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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

Message no. 1
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Steele, Phillip)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 07:15:00 2001
>>>>>[Hey Grungewallah less with the decreipt, us "old farts"
been around while you were still in dipers. The fact that we're still
around means we're good at what we do.]<<<<<
-- I.B.A. <12:17:02 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 2
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 12:40:02 2001
>>>>>[Okay IBA, you get that cookie, you old farts have been around longer.
Big deal. The fact that you're all still breathing does not denote any
better skill, but rather a greater amount of luck. I've seen highly skilled
extremely able people bite the big one because of bad luck, and utterly
useless assholes walk away from the worst clusterfuck you could imagine, so
you'll excuse me if I don't swallow that particular line.

All the same though, with due respect to those who've earned their place in
the shadows it is rather sickening watching people drool all over each
other. All they need to do is remember to put their teeth in first, it helps
stop the drooling. My opinion? The knitting circle and Bridge club are
better places for you wrinklies to reminisce. This place is for working
types and intellectuals, not has beens.]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <17:47:55 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 3
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 13:10:05 2001
>>>>>[Yeah, right. Survival's just luck. And the more experience I get,
and the harder I train, the luckier I get.

The race may not always be to the swift, nor the battle to the
strongest... but a betting man puts his money that way.]<<<<<
-- Mitchell <18:10:35/06025-62>

*****PRIVATE: Mitchell
>>>>>[You, here?]<<<<<
-- Lynch <18:12:14/06-25-62>

*****PRIVATE: Lynch
>>>>>[Yeah, well, sometimes rattling the cages at the zoo provides a
little light relief.

So, are you a fugitive criminal, or BGen Ernang's trusted third-in-
command and S-2?]<<<<<
-- Mitchell <18:14:51/06-25-62>

*****PRIVATE: Mitchell
>>>>>[Both <g>]<<<<<
-- <18:16:45/06-25-62>
Message no. 4
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 15:55:01 2001
>>>>>[Ooooohhhhh, well aren't you the lucky one. Training. Well golly gee
garsh, ain't you just the professional.


There's a frighteningly large number of people out there who can't even get
an education, let alone millions of dollars of freakin' training. Sheesh, go
rub their noses in it why don't ya.]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <21:01:13 / 25-06-62>
Message no. 5
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 16:25:01 2001
>>>>>[Yep. I'm a professional, you're a loser amateur. Live with it.

If you were any good, you wouldn't *need* to be told and you'd also be
looking for ways to neutralise my advantages. Instead, you're whining.

Tells us all we need to know, pal.]<<<<<
-- Mitchell <21:28:42/06-25-62>
Message no. 6
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 16:45:01 2001
>>>>>[Well will ya lookee there. The kiddies have come out to play. Hey
Mitchell, keep taking the tablets dude, and when you can make sense again
then we'll let ya speak to the grown ups. I don't hear me whining, but it
sure does sound like you are. Whassamatta pal, did I nudge your poor little
ego in the wrong direction? Huh? Scratch your poor little self image? Tough.
Deal with it.

Neutralise... Wow dude, what planet did you fall off've?]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <21:51:23 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 7
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 16:50:00 2001
+++++include audio: Deep sigh

There's always one. Regardless of where you go or where you are, there is
always at least one. Funny, I can't help thinking that somewhere there is a
farm that waits until certain times of the month before releasing one of
their turkeys onto the world.

Hey Grungefellah, go pluck a chicken, you need the practice. When you've
learned to debate instead of insult, then come back and talk to the
intellectuals. Meanwhile leave the kiddies alone, Mitchell has done more
than his share of keeping the mortuary service in business to warrant the
respect of upstart pups like you.

Nice movie by the way, perhaps you should consider a career in advertising,
you've certainly got the angle on video bullshit.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <21:55:11 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 8
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Mike Broadwater)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 17:15:01 2001
<action>crawls out of the woodwork.</action>
<action>dons flame retardant suit.</action>
<action>pulls out old lawn chair and sits down.</action>

Don't mind me, folks, I'm just here to watch the war.]<<<<<
-- Blade <14:14:14 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 9
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 17:20:03 2001
+++++Include audio: wet fart

There's always one. No matter where a guy hangs out there's always someone
who's a smartass. If I was released from the turkey farm Urbanus, then
there's a goodly chance it's day release for the old folks home too.]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <22:26:08 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 10
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 17:25:01 2001
>>>>>[Hey, long time no see.

You okay?]<<<<<
-- The Mighty Quinn <22:24:42/06-25-62>
Message no. 11
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 17:35:00 2001
>>>>>[Folks like Grungewallah are good for the business. After a
Johnson's run across a couple of bozos like him, it's amazing how much
better they understand the truth of "you pay peanuts, you get monkeys".
Argumentative loudmouths like him make the rest of us look positively

As for Mitchell... he's not a runner, he's a SEAL, XO of the Special
Boat Unit in Everett, and if you get caught doing any seaborne smuggling
in UCAS waters you may get acquainted with him and his team. I've been
spared that pleasure... but I've heard of folks who decided they could
shoot it out with a SEAL team in an opposed boarding.

