but his intentions are good. I think these two will learn fast.
If they chose to stay around. ]<<<<<
---Dark Elf <15:46:34/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Well after Jake tried to throw me out the window, we decided to
our friendly little fight over a game of poker. Too bad I don't even have the
money to replace my headlight now! ]<<<<<
---OddBall <15:47:56/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Stick to driving, you're a lousy gambler! I'll pay for your
Think I'd take all your money and leave you in the lurch? I don't think so!
Hey, where did Napalm take off to anyway, he's much more fun to play poker
with. At least he's a challenge! ]<<<<<
---Big Jake <15:48:49/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Oh, he went to talk to some of his friends. I asked him to see if
could get any current stock info on Percision Arts, I've got a feeling that
we'll see some familiar names there! ]<<<<<
---Dark Elf <15:50:12/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Like Quention, Trevor, Tirandor, etc..... ]<<<<<
---OddBall <15:50:59/03-12-54>

>>>>>[ Exactly! Cowboy is bringing the Sarge over soon so we can discuss
with the whole team together when Napalm gets back. He said it'd only take an
hour or two. ]<<<<<
---Dark Elf <15:52:44/03-12-54>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about The lowdown on Kevin Fung PhD, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.