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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: ANGLISS BRIAN EDWARD <angliss@****.Colorado.EDU>
Subject: Decker team, Maxim raid part 10(the end...)
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 1996 21:13:24 -0700 (MST)
*****PRIVATE: Maxim Internal Security Log
>>>>>[ "Welcome back, John."


"What did you find?"

Would you like a summary of the overall situation?


Our nuclear weapons in all three sites were destroyed. LaPaz is currently
occupied by Amazonia, but it will be turned over to us again within the hour
due to pressure from Quito and from the Zurich-Orbital. It was attacked by a
well planned and executed air raid and much of our storage on site was
destroyed in addition to the single device that was stored there, but we are
not correcting the experts in their assessment of the total mass of
plutonium. Cairo was struck by a much more expert team who were far more
careful to avoid environmental contamination. They detonated the device in
the warehouse, and we will have to bury the warehouse to avoid further
environmental problems. Phenom Penh was raided by Seattle shadowrunners who
destroyed the nuclear weapons in their bunker and then collapsed the bunker
on the debris to avoid the chance of large scale contamination. There was
some, but it was minimal. Court technicians and officials are discussing the
raid and we should expect that they will contact us within a day or two.

Phenom Penh is in a total blackout, LaPaz will be back under our control
shortly, and Cairo was small enough that we were able to institute a blackout
there as well.

"What happened, John? How were they able to do this? And who the frag were

We aren't sure who was involved in the Cairo and LaPaz teams, but I've got
feelers out to determine that. I don't expect that the individuals
responsible will advertise, however, so it could be some time before I know
their identities. There are only so many mercenary organizations who could
support the aircraft that struck the LaPaz facility, which limits our search
as well. I'll go into more detail later, though. Cairo could have been a
shadow team, but the professionalism and expertise in disarming the device
prior to demolition indicates that they were also mercenary. However,
finding that team will be significantly more difficult. As to how, I've
already presented you with my report on the Phenom Penh raid in most respects
and will finish in this briefing. The other two sites, we suspect, were the
direct result of the spy we killed, the late Dr. Spin's personal assistant.
Everyone else, including myself, have undergone intensive magical truth
interrogation and all of us came out negative. The interrogations were...
intense enough that there is essentially no chance that one of us could have
been lying.

"Have you found out who the spy worked for?"

Yes. Saeder-Krupp.

"The fraggin dragon.... Drek. If he knew, then why didn't he turn us in....
I bet it has to do with his Maxim shares.... I'll have to ask him next time
I see him."

And that will be?

"As far in the future as I can place it. Ok, John, give me the details.
Start with Phenom Penh. We know who was involved?"

The major players, ma'am, without any doubt. It was probably organized by
Alex, and our camera logs also place Roxey and Slash at the scene, without a
doubt. Our deckers indicated the presence the decker Dick Tracy, and perhaps
the rest of the Pulp Fiction team was also involved. However, we are still
not positive about their composition. Our deck signature experts are running
the two partial signatures we downloaded as we dumped two other deckers
through their computers and coming up with a likely list of deckers. The
descriptions from the warlord's men are also being processed, but one named
Shadow has been positively IDed. He's an ex-associate of the man named
Dragon that one of our Quads killed late last year. Unfortunately, one of
the raiders matches the old description of Dragon, but his death was
positively confirmed so it must be a relative or a friend with an
understandable grudge...

+++++ Upload Deck Signature data +++++

Ahhh, it seems that our computers have matched a couple of the other figures
and one of the deckers. The decker who was nuked is likely, to 93%, named
Shields, and the physical description of one of the women involved in the
raid matches, to 96%, his associate Jasmine. The presence of large numbers
of zombies indicates that Alex's daughter was there as well. The last likely
names we have so far indicate that the HALO jumpers were likely military or a
corporate strike team on loan to Alex's strike, likely as a means to extract
some revenge for prior assaults. The bodies, after extensive autopsies,
indicate that they were Ares employees. This matches with what one of our
old contacts told us about a special unit headed and created by a man who
has since returned to the shadows. It is possible that the last individual
is this person, but we have so little on his connections during and after his
Ares involvement that we are not yet sure. I have agents all over Seattle in
an attempt to find him, but he and the woman whose simsense record was
recently broadcast by a pirate broadcaster monikered Trideo Pirate have
disappeared, likely into an Ares facility somewhere. Our inside sources have
been unable to verify this, but we're working on it. The last one we have a
guaranteed ID on is Mr. Lynch.

"Lynch? Now that's a name I've not heard in a long time. So he's still
alive and active. Most interesting...."

Yes, ma'am. As far as we know, that's who was involved. There are many
persons unaccounted for, but we suspect that they will either remain
unidentified or will be IDed within the next 24 hours.

"Excellent. Now, the only part of the raid on our facility that you didn't
elaborate on yesterday was the Matrix intrusions...."

