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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Delta Huntsmen <AXDMK@*******.BITNET>
Subject: Hunting Vamps and Fungs
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 19:42:22 -0700
>>>>{ P. Clement, Blinder: Neighbors, I will only try once to show you the
errors of your ways... Givvven there are those in the vvvampyre community
that feel they are abovvve the laws of men... It is also givvven that these
indivvviduals should be shown the error in their choice to prey on the
good of heart... This does not mean that all should be convvvicted to the
same fate... Blinder, I understand you are just doing a job for an employer,
and that weather you aggree or not is of no concern... Howevvver, this does
not givvve your employer free reign ovvver the livvves of others... Although,
at the present moment I seek another for his treacherous works, I will come
to the aid of others on this net... Please take this as friendly advvvise...
Do not search for vvvictims here... }<<<<
--D. <19:50:18 MST><04/28/54>
"Only in darkness are those in the shadows protected from the light"

>>>>{ TDH, DE and Sierra: It is true that TDH might not be able to handle
someone who has been made from him... I would like to offer an idea... I
believvve that with TDH, myself and Sierra, the treo which has become a quartet
, does not stand a chance... These four must learn from their mistakes...
I feel that it is our job to teach them... What say you Brother TDH? How
do you feel Sister Sierra? I would also like to offer my hand in friendship
to you Friend Dark Elf... }<<<<
--D. <19:58:59><04/28/54>
"Bonds made in darkness are everlasting"

>>>>{ WOW! D. are ya getting soft? I thought ya said that the Huntsmen were
ya only family? Gosh. Ya guys should be honered. I hope ya don't turn D.'s

***** Link Interupted
>>>>| D.: I think that is really cool of ya. I hope these guys, and gals
know how cool this really is. Hope ya guys like ya new pal. Cuz ya sure
ain't gonna get rid of him. cool, really cool |<<<<
--Ya it<'s:me:th><e R/ip/pe>r
***** Link Connected

hand away. I would hate to think that you would miss out on somethin' like
this. Are ya sure about this D.? Duh, I guess ya must be, or ya wouldn't
have said it... And by the way STOP THAT RIPPER! }<<<<
--Shade <20:03:21><04/28/54>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Hunting Vamps and Fungs, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.