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Message no. 1
From: Brian Angliss <angliss@*****.COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: Attack on Haven
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 16:09:28 -0600
>>>>>[Holy drek.....

+++++ Begin Camera Clip - Haven +++++

Haven, about 3:21 pm, appears to be about as serene as any place which has=
accepted hundreds of wounded from an attack on a march could be. There are=
dozens of doctors and nurses tending to hundreds of wounded. There are=
magicians and volunteers all over the place, tending to both major and=
minor wounds. A couple dozen unusual looking individuals, probably free=
spirits of one flavor or another, also wander the tents and cots where the=
overflow from the clinic is being placed. Through this mess wander=
orderlies who are removing the dead from cots which could otherwise accept=
someone who can still be saved. Off in what used to be a peaceful playing=
field stand several trucks filled with caskets. Numerous priests of=
various religions and ways of life stand around, performing last rights for=
the departed as best their beliefs allow.

Another camera shows the even greater guard at an access gate. There are=
several figures wearing nothing but grey robes from head to toe, as well as=
numerous gangers from gangs who should be at each other's throats. But=
they are all running arrivals through portable metal and chem scanners,=
looking for weapons. There are huge piles of pistols, knives, the=
occasional SMG or sword, each of which has a name tag attached for=
identification. The people coming into Haven are dropping off weapons=
while those few leaving are picking up thier own weapons. The guards=
appear to be seriously bedraggled and tired, almost as if they haven't had=
the opportunity to sit down for hours or even days.

Patrolling outside the gate and the low white picket fence are several=
trucks filled with gangers, the occasional Lone Star patrol cruiser or=
motorcycle, and even more gangers on foot. Amazingly enough, even with all=
the people going in and out of Haven, the fence is still glaringly white, a=
testament to the minor self-cleaning magics that Pat insisted be present in=
every slat and post of the fence. On the inside of the fence, on each=
fencepost, is some form of magical symbol. There are beaded leather thongs=
and true bear and wolf fetishes hung, the occasional owl or eagle feather=
punctuating the shamanic items. There are carefully carved stones with=
Ogham tree letters, mostly Oak and other protective symbols, but=
occasionally there is one or two with Willow carved carefully into the=
stone, indicating enchantment. And there are also those scraps of=
parchment, or non-tear plastic "paper" on which various Greek, Roman,=
Hebrew, and even kanji symbols and words have been written. Some are=
actual protection talismans, others are too complex to easily determine=
function. But all around Haven, every fencepost has at least one of these=
items attached, hanging, or sitting on it - all 144 blocks long of exterior=

Another camera shows the interior of the Haven clinic, where doctors are=
performing the bulk of the serious medical proceedures. Here are several=
highly skilled surgeons, some wearing surgical scrubs and feeding blood=
into patients which carries the Hayashi Biotechnologies logo, supplies=
donated by that megacorporation to help Haven in the event they were=
attacked or to help those who were actually attacked. Several of the=
doctors are corporate, others can be recognized as surgeons who work for AJ=
in his illegal cyberclinic, and still others are volunteers from other=
clinics and hospitals outside the area.

Back to the camera gate, the tired guards have apparently almost let someone=
slip through carrying a weapon of some kind. Behind him are several of his=
friends, all apparently agitated by the treatment that their friend is=
recieving. Suddenly, one of them pulls an SMG and starts threatening the=
guards with it. Almost as quickly, a large earth elemental manifests in=
front of him and disarms him. Three other elementals manifest almost as=
quickly and surround the agitants. All 4 of them are quickly and=
efficiently disarmed, but unfortunately, in the mess, the original one was=
left alone, and he has begun to run into the compound. Luckily, there are=
several blocks from the gate to the main Haven compound in the center,=
where the clinic and the rest of the injured are being cared for. A couple=
of blocks into Haven proper, several teenagers notice an unusual man=
running toward thier school, and attempt to stop him. He plows right=
through them and continues running toward the center of Haven. One of them=
stands up, crosses the street to a phone set into the wall of the building,=
and dials up some number. Within 20 seconds, and only a block closer to=
the center of Haven, the man is stopped by the appearance of three troll=
gangers who literally physically stop him by picking him up off the ground=
by his shoulders. But something goes wrong, and after screaming "Let there=
be light!", the man and trolls disappear in a violent explosion that tears=
a hole into the building and breaks windows for several blocks.

