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Message no. 1
From: Brian Angliss <angliss@*****.COLORADO.EDU>
Subject: Patrick O'Kennedy Press Conference
Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 02:36:06 -0600
>>>>>[Thought all of you might find this interesting, with all the goings
at Haven recently.

+++++ Begin News Clip +++++

The news crews are shown inside Haven itself, underneath a semi-transparent=
bubble which appears to be allowing light into the area beneath it, as the=
artificial lights aren't on, and it's afternoon. There appear to be dozens=
of news crews here, all set up and parked along the road that passes in=
front of the main building, and a small podium has been set up, with a=
variety of chairs as well.

"Good afternoon, I'm Nikki Citizen, coming live to you from Haven, where in=
moments, Patrick O'Kennedy, founder, leader, and school principle of Haven=
has announced that he was giving a press conference. In a show of presence=
normally reserved for the Mayor or important political figures, the news=
corp has turned out dozens of reporters to ask Mr. O'Kennedy the pressing=
questions of the day - How does this bubble affect his relationship with=
Redmond and Seattle, how many people were injured in the attack before=
Haven was able to raise this formidable defense, just how, precisely, did=
Haven manage it, and what are Haven's plans now. Ahh, it appears that Mr.=
O'Kennedy is about to come out of the main Haven building. Excuse me, I=
need to take my seat."

Nikki Citizen, a tall, lithe, blonde elf dressed in a classy and moderately=
liberal suit and skirt (slightly above the knee), moves carefully over to a=
seat and sits down. Additional members of the press also move to take=
thier seats, roughly 20 or so reporters in all.

Up at the main Haven door is a little commotion, and out steps Patrick=
O'Kennedy, a moderately tall elf, about 180cm tall, perhaps 70kgs, wearing=
a simple button-down Oxford shirt with the sleeves rolled up, open at the=
collar. He's wearing a pair of reasonably nice slacks, and his ubiquitous=
black Converse hightops. He walks with a noticable limp, and his left arm=
is in a sling. He is being helped by a woman, but once he's down the=
stairs, he pats her arm, and limps quickly forward to the small podium.

"Wow. I never thought I'd get this many members of the press out here on=
such short notice. I apologize for the seating arrangements, especially to=
those of you in the back, but I don't like using raisers. We're all equal =

"Mr. O'Kennedy...."

"I'm sorry, Charles, but if you and your distinquished colleagues could=
please be patient, I have a statement I'd like to read before I answer ques=

On the 26th of this month, Haven was attacked by the Children of Thunda in=
supposed retaliation for our mere presence and supposed collaberation with=
some metahuman conspiracy. The terrorists sent over a hundred attackers,=
including suicide bombers, fanatics carrying assault rifles and clubs, and=
still others using rockets and home-made mortars. The physical devastation=
they wreaked upon Haven will take months to repair, while the mental and=
psychological devastation may be unrepairable. Never before was Haven=
shown to be so vulnerable, and never before in our history has Haven been=
dealt such a serious and direct blow.

The terrorist attack on Haven killed over 15 gate guards, including several=
volunteers from the Siblings, a humanistic/religious organization who had=
so generously offered to help defend the gates of Haven. The others were=
members from various Seattle gangs, including the Halloweeners, the=
Ancients, the I-5ers, and other, less well known gangs such as the Crimson=
Kickers, Black and Gold, and the Forresters. But their damage did not stop=
there. The terrorists also plunged deep into the heart of Haven, killing a=
dozen more before they reached the main building where you are now sitting.=
These innocent people included ex-gang members and orphans who sought=
nothing more than to better themselves through education and exposure to=
new perspectives, new cultures, and new ideas. Others were the wounded=
survivors of the riots going on at the time, and still others were medical=
professionals whose only reason for being at Haven was to save the lives=
that the terrorists had so crassly endangered or actively attempted to elim=

Finally, the Children of Thunda reached this area of the compound, the=
heart of the orphanage and school that Haven is and seeks to become. =
Before thier arrival, and before the spirit defenses could be engaged,=
between 8 and 12 mortar round rained down upon the park and the emergency=
crews and surgical tents raised there. You can see the destructive power=
of those explosives in the size of the craters. >>>The camera drifts=
briefly up to show what was a playing field and park with tents, medical=
personelle tending to the remaining wounded, and craters in the grass and=
bushes, scarred trees, etc.<<< The mortar attack came and murdered a great=
many people who survived their wounds from the riots only to be slaughtered=
by a barrage of shrapnel and steel. At that time, Haven was housing=
approximately 300 wounded, in various states, as well as 50 to 75 medical=
professionals. Of those, 34 were killed by the mortar attack alone, and=
another 40 seriously or critically wounded. And when the attack destroyed=
one of 2 surgical tents, 4 volunteer surgeons from Seattle hospitals were=
killed too. When the final attack from the terrorists came, with thier=
rockets, clubs, and submachineguns, it was almost anti-climatic - they had=
already done thier damage.

