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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Counterstrike
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:30:47 +0100
>>>>>[Hey, guess what I just saw down in Tarislar.

Big Joe - one of the Chun Pak's pimps? - just got some amateur cosmetic
surgery. He pulled up to one of his streetcorners in his gorgeous
metallic-red Toyota, gets out, starts chatting to the girls, collecting
the takings and providing a little "motivation" here and there (mostly
chips, some pills) when this guy dressed all in black (even the ski
mask) comes out of an alley like a rocket.

Whammo! Big Joe's just about said "Huh?" before he's sprawling over the
hood of his car, and the guy in black has a knife out. Ouch ouch ouchety
ouch: I saw Joe lose at least four fingers and an ear in about ten
seconds, plus a lot of other slashes. The girls are _gone_ - I never
knew you could run so fast in spike heels, guess it just needs proper
motivation - and Big Joe's making a lot of noise by now. Man in Black is
talking to Joe, but I didn't feel like walking over and asking him to
speak up so I could catch it.

Man In Black then brings out a big hammer, looked like a four-pound
club. He hammers a few huge dents into the Elite - did I mention Big Joe
had his knees and elbows in the way? Big Joe's damn near deafening, the
girls are scattering, and a couple of gangers have seen what's going on.

Man In Black's let Joe fall over to scream on the sidewalk, while he
does the windows of the Elite, as well as the rest of the bodywork. The
gangers look at the mess Joe's been made into, look at the way Man In
Black's using the hammer, work out what might happen if they got
involved, and decide to find another street to hang out on.

Whole thing took thirty seconds. The Elite was fit for scrap and Big Joe
didn't look much better. Man In Black went back into the alley and
vanished, and nobody was very interested in chasing him.

Someone's annoyed with Joe. Or the Chun Paks. Or both. Or Mr Black is
just a psycho who felt like breaking someone, and Joe got in his way. I
only saw it, I don't know what happened...]<<<<<
-- Bungle <23:15:26/10-21-58>
Message no. 2
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Counterstrike
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:30:40 +0100
>>>>>[Someone pissed someone off. Can't think who or why.

+++++begin news article

A ruthless assassin gunned down lawyer Walter Junkins, 44, of Tacoma as
he collected his twelve-year-old son Sidney from school. With a casual
disregard for the lives of the children playing nearby, the sniper shot
Junkins once in the head with a high-powered rifle from long range.
Paramedics arrived within minutes, but were unable to save his life.
Junkins' terrified and grieving son was unhurt.

Lone Star denounced the attack as "unthinkably dangerous", saying it was
pure luck that one or more children had not been killed by the powerful
rifle bullet. "A miss would have snuffed out at least one young life."
Police refused to speculate on allegations that Junkins was linked to
organised crime syndicates in Puyallup.

Meanwhile, Mayoral candidate John Brennan renewed his call for tighter
gun controls, demanding a total ban on private firearms. "We must
protect our children!" he declared. "Outrages like this must be
+++++end news article]<<<<<
-- Easy <23:11:46/10-21-58>
Message no. 3
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Counterstrike
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 23:32:38 +0100
>>>>>[Just a friendly warning to anyone who wants to screw around with
me. Watch and learn.

+++++begin video
A large house, in a good area of town, sometime near sunset: someone in
a sporty car, wearing a camera in their jacket, is pulling up to the
gate. Two Orientals - an Ork and a Troll - in good suits appear on the
other side of the gate.

"What do you-"

"I'm here to see Kim." Easy's voice, her accent a mix of Texas and
Tarislar. "And you'd better believe he'll see me."

"Please wait a moment. You are..."

"The Ice Queen's come to talk."

The Ork retreats: the Troll remains in view, the angles beneath his
jacket suggesting at least a compact SMG held ready for use. The Ork's
voice, indistinct, is having a one-sided conversation in Korean.

"He will see you at once. Please to surrender your weapons."

Easy laughs contemptuously. "If I wanted to kill him he'd be in a box
already. Open the damned gate."