Back at the gate, a couple of the man's companions scream "Let there be=
LIGHT!" only to be cut off violently by earth and fire elemental engulfment=
prior to being able to blow themselves up as their companion had. However,=
at other gates, several explosions do successfully occur, likely killing=
dozens. Those who didn't have suicide bombs attached to their bodies pull=
assault rifles, SMGs, clubs, swords, knives, etc. and rush the gates. The=
gangers outside Haven pull weapons as well and close to melee range with=
the terrorists. Several of the grey-robed figures also close to melee=
range, and the tremendous power of whatever martial art they are using is=
revealed. Some of the movements are crushing skulls with single blows,=
others seperating shoulders and legs from the body with apparently as=
little effort as a child removing the legs from a grasshopper, and still=
others targeting pressure points and nerve clusters with enough force and=
precision to collapse fanatics in serious pain or unconsciousness with a=
single blow. Outside the fence, there is blood flowing and terrorists are=
dying, but within the fence, what little combat is occurring is somehow=
being kept non-lethal, with the martial artists knocking out the attackers=
rather than killing them. But at several of the gates, the guards are=
overwhelmed by rains of bullets and beatings and the terrorists=
successfully rush into the Haven compound. There are even a couple of=
gates which are driven through with trucks carrying still more terrorists. =
All told, there are probably somewhere between 80 and 140 terrorists=
attacking Haven currently, far more than required to turn all of Haven into=
a bloodbath.

Back at the main building, the news of the attack has reached the compound. =
Orderlies are scrambling, and doctors and nurses are trying to continue=
mending the wounded and dying, even knowing that they could be cut down=
themselves in less than a minute. There are heros being made today, not=
the kind that you read about saving a hundred lives off a sinking ship, but=
the everyday kind who just save that single person, that person to whom so=
many other lives are connected. Over the commotion of near panic are two=
things. The first is the voice of Patrick O'Kennedy, aka Valentine,=
pleading for calm and for the permanent faculty to report immediately to=
the basement of the main building. The second is a gradually growing=
multi-tonal whistling, followed by several huge explosions.

For all appearances, the main compound of Haven, which was recieving all=
manner of wounded, is under direct attack itself. And using weapons=
capable of collapsing the buildings around Haven easily with a sustained=
bombardment. The mortar rounds appear to be targeting the operating tents=
as well as those areas where the wounded are being "housed," if such a term=
could possibly do the situation justice. Bodies fly through the air as a=
round detonates within one of 4 surgical tents, probably killing everything=
within. Almost as suddenly as the bombardment started, it stops, but not=
completely. The whistling continues, indicating that there are still=
rounds incoming, but they are not reaching the ground. The cameras catch=
what can only be air elementals and similar spirits plucking the falling=
projectiles from the air prior to impact. Some of them are detonating upon=
being redirected, raining only slightly less dangerous shrapnel down upon=
the tents, others are redirected and exploding outside the main compound,=
and still others are being lightly placed on the ground or into dumpsters.

Fortunately, the whistling itself stops, meaning that the mortars are=
silent. Unfortunately, that means that the first wave of terrorists, those=
in the trucks and cars, are about to arrive. And within seconds, they do,=
and they immediately begin firing their weapons, including some light,=
medium, and heavy machineguns mounted to the roofs of the trucks. Several=
people carrying LAW rockets take aim and fire them at the main compound,=
only to have them harmlessly redirected by the still-active spirits=
swarming around Haven proper. Several earth elementals manifest, forcing=
several trucks and cars to crash, but still the terrorists advance. Behind=
the trucks are a swarm of terrorists on foot, heading into every building,=
attempting to leave nothing but dead bodies in those buildings. However,=
there are very few people in those abandoned building, luckily for the=
residents of Haven. However, there are several hundred, probably 95% of=
all the residents, living in two rebuilt office buildings, toward which=
probably half the attackers are rushing. The others are advancing=
mercilessly toward the main compound, firing into the tents as they go. =
And still more wounded arrive in trucks from continuing violence throughout=

The advance into the two main dormatory building suddenly halts as a=
shimmering in the air appears. A couple of terrorists who weild magical=
power cast some spells at the shimmering only to have them literally wash=
over it. Within seconds, another shimmering appears over the main=
building. The grounds around the building begin to glow and shed a=
tremendous amount of heat. The tracery of plants and paths around the main=
building come alive with magical energy, revealing those paths and=
carefully pruned bushes, hedges, and trees to be integral parts of a=
gigantic, living hermetic circle. Within that circle arcs magical energy,=
mana that is literally leaping from stone to stone almost like electricty,=
and the vines growing over the carefully placed stones fall away to reveal=
the granite, flint, obsidian, basalt, and quartz dolmens and standing=
stones of a powerful druidic circle placed and integrated perfectly with=
the hermetic circle. And atop the main building is a single hut, carefully=
concealed, that also glows with mana. Woven carefully into the hut are=
thousands, perhaps tens of thousands, of shamanic fetishes, feathers,=
scraps of cloth and blankets, stuffed animals, and many more miscelaneous=
seemingly random and meaningless trinkets.

