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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Paul J. Adam Shadowtk@********
Subject: Manhunt
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 10:17:27 +0100
*****INTERNAL: Renraku Telecommunications Autodiagnostic
+++++line quality below norm
+++++begin diagnostic recording
A: Voice 1
B: Voice 2

A: I'm not going to enjoy hearing this, am I?

B: No. The Davidson woman is gone. The garage is wrecked, thoroughly
stripped. No bodies, of course.

A: None at all?

B: This is Hell's Kitchen, and the ghouls are downright adventurous. I
gather some people actually make deals with them.

A: Incredible. How do you bear living in a city like that?

B: I don't. It's well away from me. No ghouls here in Fort Lewis...

A: Speaking of which, do you need more help with your expansion?

B: I'm afraid so, Don Malone. Losing a dozen heavy hitters... hurt us
badly. We're still taking hit-and-run attacks all over Bartolo's old turf.
Five, six a week. Just a few shots, but I'm getting guys wounded and
one or two killed. It's bad for business, nobody wants to be near our

A: That's bad. Very bad. You're dealing with someone smart and
organised. Which brings me to my next point. That obstruction at the
north end of your new territory.

B: Yeager Field? The mercs?

A: No, not them. Avoid them. The Elven bitch.

B: Easy? Be careful saying things like that-

A: I remember when she was dancing naked on tables, Eric. She has
pretensions beyond her talents. She's also sitting on a very valuable
piece of real estate. Barrens land with power and water? I want you to
take that.

B: She'll object. I'm not in shape to fight a war with her.

A: I'll reinforce you, never fear. Use the street gangs, too, put some
money around. And I can make the cops into allies as well.

B: People have tried squeezing her before...

A: Not particularly competently.

You took Bartolo, you can take Easy. She had Federal friends, well,
they're dead. She's got support, that can be erased. The Metroplex think
she's an embarrasment and they'd be delighted if she disappeared.

B: Okay. I'll need more time, but okay.

A: Word of warning. If you hear she's dead, demand proof. A lot of people
have died and come back. She did, and she turned Heihachi's New Year
party into a bloodbath. Understand?

B: Yeah. I figured _that_ already. Should I use shadowrunners?

A: If you need the talent, sure. Be wary, though, they're unreliable.

B: I know. Okay. I got some ideas.
+++++end recording
+++++signal analysis ongoing.... .... .... .... analysis complete
+++++fault located
+++++delete recording]<<<<<
-- Autodiagnostic <09:56:47/07-03-60>

*****INTERNAL: Renraku Telecommunications Repair Division
>>>>>[Faulty router hub at >>location<<. Diagnostic indicates
failure causing significant signal degradation.

Priority: 2
Estimated Time To Repair: 40 minutes
Target Completion: 1500, 3 July

Thank you!]<<<<<
-- Autodiagnose <10:00:42/07-03-60>
Message no. 2
From: Paul J. Adam Shadowtk@********
Subject: Manhunt
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 1999 10:17:27 +0100
*****INTERNAL: Renraku Telecommunications Autodiagnostic
+++++line quality below norm
+++++begin diagnostic recording
A: Voice 1
B: Voice 2

A: I'm not going to enjoy hearing this, am I?

B: No. The Davidson woman is gone. The garage is wrecked, thoroughly
stripped. No bodies, of course.

A: None at all?

B: This is Hell's Kitchen, and the ghouls are downright adventurous. I
gather some people actually make deals with them.

A: Incredible. How do you bear living in a city like that?

B: I don't. It's well away from me. No ghouls here in Fort Lewis...

A: Speaking of which, do you need more help with your expansion?

B: I'm afraid so, Don Malone. Losing a dozen heavy hitters... hurt us
badly. We're still taking hit-and-run attacks all over Bartolo's old turf.
Five, six a week. Just a few shots, but I'm getting guys wounded and
one or two killed. It's bad for business, nobody wants to be near our

A: That's bad. Very bad. You're dealing with someone smart and
organised. Which brings me to my next point. That obstruction at the
north end of your new territory.