But rather than allow the slaughter to continue, my faculty and I put=
ourselves at great personal risk and raised the bubble you see overhead. =
It was not a perfect solution, rather far from it, but it protected the=
dormitory you see behind you, where several hundred of my wards and=
students live, and it protected the wounded and volunteers who had=
inadvertantly had thier lives placed at risk. And it accomplished this=
without placing any of the terrorist's lives at risk themselves. Haven=
exists to protect and nurture life, not to take it. I personally regret=
the lives of the terrorists which were lost when Lone Star and various=
other groups, including the surviving gate guards, took it upon themselves=
to exact some measure of revenge or to "shoot first, ask questions later." =
While I find it difficult to apologize to a terrorist organization, I=
cannot condone violence, and the violence at the outer border of Haven was=
an unfortunate accident. Therefore, I am sorry for the actions of the=
volunteers here at Haven, as well as the actions of certain overzealous=
Lone Star officers.

I would like to take this occasion to apologize for the way in which the=
barrier was raised. I have heard that it is of more than passing concern=
to a great many people in Seattle, and especially here in Redmond. I have=
heard a great many questions, all of which boil down to this one: What are=
Haven's plans? Well, first, the bubble over your head will collapse at=
some point in the next 36 hours. There is simply not enough energy to=
maintain it for an indefinate period of time, and certainly not without=
additional magical rituals to do so. Once it collapses, my faculty and I=
will spend some time perfecting a version of what you see as a defense=
against attacks. However, we hope to make that defense far more friendly=
to Redmond, including making it selective and transparent. While I haven't=
been outside Haven recently, I have heard that the mirror bubble is an=
imposing sight, and Haven could not perform its goals of promoting=
education, protection, and tolerance while frightening off everyone Haven=
seeks to help.

Second, Haven will rebuild its damaged facilities and continue to provide a=
service for the community of Redmond in particular, and for all the=
disadvantaged of Seattle in general. Haven was created as a place where=
the lost ideals of personal responsibility and honor, education for its own=
sake, racial tolerance and the celebration of diversity, and peace could be=
taught to our future - our children. In addition, Haven was named such as=
a reminder that we need to provide safe areas where people can be given a=
fresh chance, a safe place where people can heal, physically and mentally,=
away from the daily dangers and fears.

However, there are those who oppose the ideas that Haven represents. There=
are those who fear peace because it is different from violence, those who=
cannot accept that we are all equal and that we should celebrate our=
differences rather than fear or hate them, those who cannot understand that=
peace cannot be won from the barrel of a gun or the edge of a spur, but=
only earned, those who would control the minds of the young rather than=
allow them to choose thier own path and thier own beliefs. It is people=
that fear a better future who have attacked Haven recently, and it is=
people like this from whom Haven requires some defense. It is to protect=
Haven's purpose for existance and to protect those who seek a better lives=
for themselves from those who see Haven and its children as a threat that=
our magic will again raise passive defenses.

Peace, responsibility, and honor can never be given or taken by force, only=
earned. Similarly, Haven can never defend itself with force of arms, only=
with such passive defenses as it has at its disposal.

Thanks for listening. Any questions? Charles."

A dwarf, sans beard, dressed in a conservative suit, stands up. "Charles=
Formal, NewsDay. Mr. O'Kennedy...."

"Patrick, please, or Pat. I hardly expect such formality out of my wards,=
so it's unfair to expect it from you."

"Ok.... Patrick, there has been some concern as to whether the magics you=
used in raising this barrier might be used to power offensive magics as=
well. Could they be?"

"No. You are sitting on the magical circle yourselves - no, don't worry=
about it, it's completely harmless right now. It has been carefully=
designed to eliminate the possibility that it could be used for destructive=
purposes. Uh, Charlie."

A 170cm tall human with dark hair and an intense face stands. "Charlie=
Brakken, TRS News. Would you be willing to provide the formula for=
independant verification of that statement?"

"I'm sorry, but while I could provide enough information to prove it, the=
precise formula of the circle is closely held. Creating circles of this=
power is not something that should be done lightly, and it takes years to=
design and complete. There are very few individuals or organizations I=
would trust not to misuse such information, and those organizations already=
have access to information such as this."