The guards exchange glances and there's more one-sided chatter, before
the barred steel gate slides open with a soft hiss of pneumatics. Easy
revs the Westwind's engine a little, cruising up the raked gravel drive
and stopping directly outside the front doors: getting out, she reaches
into the back seat to collect her katana, attaching its gold-and-black
scabbard to her belt and adjusting its ride under her long leather coat.

Walking to the door, she knocks firmly. It opens, to reveal four men:
off the street, they have no compunction about thrusting their guns at
her. A Defiance shotgun and three Uzis, all inches from Easy's face.

"The weapons. Now!" the leader says peremptorily, pumping the slide of
the T-250.

Easy sighs, shakes her head, bats the shotgun aside and flicks her
fingers backhand across the woman's throat. She staggers back, gasping,
before regaining her balance: drawing her hand away from her neck, she
seems amazed there's no blood. The other three huddle back slightly:
suddenly they seem to be clutching the Uzis for comfort, rather than as

"Next time, I do that with the blades out. Now when you've finished
insulting me and embarrasing your boss, take me to Kim."

Flanked by jittery armed guards, Easy follows the woman with the shotgun
- who keeps nervously touching her throat - along the hall. The house
has been expensively decorated, with precisely purchased, soulless good
taste, and the study is the same: shelves of books, chosen to show the
owner's taste and intellect (and all immaculately unread) flank a wide
mahogany desk. Behind it sits a dapper Korean in a superb suit: unlike
his thugs, he wears it with a natural comfort.

"Easy. The Ice Queen. Julia Wolfe." The guards back off, keeping their
weapons trained on the Elven samurai. "How may I help you?"

"Stay the hell away from my business."

"Oh, dear. So direct. So blunt. So rude." The Korean takes a Havana from
a brass humidor on the desk, clips the end with a silver cutter, rolls
the cigar under his nose. "Hmmm... Kentucky tobacco. Marvellous."
Striking a long cedar match, Kim Chun Pak regards Easy through the
fragrant blue smoke of the cigar.

"You know, I could order my guards to fire and you would die. This
instant. You live only because I chose to talk, rather than fight. Your
nightclub and your pathetic travesty of a farm still stand only because
I allow them to."

Easy yawns, and lights a cigarette. Kim frowns as she taps ash on the
cream wool carpet. "Yeah. Right. You know - " Easy checks her watch -
"it's a good thing those bozos held me up. Otherwise I'd have to waste
time on stupid small talk with you. Instead, any minute now, you should
be getting -"

The telephone on the desk rings with a distinctive, non-standard warble,
and Kim picks it up with an angry glance at the Elf.

"Yes?... WHAT? SHUT IT DOWN! Dump him! Save what you can and shut the
system down!... I don't care! Do it!" he snaps, before slamming the
handset back and glaring at Easy. "So you can hire a decker. I'm not
impressed. In fact, I'm annoyed. A cheap and easy shot, that-"

The same trilling warble, and Easy chuckles as he stares at the
telephone before picking it up.

"Kim... Slow down! I..." The distinctive crackle of gunfire and the
gurgling scream are clear even from the other side of the desk. There is
more automatic weapons fire - the clatter of submachineguns, the deep
thud-thud-thud of a Kalashnikov, and the AK winning - before a rich,
deep and accented voice speaks from the handset.

"I am Mani, eldest son of the Horsetrader, warrior of the Cuma clan.
Everyone in this establishment is dead. I trust this discharges my
obligation." A click, and the connection dies.

Easy chuckles again, as running feet burst through the door. "Boss!" A
Westerner, speaking English, doing a double-take at the tableau of Easy
surrounded by gunmen and his boss white with fear or fury or both; the
Elf waves a hand for him to continue.

"Boss, someone blew away Junkins! Almost popped his head clean off! At
the school, right in front of his kid! Cops are all over the place! What
the hell should we do?"

As Kim looks at Easy in shock, his telephone sounds a third time with
the same alarm tone, and he picks it up with resignation.

