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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Paul J. Adam" <Shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: A Private Matter
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1998 23:19:25 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Mitchell's Diary
>>>>>[Shouldn't have asked. But I needed to talk to _someone_.

+++++begin video
A small, Spartan room, no way to tell where. A clue is the man entering:
Valentine comes through the door, sees the cameraman, looks surprised.

"I was told a soldier wanted to talk with me. So it's"

"Father. Forgive me, for I have sinned."

"Do you believe that?" Valentine asks.

"I do that which I believe to be wrong. I do them because I believe it
will bring good. Is that good or evil, Father?"

"I'm not a confessor or a Christian priest, so please, stop calling me
'Father'. I can't answer in terms of sin or divine forgiveness." The
red-haired Elf sits opposite the cameraman. "I can only answer for my
own conscience, and I say that the evil you do, even in the name of
good, remains evil. There are better ways. I have been a soldier,
Christian, and I understand your feelings. But I have also seen the
good I sought to bring into the world washed away with the blood of the
evil I sought to send out."

"I have lied, I have decieved, I have killed, and I do this to save
lives, Father." The cameraman's tone is despondent. "I stand on the edge
of the abyss, staring down, and the abyss stares also into me."

"He who would fight monsters should be careful that a monster he does
not become." O'Kennedy replies.

"And a monster I have indeed become, Pat. But how else can I move among
the monsters? This is necessary, or I would not do it. But my heart is
heavy with grief."

"You have sacrificed much of your humanity, Christian; perhaps too much.
You have given up what gives you hope, and it grieves you deeply. I
can't, I won't, judge if you're right or wrong. I wish I could, because
it would ease your heart. But I cannot."

"Then at least give me your blessing, Patrick." The cameraman implores.

"I can't do that. Not even for a friend. If you're wrong... if you are
wrong, then your hands will run with blood, and my blessing will mean
nothing, or even worse than nothing." Patrick O'Kennedy sighs heavily.
"And if you're right, you don't need my blessing. But if you're right,
Christian... if you're right, then violence and deceit and murder are
the answers to the problem you face. And I can't give my blessing to
that answer. I _can't_."

The cameraman stares at the floor for a long, long time.

"I understand. I was wrong to ask. But at least you listened to me,
Father." he finally says.

"And you listened to me. That's as important, Christian. You have to do
what you think is right, and I will never keep someone from doing what
they believe is right. Don't let one man's disapproval stop you. But be
certain that you really are doing the right thing first." O'Kennedy
rests his head in his hands. "Just remember the prices you pay,
Christian, all of them. Never forget the prices you pay."
++++++end video

A trip to Haven shook off the local newsies, before I caught a Fred from
McChord back to Dover and a puddle-jumper from there to DC.

Let's hope Von Drexler doesn't want to parade me for the press there...
I've got too much work to do. And still a tank-truck of VX to
-- Mitchell <23:18:42/07-28-59>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about A Private Matter, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.