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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: Mike Goldberg <M_GOLDBERG@******.COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: mercs
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 12:30:38 -0600
>>>>>[Hope that was the right encryption key. . . Anyway, I figure I
take a small trailing break to post this little thing for Doomsday, and
friends. Here goes:

The people who have survived the raid on Gawk (grumble) are: Starburst,
RazorEdge, Ripper, and apparently an mage-type going by the name of
Firewraith. <include MERCPICS3> There are the pictures for them. Oops,
gotta go they are relocating again.]<<<<<
-- Shadowfox <12:30:59/07-01-54>

>>>>>[Thanks Shadowfox, we owe ya. Let's us know when they finally settle
down. I'll talk to a fixer and see what kind of rep Firewraith has. By the
way, what condition are they in?]<<<<<
-- Doomsday <12:33:14/07-01-54>

>>>>>[They met with a mage earlier, who I didn't get a pic on. He healed
them, took their cred and scrammed. It looks like they still got plenty of
money, because they are gearing up hard-core. I'll keep you posted.
Shadowfox out.]<<<<<
-- Shadowfox <12:35:53/07-01-54>
Message no. 2
From: mneideng@**** (Mark L. Neidengard)
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 14:31:22 -0800
>>>>>[I think we've all had about enough of this merc-this/merc-that shit.
you've got your male-bonding and your Code of Honor, good for you. _Everyone_
has their own Code of Ethics, even if they don't have to write it down to
remember it like some people seem to. It's _supposed_ to go without saying,
unless you're somehow insecure about it. So you fought in various God-forsaken
parts of the world. Join the statistical parade. Millions have fought and
died in _war_ over the course of civilization. The only ones who are remembered
are the people that changed the politics. Maybe instead of fighting the war
you should think about fighting the cause _behind_ the war. _That's_ what
happens when you think for yourself and don't obey the pack-leader like a bunch
of trained dogs. Unlike mercenaries who are paid to let someone else make
decisions for them, the "shadowrunner" is a free agent, taking causes only if
they suit them. The "runner" gets paid and the merc gets paid, but the runner
gets his pay for doing what he feels is right. If what you want to do is
follow orders, why not get lobotomized and have an expert system installed?
It'd be more efficient, and save us having to hear all the bullshit at the same
time... ]<<<<<
Message no. 3
From: ANGLISS BRIAN EDWARD <angliss@****.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 16:18:12 -0700 (MST)
>>>>>[Most interesting, Mr. Corrupted. In my experience, it's the other
way around. Mercenaries walk when the orders contradict their code while
runners don't give a flying frag about what they do to who just so long
as they get paid. I've hired more runners who would frag over thier
mothers for a nuyen than who actually cared about the job they did.
Naturally, there are exceptions, but they are just that; exceptions.
The rule, in my experience and the experience of my team as well, is that
runners are noisy, have no honor or code except what the almighty nuyen
dictates, totally unprofessional, with an attitude that their bodies and
brains can't support.

As a runner, your word is your signature. As a mercenary, my signature
is on a written contract, and that contract says that I can walk under
various circumstances. If you try that as a runner after you've given
your word, most fixers will gun you down, and if they don't, then they
should. As a runner, you usually don't know who you're working for and
what the game is. As a mercenary, I always know exactly who I'm working
for and precisely what the game is, or I walk. As a runner, you almost
never know who's calling the shots(not necessarily the same person as
your employer) unless they let you know. As a mercenary, I know exactly
who gives me my orders and why.

As a runner, you have no way to influence the causes. Most runners view
the corporate world as the cause of the world's current woes, and they'd
be half right. Yet runners exist simply because the corporations of
this world allow them to. Runners, otherwise known as "temporary,
disposable, and deniable assets" in corporations, are bought, sold,
traded, eliminated, and created at corporate whim. If the corporations
of the world wanted all runners destroyed, you'd all be dead. Runners
exist because they're useful and so long as they remain useful, they will
continue to exist. But the instant that runners become more of a hassle
than they are worth, the entire "culture" will be destroyed. To belive
that you can actually influence the corporate world that lets you live is
hubris and hypocritical.

