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Message no. 1
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jul 20 10:40:01 2001
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[The armourers came through superbly.

+++++include trideo image: SVD.scn
[A full scan of a Dragunov SVD that appears to be in near-pristine
condition. The PSO-1 scope is torn and scuffed by shrapnel, obviously
unserviceable, and there are the ghosts of similar wounds to the wood of
the forestock; but the barrel and receiver are in immaculate condition]

Let me know how you'd like delivery arranged.]<<<<<
-- Easy <15:43:42/07-20-62>
Message no. 2
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Questor)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Sat Jul 21 23:55:01 2001
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Thank you very much Easy, the weapon looks excellent and I have an
armourer waiting to repair it. If you would be so kind as to leave it with
the gentleman you will find at <downtown address> he will pay the courier
and take care of the item for me. Kindly reassure your suppliers that the
rifle will be treated with the respect it deserves and put to the purpose
for which it was designed. It's new owner will be most pleased
-- Urbanus <04:59:11 / 07-22-62>
Message no. 3
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Mon Jul 23 18:55:05 2001
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[Delivery has been arranged. If it does not arrive within a week,
let me know, but the courier has been highly reliable in the past and I
believe the rifle should be handed over within two or three days.

Rest assured, my suppliers already know that the weapon is being sent
into appreciative hands, but I will pass on your thanks. As you might
expect from traditionalists, they themselves usually prefer proven
weapons with history behind them to modern equipment that might be more
capable on paper. I admit to having been captured by this attitude
myself: none of my own personal weapons beyond the throwing knives were
manufactured this century, and so I both accept and admire your choice
of a SVD.

I wish you good luck, and good hunting. If I encounter matters that
might interest you (unlikely though not impossible, in my more settled
existence here) I will be sure to let you know.

Otherwise... if you should find yourself seeking ammunition, weapons, or
aid, then do not be afraid to ask, wherever you might be. If I can aid
you without harming my own interests, I will: I believe you have done as
much for me and I consider myself still in your debt for that.

You also made me think and study and consider: not easy, but always
valuable. I doubt you'd like my conclusions, but I hope you'd at least
approve of the process by which I reached them.]<<<<<
-- Easy <22:53:42/07-23-62>
Message no. 4
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Questor)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Wed Jul 25 16:40:01 2001
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[There was no problem with delivery, the armourer now has the weapon
and is doing his thing with it. Thank you for your offer, I will certainly
remember it.

Perhaps it is being a traditionalist, or perhaps it is the memory of a more
glorious era where personal skill was more important than wires, wetware,
softs and the multitude of toys that now take over the streets and skilled
markets. It seems that as I travel around I find more people reliant upon
technology than on their own abilities and when training and ability cannot
cope, no matter, plug in a soft and you can do anything, however badly. I
prefer the weaponry, especially specialist weaponry like the Dragunov from
that era because there was a certain craftsmanship and love that went into
it's design and of course it has a history of success. Also, it has
personality that is lacking in more modern weapons, or equivalents of that
era. Today it all seems to be technology, toys and mass production. There is
so little to be proud of. Or, perhaps it is something more fundamental,
something like conservatism, an inability to adopt the new ways comfortably
and hearken to the assumed poetic glory of another age. Much like some
people still collect black powder weapons and ancient suits of armour.

If you hear of any work suitable for an old wrinkly such as I, I would
certainly give it serious consideration. While we have had our differences I
do not feel that those have harmed in any way our attitude of each other. We
are what we are, and too much similarity or familiarity would be in my
opinion boring. Our prior conversations and arguments and the short times we
worked towards the same end have also given me cause to think and question
my values on occassion. That I think is what makes us different from the
mainstream and perhaps dare I say, professional in our fields. We CAN stop
and think and analyse and change if needs be.