"So you admit that you are personally in charge of a potent magical device=
with potential for violence."

"No, this particular circle cannot be perverted in such a manner, but I will=
admit that similar circles could be, yes. And my faculty and I are the=
caretakers of this circle, not just myself."

"And are you in touch with these other orginizations personally? And what=
are they, or are you allowed to tell us?"

"I have been in contact with the various Dunklezahn institutes, yes. =
However, most academic, corporate, and national groups are simply not=
trustworthy enough, although many have approached me about such=
information. Opus."


"Please, Charlie, allow others to speak too."

"Opus Meyers, The Underground Metaplane. Patrick, any truth to the rumors=
you got advanced warning about the recent Children of Thunda chaos?"

"I suppose that would depend on what you mean by advanced warning. I=
maintain connections to the underworld here in Seattle so that I can=
contact the various gangs and so they can contact me. I recieved the=
ultimatum that was delivered by Mr. Abbadon at the same time that everyone=
else did. However, due to his suspected connection to Thunda, and my=
memories of Thunda's activities, I found his threat to be all to real. So=
I began emergency preparations in the event that he should decide that=
Haven made a particularly tempting target. Haven would have been destroyed=
if I hadn't, but no, I don't really consider that to be advanced warning. =

"Mad Mario Scagnetti, KGNU radio. Do you have any role in the elven=
conspiracy that threatens Seattle, and indeed the world?"

"Of course I do. Of course, I just revealed classified information, so now=
I have to kill you and everyone watching to keep it a secret. Nikki."

"Nikki Citizen, KTEH News. I noticed that you were limping and your arm is=
in a sling. What happened?"

"In the process of casting magic, it often causes minor injuries. Most of=
the time they can be slept off, or are minor bruises. The more powerful=
the magic, the more dangerous it can be. I'm afraid that my injuries were=
an unfortunate but unsurprising side-effect of raising the barrier. I=
consider it a small price to pay for protecting hundreds of lives. Graham.=

Another well groomed human, about 180cm tall, slowly and carefully stands=
up. "Graham Sollen, Seattle City News Today. Hayashi Biotechnologies=
generated a media blitz regarding thier donation of medical supplies, from=
bandages to blood, and supposedly included in that donation trained medical=
personelle. You mentioned the involvement of volunteers as well as the=
fatalities during the mortar attack. Were any Hayashi personelle injured,=
and just how useful were thier supplies?"

"Well, first, the medical supplies graciously donated by Hayashi=
Biotechnologies served us remarkably well both before the attack, in saving=
the lives of many injured rioters, but also after the attack when many=
additional supplies were required. Unfortunately, one doctor was operating=
in the surgical tent when it was struck by a mortar round, and she was=
killed instantly. 2 other Hayashi medical technicians were injured in the=
attack as well, but I'm pleased to say they're both healing fine. Amanda?"

A tough looking but attractive brunette stands. "Amanda Taylor, Moonviews. =
You mentioned that you had not been outside Haven yourself. Why not?"

"I've been too busy, and I've only recently been allowed out of bed by the=
doctors who were tending to the injuries you see following the attack."

"Do you fear a new attack on Haven when the bubble collapses, and if so,=
what are your plans to defend Haven then?"

"I'm always afraid that someone will take exception to Haven's existance and=
attack us. But should that happen following the collapse of the barrier,=
we could always raise it again if necessary. However, we at Haven don't=
feel that we are in any immediate danger."

"Why not?"

"Well, if the news clips are correct, then the local Children of Thunda=
cells are lacking sufficient leadership to mount such a determined attack=
again. Haven, with our metal and chemical detectors at the gates, has=
always been well protected against small groups. However, I'm always=
concerned that Haven will become too overconfident too."

>>>the woman who escorted Pat out taps his shoulder<<<

"I'm sorry, but I'm afraid my doctor here says it's time for me to take a=
rest again. If you like, you can contact me with additional questions. =
I'll do my best to answer them as I recieve them. One final question. Nik=

"Do you have any final words for Seattle?"

"Haven is not a threat to anyone. We exist to educate and provide those=
disadvantaged people, gang memebers, street kids, etc., with the means by=
which they can choose to get out of the gangs and off the streets. And I'm=
sorry to have frightened anyone."

+++++ End News Clip +++++ ]<<<<<
-- Trideo Pirate <::/04-28-59>

Further Reading

If you enjoyed reading about Patrick O'Kennedy Press Conference, you may also be interested in:


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.