The glimmering over the main building arcs down and stops just shy of the=
attackers. The terrorists begin firing rockets and rifles and machine guns=
into the shimmering in the air only to be surprised by the ricochets and=
exploding rockets. Nothing appears to penetrate the barrier, not even when=
the attackers attempt to ram it and punch through it with a truck. But the=
attack continues as they waste thousands of rounds of ammunition on trying=
to punch through a barrier that appears to be unbreachable. Gradually, the=
large barrier begins to expand, spreading out toward the smaller barrier up=
around the main dorms. The barrier, as it reaches out toward buildings,=
reaches around them like a giant pool of mercury, fusing behind the=
building and then enclosing it as it expands upward. The attackers fall=
back before this unbreachable wall of magical energy, into to the waiting=
police and Haven guards.

Bloody battles begin at the fences as terrorists have to fight their way out=
of Haven now, through Lone Star, gangs, and a couple of private security=
units like Serenity Security. Many of them are killed just outside the=
fence as they flee from a force they can't comprehend. Others are captured=
and arrested, and still others successfully escape.

The expanding barrier expands until it reaches the fence, where all those=
thousands of fetishes, stones, and hermetic symbols are glowing and=
scortching the white fenceposts, burning themselves into the wood of the=
fence. At the fence, the barrier stops and suddenly "solidifies", becoming=
less a pool of mercury and more a wall of shimmering energy. Some of the=
buildings near the edge of the barrier are literally cut in half when the=
barrier solidifies, thier upper floors cut off from the lower ones, and the=
upper floors collapse violently as they slide down off the barrier.

Back at the main building, the giant hermetic, druidic, and shamanic=
combined ritual comes to an end and, as if turning off a light, the circles=
go black. Emergency generators kick in as the lights for surgery turn back=
on and everyone attempts to determine just what the hell has happened. =
Overhead, a circle appears in the otherwise very dark barrier, and the sky =

+++++ End Camera Clip - Haven +++++

The barrier is still up, but people and vehicles can get through it at the=
gates as necessary. Valentine and the rest of his permanent faculty have=
apparently passed out and are unavailable for comment. The police,=
InterPol, the FBI, everyone wants to know what the frag is going on. If=
anyone inside Haven knows, let us know, ok? Thanks.]<<<<<
-- Trideo Pirate <16:10:55/04-26-59>
Message no. 2
From: Jeffrey Mach <mach@****.CALTECH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Attack on Haven
Date: Sun, 26 Apr 1998 20:16:37 -0700
*****Private: Shifters
>>>>>[In case anybody's wondering, we're still alive.

Good to hear your still breathing, Thirstein.

+++++Include aftermath.vid

The grainy video feed from Michael's earring-cam jiggles a bit as it is
fingered by a titanic pair of blurry fingers.

"Damn...too bad I didn't get any pics...suppose somebody would have paid
good newyen."

The view is relatively close to one of the gates damaged in the terrorist
attack, just on the outside of the barrier that now surrounds Haven.

Bodies are everywhere in various conditions, none of which good. The
nearest, a young 'banger with a sucking chest wound gets his immediate

"Help me get all these wounded to where they can be treated..." he calmly
commands a pair of shimmers in thin air which solidify into matching stone
statues of women. "Gently." He reminds the elementals as they lift the boy
and another victim he points to as though they were small children. There
is a large rush of wind, an he has to look up to another heavier
distortion in the air. "You've done well, paralda. Go in peace." He
reaches up his hand, which the distortion approaches, touches, and then

A fire elemental floats up to him and drops a smouldering pile of
distorted metal forms at his feet, a moments inspection shows that these
once _were_ firearms of some sort, but did not survive the process of
engulfment by an upset salamander and the cooking off of their ammo too
well. If such a scintillating form could bear a smug expression, you might
guess that it would do so. It descends to his level and he places his hand
on its "forehead" without being burned.

"Your injured?" he questions it, then nods. "Someday, perhaps. Go in
peace," he says, and it too disappears.

The sound of short shallow breaths catches his attention and he quickly
finds what he had earlier overlooked as a dead body. One arm is missing
cauterized cleanly, and the rest of the body is severely burned. Small
uncharred scraps of his jacket show that he was on the side of the
invaders. Using his cross fetish, Michael kneels and begins a healing
spell to at least stabilize the man's condition. Afterwards, it takes him
a while to stand. Meanwhile, other medical personnel are arriving.

He looks back to see the earth elementals returning, along with a couple
orderlies, both of which are looking at him with a very odd expression.
Both of them seem to have been elven Yak-wannabes before donning greens
and murmurs to the other, "Tenshin?" to which the other shrugs with the
resignation of someone who has seen _way_ too much in one day to even
begin to make sense of it all.

"Have either of you seen Kyle?" he asks them, but for a second neither

"Michael?" one asks quizzically, the other shakes his head.