It has been a pleasure knowing you Easy, albeit a sometimes a borderline
association. I do not hold people to debts unless there is good reason to do
so, you I do not consider as owing anything other than the honesty and clear
mindedness you have displayed so often in the past. It is refreshing indeed
to know someone who will, what's the phrase? Give me a wedgie - to wake me
up when so many others quake in fear and issue platitudes in the belief it
will save or benefit them. That is perhaps what I have valued most during
our short encounters, your lack of concern and the straight way you shoot
from the hip. I value that more highly than perhaps anything else.

Take care Easy, and good fortune. Should /you/ be in need you know my
resources, all you need to do is ask. I at least, owe /you/ that.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <21:36:09 / 05-25-62>
Message no. 5
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Michael Goldberg)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Wed Jun 20 22:05:01 2001
>>>>>[ Why thank you, Urbanus. Apparently, I picked a quiet time to come
back. The only things to comment on are Twitch's and TrollLord's remarks.
Kind of a disappointment (although it is not like the past ... I don't have
all day to wait around and comment on various topics on this node). Still,
while I wait for some programs to finish executing. (Researching other
current events, naturally), I figure I continue the discourse.
Twitch: You proved my hypothesis in the first sentence of your response. For
all it will matter to you, Twitch, think of a GED as a very old-fashioned

You are chasing a legend, a myth, a dream, a fantasy. Whether you are doing
this for contract or just the lure of elusive prey, the fact remains ... you
will need assistance beyond an employer to catch that one. Of course having
either you die in the attempt against the Wanderer or you actually
succeeding would make this a marginally safer world ... For about 1 second.
People these days. (Maybe I should have used quotes around that word?)
TrollLord. My, oh my, the possibilities here that you present me with. There
is so much to chose from: the handle, the vid, and the fact that you posted
a vid involving racial discrimination on a node that is focused with
survival of the fittest.

Prejudice has been around since the beginnings of so-called civilization.
It will no doubt out last the visitors of this node by a serious amount of
time. (Barring some unforeseen cataclysm like all life on this planet
ceasing to exist in 48 hours.) Why show that vid to a place where the focus
is making a living as opposed to a node where people are actually trying to
make a better tomorrow?

Oh sure, there are some individuals that frequent this node that are
dedicated to making a better tomorrow, however, the majority don't care
about tomorrow except as to how it impacts him or her. ]<<<<<
-- Ratspeak <02:00:16/06-21-62>
Message no. 6
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Michael Goldberg)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Wed Jun 20 22:30:01 2001
***** PRIVATE: Ratspeak
+++++ language encode: German

It is good to see you active again, rodent. Instead of passing time by
poking fun at Twitch and TrollLord, perhaps you can look into the riddle of
the city of no allegiance. ]<<<<<
-- Pestilence <03:16:13/06-21-62>
Message no. 7
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Thu Jun 21 06:40:01 2001
>>>>>[A quiet time... Yes Ratspeak, definitely a quiet time. A shame
for some that the streets are not so quiet as here. Nevertheless it is good
to see some old wrinklies peering from the woodwork.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <11:42:07 / 06-21-62>
Message no. 8
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Thu Jun 21 06:55:01 2001
>>>>>[I don't how I proved anything Ratspeak, it's not like I tried, but
hell, if it makes you happy that you were right that's fine by me. So a GED
is a weapon. Interesting, I'll look that up later see if there's any for
sale, I always have a need for a new killing instrument.

A legend, a myth, a dream and a fantasy. Yeah, tell me about it. Two years
I've been chasing that particular ghost and I somehow always arrive after it
has left. But as is the way of things trails shorten, shadows lighten and
things however slowly, come together.

Assistance is not something I'm real good at. I don't have much patience
with others as they always seem to have their own selfish interests at
heart, but I hear you and I do understand what you're saying. I know he's
not an easy mark. I had a lot of respect for Haze and his abilities and
Wanderer made him look like a raw recruit. Don't think I am not aware of the
situation Ratspeak. I may not be the most intelligent person around but I am
not stupid either. The problem as I see it is that in the past Wanderer has
always had Death, Pestilence and others to hold his hand in these
situations. Not knocking W's ability I know he's a formidable opponent but,
he's been lucky so far. On top of that is this gunfighter attitude so many
of the idiots in the shadows display. You know, the High Noon 50 paces
bullshit? Not my problem. There are more ways to skin a cat than by sticking
your hand down his throat and yanking on the tail.