B: Yeager Field? The mercs?

A: No, not them. Avoid them. The Elven bitch.

B: Easy? Be careful saying things like that-

A: I remember when she was dancing naked on tables, Eric. She has
pretensions beyond her talents. She's also sitting on a very valuable
piece of real estate. Barrens land with power and water? I want you to
take that.

B: She'll object. I'm not in shape to fight a war with her.

A: I'll reinforce you, never fear. Use the street gangs, too, put some
money around. And I can make the cops into allies as well.

B: People have tried squeezing her before...

A: Not particularly competently.

You took Bartolo, you can take Easy. She had Federal friends, well,
they're dead. She's got support, that can be erased. The Metroplex think
she's an embarrasment and they'd be delighted if she disappeared.

B: Okay. I'll need more time, but okay.

A: Word of warning. If you hear she's dead, demand proof. A lot of people
have died and come back. She did, and she turned Heihachi's New Year
party into a bloodbath. Understand?

B: Yeah. I figured _that_ already. Should I use shadowrunners?

A: If you need the talent, sure. Be wary, though, they're unreliable.

B: I know. Okay. I got some ideas.
+++++end recording
+++++signal analysis ongoing.... .... .... .... analysis complete
+++++fault located
+++++delete recording]<<<<<
-- Autodiagnostic <09:56:47/07-03-60>

*****INTERNAL: Renraku Telecommunications Repair Division
>>>>>[Faulty router hub at >>location<<. Diagnostic indicates
failure causing significant signal degradation.

Priority: 2
Estimated Time To Repair: 40 minutes
Target Completion: 1500, 3 July

Thank you!]<<<<<
-- Autodiagnose <10:00:42/07-03-60>
Message no. 3
From: Marathon <Marathon@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Manhunt
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 19:40:39 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Tollbooth, Hungry, Burns, Cath.
>>>>>[I have the location of a littel drekhead who desperately needs
some lessons taught to him regarding respect in the shadows.

+++++Include: location.

How d'ya fancy comin' along and teaching the little shitehawk some
manners. Though Hungry's gonna have to leave the cyber switched off, I
reckon his natural strength should be sufficient.

Just to let you know, the little fuck has been tormentin' some people up
on S'land, and using bad language an' all, just to say they're lying
when bugs got mentioned by some nutcase Avenger fella. I don't like the
way this Dashira fucker answered, and I figure that Pendragon and Sheila
deserve better than some fuckwit callin' 'em a dream.

Anyway, you guy's in or what?]<<<<<
-- Marathon <19:39:12/12-07-57>
Message no. 4
From: Marathon <Marathon@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Manhunt
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 1996 20:33:09 +0000
*****PRIVATE: Marathon
>>>>>[We're in. Nothin' worse than disrespect to the dead. Let's stomp
his ass. Wanna use the cattle prod?]<<<<<
-- Cath <20:31:43/12-07-57>
Message no. 5
From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Manhunt
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 1997 00:23:58 +0100
>>>>>[TO: LCdr R E Tarkington, Sgt J S Karlsbruhn

We found the screamer. A squatter found it in an alleyway, near the Le
Enfant Plaza metro station, and had been wandering around with it in his
shopping cart.

From what we got out of his ramblings (smelt like he'd been drinking
paint thinner) this might have been there a few minutes, maybe a quarter
of an hour, after it started sounding: the bells were chiming soon after
he picked it up, gave us a reference.

No sign of Alex yet. We've got FedPol working it too, put out a
description, the uniforms are interviewing anyone who might have seen
something, but if they shuffled him onto the Metro then he could be
anywhere in the city by now, including on the way out of it.

One of our people snatched, right inside the Government Zone. This is
not going to look good.]<<<<<
-- 1Lt J R W Lynch <00:22:16/06-28-58>
Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Manhunt, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.