"Yes... How bad?... <A long pause> My God. Well, get him patched up. No,
_not_ cyberlimbs. <Another pause> He wants to walk again, he can pay his
own damn bills! And find who did it and kill them!... Then find out!"

Kim Chun Pak slams the telephone down so hard that shards of plastic
scatter across the mahogany of his desk. He stares at Easy with absolute
hatred. "I could kill you right now."

"_You_ couldn't." Easy shakes her head, drops the butt of her Dunhill
cigarette onto the deep wool carpet, grinds it out with the toe of one
spurred cowboy boot as she scratches her wrists. "Perhaps your hired
guns could?" She whirls and her hands flick, and there is a flashing
blur of movement too fast to follow from the small camera's low
resolution and frame rate. The sounds are of blade meeting flesh, and
flesh losing the contest.

The view settles as Easy rushes the desk, Kim Chun Pak halfway to his
feet and opening a desk drawer: he freezes as the bloodstained sword
touches his neck.

The katana _Kurosio_ is truly beautiful, the blade mirror-polished and
the pattern of the layered and tempered steel clear where the crimson
blood doesn't hide it, and it's a terrifying thing to have its razor
edge caressing your carotid artery.

"No, they couldn't. Drop the gun, sit down." Chun Pak reluctantly

"I'm leaving you alive to learn from your mistake. I told you to leave
me alone. If you don't, you'll die. It'll cost me money and time to win
the war that will cause, which is the only reason you're still
breathing, but one more incident and it becomes worthwhile. You
understand? You sent Jade Lotus to threaten me. I confined myself to
killing her. Shooting up the Easy Eight was your second strike, and this
was my answer. The third strike? Use your fucking imagination."

"You think you can beat us?"

"I've proved I can beat you." Easy replies calmly. "Now leave me alone.
That's all I ask. If you don't you'll die." She turns on her heel, the
camera seeing five corpses, some with limbs or heads seperated, all
staining the exquisite white carpet with pints of congealing blood, as
she strides out of the study: pausing only to retrieve four of her slim
black throwing knives from the corpses.

In the corridor she cleans and sheathes the katana, drawing one of her
Beretta automatics and moving more cautiously, but there is no sign of
resistance as she reaches the front door and closes it behind her. The
metallic-blue Westwind sits, conveniently close, and she tosses the
katana onto the back seat and straps in.

The Eurocar's turbocharged engine starts on the first crank: scattering
gravel and chewing the lawn as she turns in a tight circle, she sighs
with relief as the gate opens.

"Don't have to test the armour. Or fix the bodywork." she mutters as she
accelerates clear of the house, holstering the pistol before some police
officer decides to harass her for it.
+++++end trideo

That will either keep them quiet for a while, or start a war. So far it
looks like the first.]<<<<<
-- Easy <20:09:41/10-21-58>
Message no. 4
From: "Mark A. Imbriaco" <mark@******.NET>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Thu, 23 Oct 1997 00:45:05 -0400
>>>>>[ Oh, and Chun Pak, don't get ambitious and try to take Easy out. I
will not tolerate it. ]<<<<<
-- Griffyn <00:40:12/10-23-58>

***** PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[ Yeah, yeah, I know you hate it when I play the over-protective type.
Cope with it. ]<<<<<
-- Griffyn <00:41:44/10-23-58>
Message no. 5
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 00:11:54 +0100
>>>>>['Griffyn', whoever you are, we will deal with the upstart
as we see fit. If we choose to destroy her, and you interfere, you will
merely share her fate.]<<<<<
-- Kim Chun Pak <00:06:48/10-24-58>

*****PRIVATE: Griffyn
>>>>>[There are times when it's nice to know you have friends. It's kind
of lonely down here when you might be about to go to war.

I can handle the Chun Paks. I'm not so sure about Bartolo, or
Dzugashvilli (did I spell that Georgian bastard's name right?), or
Heihachi, if they decide to wade in. I'm getting rumblings that all
three are thinking about it, especially if we start fighting: the Chun
Paks and I fight each other, then they pick over what's left because the
survivor will be too weak to resist.