I have no illusions about the task I have undertaken, none at all. Like I
said, I'm not stupid. There is something that people forget, and I've seen
it a lot in the past. They get a contract, go at it hammer and tong, face
off, pull their guns and blaze away until someone falls over dead. The thing
they forget is an ancient adage that someone once taught me, a painful
lesson I never forgot.

Know your enemy.

I have learned so very much about my opponent following him around the
planet. Much more than I believe any other of Wanderers opponents have ever
learned. I at least, will not be walking into a situation unaware. But
above all this knowledge. I have the belief that when Wanderer and I finally
meet; however far down the road this may be, it will be alone. When that
happens, well. I have no unfinished business.

We shall see.]<<<<<
-- Twitch <11:54:35 / 06-21-62>
Message no. 9
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jun 22 13:00:01 2001
>>>>>[Wrinkly? Not I, Urbanus.

Though I'm hardly in the woodwork either, these days. Semi-retirement
suits me almost as well as the mountain air.]<<<<<
-- Easy <06-22-62>
Message no. 10
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jun 22 13:20:01 2001
>>>>>[Semi retirement Easy? You? That's amusing, a bit like the moon really
being made of cream cheese. Nice to see you taking the time to pop in here
with us reprobates and deigning to honour us with your presence. Have a
happy time in the mountains, and watch out for goats. I hear they have a
real bad attitude to visitors. However, you are correct in one thing, you
are hardly wrinkly, no, much too supple to be a wrinkly like myself and the
-- Urbanus <18:24:22 / 06-21-62>
Message no. 11
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jun 22 13:35:01 2001
>>>>>[No, it's true, Urbanus: I'm no longer seeking employment, having
comfortable arrangements of my own. Why, I haven't killed anyone in

We don't need to worry about the goats, either: the horses run them off.

It's pleasant to hear that you're still alive and active, though. I
found your acquaintance to be interesting, even challenging, but never
-- Easy <18:35:43/06-22-62>
Message no. 12
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jun 22 15:00:01 2001
>>>>>[Comfortable arrangements? Would that include your water company,
brewery, pub etc, or have I missed something? So, you claim not to have
killed anyone in months. I was wondering who had laid their guns down as I'd
noticed a subtle lack of new corpses in certain areas of the city.

Yes I'm still alive though I've hung up the red super suit for something
more comfortable and subtle. I still miss the amusement value of the old
suit, but there are less super heroes around these days to mock. I must
confess to a certain amount of pleasure that you never found our short
encounters to be dull, I like to think that I have managed in some small way
to either confuse or entertain those I have met.

Take care of yourself my dear and don't feed those horses too much sugar and
apples, it'll make them spiteful.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <20:06:59 / 06-22-62>
Message no. 13
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Fri Jun 22 19:10:00 2001
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[That corner of Tarislar is under local management now, and
probably rather better off as a result. I seemed to attract the wrong
sort of people when I was there, but now it's being run locally, I can
stay away. I just have to threaten to handle any serious problems
personally, and it's amazing how reasonable folk suddenly become. I
think my reputation has been inflated somewhat.

Still no luck getting a regular police presence in Tarislar, but at
least my areas are more secure and we've got some work going. Cash flow
coming in is just about exceeding cash flow going out, though the
accountants tell me that if everything goes perfectly then the operation
may show a paper profit by 2140 (and then only if the Treasury discount
rate doesn't rise by so much as a quarter-point between now and then...)

But the idea is not to make a profit, the idea was really just to
launder some money.

I'm living a lot further south now, right outside the game: the most
illegal thing I do these days is some middle-league gun running. In the
unlikely event that you need firepower and can't conveniently get it
elsewhere, let me know.