"Yeah...oh." He glances to one side and sees a large wing. Glancing down
at his hand, he watches as a smaller feminine hand peel out of his own,
followed by the arm, pulling back and away. He turns to see Seraphina in
her seraphic form backing away from him. Her wings tucked delicately
behind her.

"We are hurt." She puts her hands on his right shoulder. He
raises his arm and sees a small streak of blood from a horizontal cut in
the upper arm of his favorite battered trench coat.

"God, with all the adrenaline, I didn't even notice, but now that you
mention it, it stings like an SoB. Really, it's nothing. You should have
seen what an Ifrit did to me in the Place of Battle one time...."
Michael shakes his head. "Look for Kyle, please," he says to her and she
disappears, still looking worried. He then directs the orderlies to the
worst of the still living wounded.

Soon, Seraphina materializes in front of him. "He's this way, but he's
not well."

She leads him over to a wall of a building across the street from the
gate. There shaman is nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?"

"Here," she points to an empty area of wall.

He looks down, and sees a small puddle of blood. Near which are slight
distortions in the air, which he slowly follows up to eye level.

"Kyle? Jeezu, if she wasn't looking, we may not have seen you until you
passed out. You can drop the cloak, man. Its over."

"Not yet." The voice is raspy and barely recognizable as

"Com'on. We need to get you looked after."

"My wounds are minor.... And I don't want them to see me like this."

"Like what? Drop it Kyle, or I'll konk you out and have them take care
of you the hard way."

"That would be as it would be unwise." His eyes, in
piercing blue appear first, the revelation expanding with his bone-pale
tiger-striped face following, and finally the rest of his body. His
feline features are slowly returning to normal, and explain the odd sound
of his voice. Michael quickly tallies his injuries.

"'ve got what looks like a bullet grazed your shoulder and
leg, some sort of stab-wound or shrapnel in your other leg. You're lucky
to be still stan..." Michael cuts himself off to grab the passed out
Kyle, who has begun to slide down the wall, his skin returning to a more
normal hue. Putting his arm over Seraphina's shoulder, he also notices a
strange injury. Kyle's fingernails appear to be bleeding.

+++++End include

Kyle's out right now. He'll be okay, eventually. Physically that is. I
can't say as to the rest. Looks like a little piece of whatzit shrapnel
gave me that cut, little cauterizer, little synth-skin, and I am back in
action. Well, after get up from the nap they are threatening me with
tranq patches over. Funny, they seem to have a problem with mages keeling
over mid spell. Back when I was in college, we used to do that for kicks!
Damn straight it was better than drinking to unconsciousness.....

Yes mommie I will put my computer away and lay down. Damn.]<<<<<
-- Michael <20:06:02/04-26-59 PDT>
Message no. 3
From: Jaimie Nicholson <jaimie.nicholson@********.OTAGO.AC.NZ>
Subject: Re: Attack on Haven
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 1998 14:17:36 +1200
*****PRIVATE: Shifters
>>>>>[Yeah, do it right and drain can be as good as a blast of nitrous. Go
too far though...]<<<<<
-- Faerie <17:33:26/04-27-59>
Message no. 4
From: Jeffrey Mach <mach@****.CALTECH.EDU>
Subject: Re: Attack on Haven
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 1998 20:38:21 -0700
*****Private: Shifters
>>>>>[Which plane have you been spending too much time on? I've never
been knocked out by drain and had a pleasant time of it. It's just, we
used to have these contests to see who could keep going the
know, build up a tollerance to it by constantly pushing your limits.
Needless to say, the Brothers didn't aprove one bit.]<<<<<
-- Michael <20:35:58/04-27-59 PDT>

*****Private: Shifters
>>>>>[If I recall correctly, we called it Qigong. Of course, it wasn't
just limited to drain tollerance, and in my case, it was the Brothers
pushing me to do it. Different Brothers though. Yes, Michael, I will go
back to bed.]<<<<<
-- WhiteTyger <20:38:07/04-27-59 PDT>
Message no. 5
From: Jaimie Nicholson <jaimie.nicholson@********.OTAGO.AC.NZ>
Subject: Re: Attack on Haven
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 13:02:26 +1200
*****PRIVATE: Shifters
>>>>>[I don't know what the place was called, but there were all these
people sitting around eating heaps and using the word "man"
-- Faerie <18:45:32/04-28-59>

*****PRIVATE: Lightning
>>>>>[I'm in a hell of a bad mood all of a sudden... mid-life crisis sort
of stuff only I'm too young for that. I'm having trouble figuring out what
the hell I'm doing here, where my life is headed, all that drek. I spent a
hell of a lot getting myself all the gear for my trade, and now I seem to
be letting it all go to waste... time to go back to work I think.

Hey, thanks for being here, BTW... there's no-one else I could have told
that too. XXX ;P]<<<<<
-- Faerie <18:42:17/04-28-59>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Attack on Haven, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.