Mercenaries existed far before runners did. We exist appart from the
corporate world. The corporations could blow up the planet tomorrow and
mercenaries would still exist, selling thier brains, bodies, and blood to
nations, warlords, or whoever remained to pay them. Corporations will
never destroy mercenaries, even if they could, because they need us far
more than we need them. Mercenaries always have alternatives to
corporate work; runners do not. Mercenaries have a power to influence
the world that runners cannot have, and never will. Mercenaries have
turned the tides of war more times than I can count. Mercenaries hired
as advisors are in positions of power, capable of changing policy with a
well placed and spoken word. Mercenaries have the ability to stop war
before it starts, or to turn it off before it goes too far. I can count
the number of runners who have ever had that power on one hand, but I
lost count years ago on the number of times I alone weilded that much
power, exercised that power, and changed the world.]<<<<<
-- Fat Chance <16:16:14/01-19-57>

*****PRIVATE: Skull
-- Fat Chance <16:17:06/01-19-57>

*****PRIVATE: Fat Chance
-- Skull <16:17:57/01-19-57>
Message no. 4
From: mneideng@**** (Mark L. Neidengard)
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 1996 17:44:30 -0800
*****PRIVATE: Valerie
>>>>>[*GROWL* Can you believe this shit: "as a runner, your word is
signature". What does that mean? My name (and my Icon) are signature enough,
and they go on every contract I agree to too. Breach of contract is as
legitimate a phenomenon for us as it is for them. And I rather _doubt_ that
those bozos actually know who is giving their precious CO their orders, or
what that person is thinking. And if they think they've got the _why_ for
all their orders, they're fucking nutcase. And as for influencing causes,
I know what my cause is, and I sure as fucking hell know that I'm working
toward it. I hang with the crew because that's how to be effective, and we
all agree before taking the contract; none of this arbitrary helpless shit.
Not to mention that the corps will never decide to get rid of 'runners, because
they need what we provide. Not that if they decided to wipe us all out they
could do it, any more than they could exterminate all the over-confident mercs.
And who cares if mercs have been around since the dawn of time. Large,
clunky groups of clods tramping around and following orders. Wonderful.
Anyone can wield a sword; it takes subtlety and brains to wield a knife after
sneaking into your target's room, and even more to make it out alive again.
Certainly, the mercs are as much at the mercy of economics as we are. Hell,
even more, since most corps that want a military force would rather do it
in house than hire out to a bunch of people with independent loyalties.

Oh, and what's this "mercs hired as advisors" bullshit? If the ruling cadre
was that weak, why was it in power in the first place? Hiring an advisor such
as that is tantamount to selling out your entire power base. And the ability
to stop war at the touch of a button?! WHERE THE FUCK WERE THEY TO STOP THE
TWO WORLD WARS?!?!?!? Could they have stopped the destruction of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki? _*FUCK*NO*_!!! Goddamn bastard-ass shit-sucking motherfuckers
have NO fucking idea what they're even talking about. Clearly they sold out
what is left of their _idiotic_ brains to their commanders long ago....
And the truly powerful runners are _not_ the ones he's even heard about. And
if he wants to ego trip and say that he was so instrumental in the course of

*SIGH* What a sad ego-tripping motherfucker. I know I shouldn't let this
shit get to me, but...with this nuclear shit and all. *sigh* Goddamn. I
just hope this shit blows over that we... ]<<<<<
-- Azrael <17:18:45 / 01-19-57>

*****PRIVATE: Azrael
>>>>>[*sigh* I know how you feel. I'm all hyped-up too for this nuclear
showdown stuff, but it is pretty stressful. And then to have people so
obviously and perniciously stupid as these. Don't worry about a few idiots
with oversized egos. I'm still here. I...know it won't be the same, but why
don't you and I use It at [ENCRYPTED] tonight. I...think we both are long
-- Valerie <17:37:49 / 01-19-57>
Message no. 5
From: Evan Hughes <ehughes@****>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 96 0:21:29 EST
>>>>>[You folks definitely do go out of your way to provide a good show,
don't you? *grin*

I don't want to make any comments about posturing or anything like
that, since I know most of you, and I know that isn't something most of
you would do, but I find your various point's of view very interesting.
What exactly are your Codes of Honour? *grin* I'm pretty sure I'd rather
be stuck in a fire fight involving Skull's team rather than Jen and Gabe
(no offense meant, its just that you two seem to have made quite a
reputation for yourselves), or at least I'm assuming that's true. Tell me
more! I want to know! =)]<<<<<
-- Tobai Dark <00:09:59/20-01-57>

>>>>>[No worries chummer. Here's a hint: if you're ever caught in a fire
fight between us and some folks stupid enough to try to stop us from where
we want to be, just keep down. We don't kill for fun, and so long as
you're a smart bystander, you'll be a live bystander. But keep in mind
ammunition tends to explode when it's burning or on fire, so you DON'T
want to be near the bad guys (them), by far the safest place is somewhere
near the good guys (us), but not too close, 'cause you might get hit by a
(one of theirs) stray shot. And make sure not to move around too quickly,
or else we might mistake you for a badguy (it's happend a few times, even
to us) after which point, we take no further responsibility.