Who knows, maybe the Chun Paks will decide I play too hardball and go
hassle someone else. If they were going to try to kill me they'd be
doing it, not bragging about it.]<<<<<
-- Easy <00:11:45/10-24-58>
Message no. 6
From: Sascha Pabst <Sascha.Pabst@**********.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 13:01:16 +0000
+++++ BY NetzTrainer GmbH, Germany

+++++ Display Message
+++++ Translation Engaged: German_English
Hey, Mr Kim Chun Pak.

Fate is a mere bullet coming through one's head from a long way off.
Keep that in the 1,200 grams of matter between your ears.

Reputation is just how many of your toadies you can protect from
meeting fate.

With the latest news, how much rep do you have left?
+++++ NetzTrainer GmbH
-- Anonymous <12:40:52/10-24-58>
NetzTrainer GmbH

*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[ I allowed myself to respond to this asian leg-breaker who
threatened your... whatever. I learned it's useful sometimes to use my
good, old German relay station to make a point - *grin* a point rather
then a hole. Holes still cost *grin*

Tell Vincenzo I will test the rest of his "harmless" drinks when this
hangover is gone - in about a week, I think.

Does the EE have rooms to rent? Either to shorten the way to someplace
to sleep at, or to meet... someone discreetly? I like that place, and I
promise, next time I will not set your tables afire with that B-52s
shot... I hope. ]<<<<<
-- Ein_Schuss <12:46:58/10-24-58>
Message no. 7
From: "Mark A. Imbriaco" <mark@******.NET>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 08:39:25 -0400
***** INTERNAL: Serenity Security
>>>>>[ To: Zachary Turner, Kevin Donaldson, Jason Stormwind, Thomas Gordon
Subj: Easy

I am going to take over the lead of our folks who are working for Easy
until this mess with the differet Mobs sorts itself out. I would put
an exec protection detail on her, but she probably wouldn't tolerate it,
so I'm going to play that role myself.

Zack, I'd appreciate it if you'd brief your men on all of the locations
that we provide security for Easy. It's not too far-fetched that we
might be calling you in to help out in the near future. Hopefully it
won't come to that.

Kev, I need an info dump on all of the different factions that Easy
mentioned in the message she sent us. I've been away so long that I'm
mostly out of touch with what's going on locally. ]<<<<<
-- David Jarman <08:34:53/10-24-58>
Field Officer
Serenity Security

***** PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[ You just go a protection detail -- me. I'm not going to take no for
an answer, so no complaining about it either. I've put the FRT on alert,
and asked our Matrix folks to do some digging into the differnt factions
that we might be facing -- probably won't find anything out, but I at least
wanted some background.

I was thinking that we might want to reinforce the warning that you gave to
Chun Pak .. I don't think he got the message the first time. At the very
least, if we hit a couple of his more lucrative ventures he'll either back
off or attack us before he's totally ready to go. Either way it will give
us time to gear up for Bartolo and the rest. What do you think? ]<<<<<
-- Griffyn <08:38:51/10-24-58>
Message no. 8
From: Wildthing <twowolfe@*******.NET>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 09:45:12 -0700
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Have any use for me ?. Had so much fun the last time I
worked for you.]<<<<<
-- Wildthing <00:11:45/10-24-58>
Message no. 9
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 19:13:29 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Griffyn
>>>>>[COmplain? Me? Not a chance.

As for hitting the Chun Paks again... etiquette suggests we shouldn't.

Mind you, he's Seoulpa and is rude as hell, and hammering on him again
would be entertaining.

And you're right, it'll keep him off balance, especially since we don't
need many assets to hurt him badly: you and I can tear up his current
security without much trouble. Like that biz at his mansion: I'd already
scoped it, and I knew there would only be eight to ten goons there, none
of them wired.

And that makes me think we _should_ hit them hard and expensively,
before they get ideas about hiring some quality help to do to us what
we're getting ready to do to them.