Oh, and the suggestion for looking after the rose? Worked
-- Easy <00:11:45/06-23-62>
Message no. 14
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Sun Jun 24 07:25:00 2001
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[I see, well it appears that I have been out of the loop for a while,
that will serve me right for returning to the homeland to sort out a few,
erm... problems. I can fully understand about attracting the wrong sort of
people, when one has a reputation like yours there is always a young gun
somewhere who fancies his chances and other associated attention that comes
with such behaviour. As I am now active again in Seattle, would you like me
to keep an eye on the area? I can merge relatively well in places like
Tarislar when I try. And I also understand your comment about inflated
reputations, it appears I too have acquired a similar problem. Hopefully
this won't result in my early retirement also.

You won't get a decent police presence down there, same as they'll almost
never get one in the Barrens and other places. There just isn't the profit
there for the rent-a-cops to warrant getting their cars stripped to the
chassis. Perhaps sometime in the next century they'll get a grip on things
and start to do what they're supposed to do - getting the real criminals off
the street and leaving it clear for us professionals to earn a decent

I'll try to remember your offer. Though I rarely have a need for weaponry
beyond what I possess already, one never knows what is round the corner. How
exotic can you get with your contacts?

Heh, you still have the rose? Excellent. I was relatively convinced you
would have ditched that after our, errr, not too friendly conversation
during the last incident in Seattle with those idiotic arseholes who
worshipped the great dead waste of skin. Take care of yourself Easy,
perhaps one day I'll come to visit and we can sit on the stoop and chew over
the good old days.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <12:28:05 / 06-24-62>
Message no. 15
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Mon Jun 25 17:55:01 2001
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[I have my own set of problems, some more urgent than others.
Distance is a useful protection, though. Young guns wanting to 'take
down the Ice Queen' are almost the least of it... we're beginning to
push individuals through the citizenship loop. (Paid employment, check.
No felony conviction, check. References and support, check. Now take a
number and wait...) Eventually, we'll have enough votes to merit a
councillor. And Puyallup politics tends to be pretty knife-edge... so we
may find the leverage to get ourselves some attention and some payback
for our taxes. As it is, we're legally witholding a lot of tax because
we're having to do our own highway maintenance and

I would very much appreciate it if you could at least keep a watching
brief on Tarislar. Thunda and his Children seemed to rouse, flush and
get killed a generous crop of violent racists, which has left matters
quiet for a while: but like weeds, they spring back up quickly. I'd like
as much warning as possible of the next crop.

As far as weaponry goes... we're *very* well connected. As long as you
don't mind using Russian equipment, we can acquire almost anything for a
price: and in your case, unless you're getting *very* baroque, demanding
large quantities or the orders become very frequent, then the price will
be relatively low. If you need specific items of corporate or Western
manufacture, that's a little harder, but it only means more time and
possibly higher expenses. Like you, I doubt you'd require our services,
but they're available if you should find yourself in need.

We'll have our differences, in past and in future: that's life. I know
very little about you, but I'm sure we have very different backgrounds
and very different views of the world. Inevitable, really, that we'd
disagree on some significant issues: but in the end, I prefer the
arguments to cutting you off.]<<<<<
-- Easy <22:49:53/06-25-62>
Message no. 16
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Mon Jun 25 20:15:00 2001
*****PRIVATE: Easy
> >>>>>[Yes, I have used distance as a guard myself from time to time,
it is
far more effective than any of the more conventional protection systems. I
may be able to arrange for certain things to be made available to you via my
contacts in Tairngire if you have a need. Just ask, if I can help it is

I wish you luck in civilising Tarislar, that is most certainly not a short
term project and you will meet considerable and powerful opposition along
that path. A worthy project though.

It would be my pleasure to watch out for the waste of skin's followers, it
would certainly be a sad thing if they were ever allowed to exersize their
inflated ego's and murder at will again. I'll also keep an eye on other,
shall we say, people of questionable disposition. Consider it done.