Here, how about this: Gabe'll make up a nice dayglo yellow card that says
"Get out of firefight free card. Redeemable at any firefight." and fax it
to you. You just carry that around, and whenever you get stuck in a fire
fight (it'll probably work best in one that we're involved in. You can
easily recognize us by our overwhelming charm, style and good looks) pull
it out of your pocket and hold it up in the air (you may wish to use a
stick or something unless you want a baddy to remove that appendage). We
will then make a concerted effort not only to miss you, but to actually
advance in such a manner as to keep you safe.

Sound fair?]<<<<<
-- Jen and Gabe <00:22:21/20-01-57>
Message no. 6
From: DANIEC01@******
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 13:18:14 -0600 (CST)
>>>>>[ just saw all of this and could not help but have to add to the fray.
First to Jen and Gab, lay off Skull's team, I ran in to them about 5-6yrs back,
in whats left of china, we were overrun buy them(we were out numbered) and when
we gave up, they did not do what comes to a few "shadowruners" would do and
kill all of the hostages, even for the fact that we did slug it out for a long
time, and I'm shure we both lost some freinds in the fight.
And second skull not all 'runners are that bad. It's the people not what they
--Death Jestor (1:17:25/1-20-57)
of Team Heads Will Roll
Message no. 7
From: Evan Hughes <ehughes@****>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 96 20:02:04 EST
>>>>>[You gave up? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSER!]<<<<<
-- Jen and Gabe <20:03:41/20-01-57>
Message no. 8
From: shadowtk@******** (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sat, 20 Jan 1996 09:35:05 GMT
>>>>>[Can we lay off bashing mercs and shadowrunners? I've been both for...
longer than I like to remember. You'll be starting on civil servants next
and that will *really* start to annoy me. I've known runners who were
gun-happy scum and mercs who would follow orders to kill their own
mothers, mercs who were some of the most honest soldiers I knew and
runners with a sense of honour that left me ashamed of myself.

And, word of warning, nobody go near any government facilities for a few
days. With all this recent hassle, the security is sort of trigger-happy
at the moment.

*More* corporations with nuclear weapons. Boy, do I feel safer. Not. We've
had them for one hundred and twelve years and we're still scared of them.
These bozos have owned theirs for a few months. One wonders if they realised
what they just bought themselves into.

They almost certainly don't. All I know for sure is that I'm likely to have
to help clean this mess up.]<<<<<
-- Lynch (09:40/20-1-57)
Message no. 9
From: JOHN SPAIN <93135653@****>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 17:43:29 +0000 (GMT)
>>>>>[Gee Lynch, now that you mention it, Civil Servants _are_ the scum
of the earth. Hahah]<<<<<
-- Goku (10:40:21/21-01-57)

*****PRIVATE: Gryphon
>>>>>[Talking about desk hugging parasites, hey, YOU! I ain't hiding
so you can tell your bosses at the Renraku head office that they can stop
sending their bruisers looking for me. I'm ready to take the first assignment.
And remember, the agreement is five jobs and I'm through. No more]<<<<<
-- Goku ("#%^%EH%/$"!%%^&$)
Message no. 10
From: shadowtk@******** (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 21:02:28 GMT
>>>>>[Goku, you suffer from a case of mistaken identity. You've evidently
confused me with someone who might actually care what you think.
-- Lynch (21:05:21/21-01-57)
Message no. 11
From: bd042@***.org (SCN User)
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 1996 13:58:50 -0800
*****PRIVATE: Goku
>>>>>[Very good, we're glad you decided to listen to reason. We
(that is, my superior in security) would like you to begin by investigating
the incidents here in Seattle last year, surrounding a nuclear facility
in Redmond and a school for wayward youths in the same area. I believe
the headmaster of that school was incarcerated at the time; I'm sure it
was on the newsfiles.

I'm not sure why they feel this is important, but I think that they
think that there might be some connection between this and the current
nuclear crisis, and that they're trying to score some points with the
Corp Court.

Come up with something on this, and if you do it fast enough, there might
e something extra in it for you.]<<<<<
--Gryphon <13:56:20/21-01-57>
Matrix Security
Message no. 12
From: JOHN SPAIN <93135653@****>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 08:29:30 +0000 (GMT)
>>>>>[<grin> No harm intended, Lynch-san. My old man was a civil
I come from a long line of civil servants. _That_ is how I know they are
the scum of the earth ;)]<<<<<
-- Goku (00:35:21/01-22-57)
Message no. 13
From: JOHN SPAIN <93135653@****>
Subject: Re: Mercs
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 1996 08:35:00 +0000 (GMT)
*****PRIVATE: Gryphon
>>>>>[That was quick. Very well, I will have results within two days.
-- Goku (TraceThis/DeskHugger)

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Mercs, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.