The SEALs haven't lost a firefight yet. And I wouldn't want to bet on
changing that pattern.]<<<<<
-- Jules <22:39:27/06-25-62>
Message no. 12
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 18:20:01 2001
>>>>>[Pay peanuts you get monkeys. Give an infinite number of monkeys an
infinite number of typewriters and eventually one of them will write

Nice lecture Jules, but sorry. I suggest you get back on your spaceship and
return to Planet Clue, they're missing you.

At some time everyone was a monkey. Or are you saying you were born
professional? An interesting claim, more than arrogant methinks. Watch out
for those monkeys on your back, one of them might turn out to be more than
he appears.]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <23:23:05 / 06-25-62>
Message no. 13
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 19:05:01 2001

Little man, if you can't even speak the language, you shouldn't be on
the playing field. Neutralise: to prevent the enemy from manoeuvering,
firing or observing while allowing own forces to operate. It's only been
a standard term for the last, what, hundred and fifty years? Did you
miss it or were you just not paying attention?

I can't help it if you were born stupid, and I find your delight in
*staying* stupid hilarious.]<<<<<
-- Mitchell <22:25:43/06-25-62>
Message no. 14
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 19:15:01 2001
>>>>>[Trouble is, Grungewallah, if you need a sonnet that has to be
delivered three days from now or not at all, you're better off paying
for a poet than hiring some monkeys. Relying on mobs and numbers rarely
works too well in the real world, 'cause they take so damn _long_ to
bash out _Cymbeline_ (and you wanted _Timon of Athens_ anyway)

I was a clueless amateur once. Went through Army training and came out
rather more skilful, but no more clued about real life.

I got shot a few times, though, and the arrogance sort of... leaked out.
I'm learning the hard way the 5/95 rule... when amateurs fight
professionals, one in twenty of the professionals become casualties. One
in twenty of the amateurs who enter combat, survive. They don't know
when to back off, they don't know how to retreat and they don't even
really know how to fight: it's like saying that one day, the sheep
_will_ manage to overwhelm the wolf by sheer force of numbers. Maybe so,
and it'll make a good show when it happens, but so far you always end up
with dead sheep and a well-fed wolf.

I'm still not a professional, just an *educated* amateur who has some
idea of when to stand, when to fight, and when to run like fuck. When
you're training with a real professional, you learn to respect, even
fear, them.]<<<<<
-- Jules <23:45:42/06-25-62>

*****PRIVATE: Jules
>>>>>[Is this about that business with Lynch and the lions when you were
out running last week?]<<<<<
-- Harold <23:49:43/06-25-62>

*****PRIVATE: Harold
>>>>>[In part. There's something _scary_ about a man who faces down and
chases off a pride of lions, without even unslinging his rifle, and then
just asks us why we're lazing around when we should be getting fit. He
didn't seem to give a damn.]<<<<<
-- Jules <23:55:18/06-25-62>

*****PRIVATE: Jules
>>>>>[He's married to a leopard, isn't he? She'll know all about lions,
and he probably just learned from her.

You just find the pack leader and scare *her* (it's always a her, the
males are just for show and for making cubs with). When she backs down,
and if you do it right she will, the rest of the pack follows. Same as
humans, really.

Now, us tigers...]<<<<<
-- Harold <00:11:51/06-26-62>

*****PRIVATE: Harold
>>>>>[Says the orange pyjama case.]<<<<<
-- Jules <00:14:32/06-26-62>

*****PRIVATE: Jules
>>>>>[Oi! You watch that.]<<<<<
-- Harold <00:15:07/06-26-62>
Message no. 15
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 19:50:01 2001
>>>>>[Oh I can speak the language big boy... it's just rather archaic isn't
it? A bit like those Dr. Who re-runs on the classic channel.

I just get this picture of you with a sink plunger on your head repeating
constantly "We will exterminate"...

Have a nice rest in your I Love Me jacket Mitchell, I'm sure the others at
the assylum sleep better knowing you're out there with your
-- Grungewallah <00:55:03 / 06-26-62>
Message no. 16
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Mon Jun 25 19:55:01 2001
>>>>>[Okay Jules, I take back the comments, nice to see some logic from
someone for a change.

Mind, I don't have a lot of use for sonnets so I wouldn't really worry about
the delivery time to be honest.

And your admission about the difference between military training/experience
and real life is a refreshing and honest one, something that is in rare
supply these days. Humility with honesty.

Aww to hell with it, I'll even apologise to you for what I said. You're
being more than reasonable, it's the least I can do. Have a good one
fellah, and don't be scared to come back for more insults and observations
on life from the Grungewallah.]<<<<<
-- Grungewallah <01:00:00 / 06-26-62>
Message no. 17
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Mark Imbriaco)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Tue Jun 26 15:10:01 2001
>>>>>[ But he's only a West Coast SEAL -- that doesn't count.
-- Imp <15:12:55/06-26-62>
Message no. 18
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Wed Jun 27 16:50:01 2001
>>>>>[Hey, he's only a SEAL - who said *any* of them counted? :)
-- The Mighty Quinn <21:55:43/06-27-62>
Message no. 19
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Mark Imbriaco)
Subject: Old farts and the like
Date: Wed Jun 27 23:50:01 2001
>>>>>[ Well, some of us poor misguided SEALs hang out with out betters in
the Sport And Social, and we've picked up a few things along the way. Oh
wait, I think we won last time we played with those boys -- nevermind.
Damned brits. :) ]<<<<<
-- Imp <23:49:15/06-27-62>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Old farts and the like, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.