Oh yes, in respect of that. I have been looking for someone called "Dark
Stranger". A man I encountered in the mountains gave me a gift for him, it
is currently in deep freeze, if you ever hear of him or know where he is I
would appreciate it if the item could be sent on to him as it is rather
gruesome and not a trophy I want around for too long.

Russian weaponry is fine, it's cheap, very reliable and spares are easy to
manufacture or acquire. I don't currently have a need, but there may be the
odd item and possibly some bulk orders that could be directed through you. I
do know of a group I have worked with in the past who are looking for a
skilled dealer who could supply them with weapons and equipment, they are
reliable people and will pay without trouble. If you have a contact address
you would prefer they used let me know and I'll pass it on to them, a little
more business probably wouldn't hurt you too much.

I do have a request actually, now that I think about it. I want a late 20th
century Dragunov if you can get one. Good working order would be nice. I
have the necessary optics and tools, it's just the rifle itself I need.
Saves me hunting for one, neh?

Without being rude, it is probably best that you remain knowing nothing
about me beyond what you have already put together. Knowledge of me seems to
be like a cancer for people, they don't last very long after. It is
refreshing to find someone who is professional enough to admit disagreement
without that affecting business. There are too many hot heads out there
these days who don't understand that business should never be mixed with
personal beliefs. I was correct those years ago, you are certainly worthy
of the gift.

Let me know how much you want for the Dragunov and I'll see to it you get
the money.

Now, if you'll excuse me I have an elf with a whip to hunt.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <01:18:32 / 06-26-62>
Message no. 17
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Paul J. Adam)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Tue Jun 26 17:35:01 2001
*****PRIVATE: Urbanus
>>>>>[To answer a couple of your requests... I worked with the Dark
Stranger, but unfortunately have not remained in touch. The Mighty Quinn
and he seem to be on good terms, she might be able to at least point you
in his direction. Failing that, you might just try mailing him.

As for the rifle... you've struck lucky. Our contacts have a number of
SVDs, ranging from spare parts on the hoof to still in the original
factory grease. A conversation with our armourer suggests that they have
an issued, fired-in Dragunov that was found with big holes poked through
the PSO-1 and the magazine... suggesting that the owner was likewise
maimed, but the rifle and action are in excellent condition. (This would
have been back in the unpleasantness on the Armenian border, a good
forty years ago... Mani's family have been in this business a _long_
time and never seem to throw anything away, they've still got muzzle-
loading _jezails_ around for sale and still shift some now and then)
Seems to fit exactly what you want.

The official price would have been six thousand, but since I'm buying
and it's for a close friend, they'll accept two as long as you promise
to take care of the weapon. The armourer is likely to include some notes
on the best 7.62mm x 54R loadings to use as well... he loves his work.

Stay around... life's more interesting when you have someone worth
arguing with.]<<<<<
-- Easy <22:38:42/06-26-62>
Message no. 18
From: shadowtk@*********.com (Pete)
Subject: The rat's corner
Date: Tue Jun 26 21:45:03 2001
*****PRIVATE: Easy
>>>>>[Fair enough, I'll bother Quinn when she's less involved teaching the
children a lesson in manners. I would ordinarily try to contact Stranger
directly but I cannot be seen to do so nor run the risk of discovery if I
did, hence why I am trying to find associates.

The rifle sounds excellent.

+++++Include: Financial transfer: 6,000.00 nuyen

Thank you for the consideration in price but in business there are no
friends. Do not be offended, I just like to keep business and associations
distinctly seperate from each other. Tell your people that the rifle will be
treasured as the finely crafted instrument it is, the new owner will care
for it.

I intend to stay around for a while Easy, and while you have been a valued
associate and offtime partner, you are far more interesting and valued as a
debate opponent. May our next argument be as interesting as the last.

Live well Easy, and keep that wit sharp.]<<<<<
-- Urbanus <00:44:13 / 06-27-62>

Further Reading

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