Any ideas for targets?]<<<<<
-- Easy <19:13:26/10-24-58>
Message no. 10
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 23:28:29 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Wildthing
>>>>>[After the work you did for me last time? No problem. If I need
more Matrix work done - no, make that _when_ I need more Matrix work
done - you'll be the first person I call.]<<<<<
-- Easy <23:28:49/10-24-58>
Message no. 11
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 1997 19:27:37 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Ein_Schuss
>>>>>[I'll let Vinny know he hasn't lost his touch. He'll be pleased,
I'm sure.

As for rooms, sure, we've got some cubicles upstairs... we did scrub
them out from when they were for the club's chipheads and hookers. Not
really up to rental standards (no trideo, bring your own phone) but
clean and convenient.

And I take it you'd be interested in any other sniper jobs I needed
-- Easy <19:27:49/10-24-58>
Message no. 12
From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 02:48:49 +0100
>>>>>[Kim-Chun, I would not threaten the female Easy so readily. She
has friends in more places than you could imagine. Although there is no
love lost between myself and the girl you consider a target. I want you
to realise that anything you may choose to do to her, will be
reciprocated upon yourself tenfold, personally. Take actions carefully
Kim, and beware dark nights if you act rashly.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <02:47:22/10-25-58>
Message no. 13
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 09:54:31 +0100
>>>>>[Urbanus, whoever you, are, your threats do not frighten us.

The whore Easy - you did know she used to prostitute herself for ten
nuyen a time? has interfered in our business, and we are resolving our

Do not involve yourself.]<<<<<
-- Kim Chun Pak <09:49:36/10-25-58>

>>>>>[I _danced_ for ten nuyen per person at the table plus tips, is
more to the point. They used to call me the Ice Queen because you
couldn't buy more than a dance.]<<<<<
-- Easy <09:46:36/10-25-58>

*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[And thanks for the comments, Urbanus.

I've still got the rose.]<<<<<
-- Easy <09:54:47/10-25-58>
Message no. 14
From: Sascha Pabst <Sascha.Pabst@**********.UNI-OLDENBURG.DE>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 20:37:27 +0000
***** PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[ Yeah, am available. From the last pay, I even upgraded some toys
I got - just make sure the next target will not be in a medium or
larger battle tank, and I think I will get it. ]<<<<<
-- Ein_Schuss <20:27:47/10-25-58>
Message no. 15
From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sat, 25 Oct 1997 20:21:10 +0100
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Although we have had our differences in the past, and we will
probably continue to differ, if any assistance is required in the
removal of these obnoxious obstacles is required. Certain facilities
can be made available to you. There is a contingent who would prefer to
see your operations continue.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <20:20:19/10-25-58>
Message no. 16
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 08:26:26 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[I admit to being surprised. And grateful for any help I can get,
particularly if they're in your league. Thank you.]<<<<<
-- Easy <08:26:42/10-26-58>
Message no. 17
From: Avenger <Avenger@*******.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Re: Counterstrike
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 1997 13:48:59 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Just let me know what you need and when. Arrangements will be
made. Assistance can be provided rapidly depending on level of support

I will be sending someone to you at your bar. He is, shall we say -
resourceful. Please make use of him as you see fit, provided you
understand that he is there for your personal protection. Now, although
we've been here before, and I have considerable respect for your
abilities, this person follows the Path, and is beyond your abilities.
I would prefer that he was employed as your personal bodyguard, but you
will know how best to use his skills.

He should be arriving within the next couple of hours. A tattoo of a
serpent decorates the left side of his face, the man's name is Sherak.
He will identify himself to you by a silver clasp - you will recognise

Further assistance is available. But I am not, unfortunately psychic,
and cannot predict your requirements. If you want or need something, I
can be contacted here - obviously - or more rapdly on >>encrypted<<

No payment will be required, and no offer of reciprocation for this
assistance is expected, as I said, there are those who would prefer to
see your operation continue.]<<<<<
-- 13:46:12/10-26-58>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Counterstrike, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.