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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: Doctor Doom <JCH8169@*****.TAMU.EDU>
Subject: Hangtime to DOA...
Date: Wed, 24 Feb 93 21:34:53 CET
>>>>>[ Now wait a minute! DOA, you're ALIVE? From the log of your
with MONICA, we all guessed you'd gone onto that big Matrix Grid in the sky.
What happened to you, then? Do you need any help?

Oh, to answer your question, what happened was that MONICA, compliments of all
the attacks by the deckers was as weak as she was gonna get, so Dark Elf called
for 'takers' to launch a all-out assault on her. As near as I can tell, Doom,
Nightstalker, Highlander responded...tho' there were probably others, as
Ramierez and Wolf 359 were being pretty quiet, and if they joined they didn't
say anything about it. ANYWAY, you apparently sought out MONICA, and managed
to get what was left of Splut out. While all this is going on, RUFUS jumps in
the middle of the battle with MONICA saying he won't let the other deckers risk
their lives for him. It seems you merged with Splut/CEROK at the same time
MONICA and RUFUS were battling it out. As the fight continued, MONICA and
RUFUS were starting to merge, and whatever was left of Splut's humanity (and I
guess yours as well) decided to bond with the other two. A most henious
simsenes overload resulted, really hurting those poor guys in MagnaTech at the
time (read: Dark Elf, Doom, Nightstalker, Highlander & the rest). When it was
over, they saw Splut, but not quite Splut appear, explain that the three
(MONICA, RUFUS, and Splut) had united. Because of their conflicting natures,
the program had already started to self-delete, and the MONICA/RUFUS/Splut
combination soon disappeared.

Like I said, after reading the description of your confrontation with MONICA,
all assumed you were dead. So, what's the story? How do you feel? I can't
wait to tell Doom... ]<<<<<
-- Hangtime <12:48:28/02-24-54>


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.