I have our expert's views on what the most likely order of events prior to
Patty Winters arrived. With the partial deck signatures, we were able to
back-track the penetration from the point where it entered our system. I'll
include a copy of Patty's report in the briefing when I get to the
appropriate part of the discussion. I'll use the projected identities of the
deckers for ease of discussion.

Shields and, we suspect, Dick Tracy penetrated the system here, CSat 14, line
36. That particular satellite and line are low security to allow individuals
from around the world to check our available inventories in the regional
databases maintained at the regional headquarters. Our backtrace was unable
to track Sheilds' signature further back than that. From CSat 14, they
transited and went directly to the secure satellite line encryption controls
in Krasnayarsk, where we identified a successful breach in security which
later allowed them to avoid one encryption dump change. Our experts have
informed me that Dick Tracy appears to have some knowledge of our systems as
well, and this has prompted me to revise our Matrix security procedures.

"Excellent decision. Please continue."

>From the line encryption controls, they stealthed very carefully through and
around other nodes, as well as utilized several backdoors which have since
been removed. Additional backdoors have been discovered and are being
removed, but few have been used recently. Many of them have the software
touch of Mercury, I've been told, but that is another issue for another time.
Upon routing through the system, the deckers encoded their personas as
legitimate packet streams, encrypted themselves with the current key, and
transited through CS-Sat 3 to Phenom Penh. Normally our satellites will not
accept transmissions from any source not using the specified signal
encryption key and algorithm, but the deckers used our key and algorithm and
were able to get through. We are revising our system in this regard as well.

Upon reaching Phenom Penh, Dick Tracy and Shields split up, each taking
separate sections of the system. Dick Tracy took the communications and IFF
subsystems while Shields set himself up in the anti-viral supercodes to avoid
detection and controlled the radar and security personnel subsystems. It
appears from the frames we had to delete from the system after the raid that
they were essentially controlling and/or overseeing inter-facility
communication, main and secondary radars, troop radios, IFF transponder
reception, but not the actual code itself, among other aspects of the system.
It was these, however, that caused us the most difficulties.

Before I go into more detail regarding the deckers in the security system, we
also had a decker whose identity is unknown currently penetrate the corporate
Matrix. This decker engaged in a similar manner, but from a public
communication satellite to our Phenom Penh connection from the Cambodia main
satlink. She entered the system about the same time as Dick Tracy and
Sheilds and proceeded to engage various distractions in the payroll
department, production, personnel, sales and marketing, as well as private
mailboxes. She was responsible for the collapse of our production lines,
the tridphone and mail malfunctions, and most of the rest of the problems in
that part of the system. And all those problems created chaos which reigned
right up to the point that...well, that was in my prior briefing.

When the first battery of shells and missiles were launched, our units in
position reported different points of origin for the missiles. Since we have
had difficulties on occasion with the Backtrack radars on our tanks and
artillery, we allowed each rapid response unit to respond as it saw fit and
activated the telemetry. Almost immediately, we noticed discrepancies
between our Jovian-6 reception of telemetry and the DG-4 telemetry. Our
technicians were doing an emergency system check when something occluded the
SF-CSat6 connection but our radar indicated that there was nothing that could
have cause the full 238 microsecond service problem, and Peregrine, who runs
the SF sats, indicated that there was nothing wrong with CSat 6. Something
had occluded the connection and didn't show up on radar, so our security
forces immediately activated the secondary and tertiary radar systems, which
showed that there was a discrepancy between them. One of our deckers was
immediately dispatched to Security's connections to main radar, as was the
security rigger, and an alien frame was discovered and destroyed, and we
destroyed the HALO drop plane with SAMs.

As you know, all our security systems are kept on active alert perpetually
even though this costs much in clock cycles. Only the security systems, of
course, and they have such low use that active alert doesn't damage the
processing efficiency as greatly as it would in our corporate Matrix systems.
In this case, we activated the security knowbots and put the corporate system
on active alert as well as upgraded all our deckers in the systems. As you
know, we were still having difficulty locating the enemy deckers in our
systems until Patty showed up. I've assigned all corporate security deckers
to rotating classes to improve their skills after this fiasco.

Our signature trace really doesn't tell us much about either Dick Tracy or
Shields at this point, because once they settled into their respective
locations and started manipulating the system according to their intentions,
they didn't move. But we were able to determine after the fact some very
interesting facts about both of them. Dick Tracy knew our systems well, too
well to have never dealt with them before, and was prepared for most of what
our deckers and IC threw at him. Dick Tracy appeared to be taken aback by
some of the newer IC we fielded, from decker eyewitness reports. Shields, on
the other hand, likely had some special utilities which enabled him to
compensate for some of our security precautions, including the satellite
encryption link which actually dumped Dick Tracy later, as well as partially
compensate for the delay over the satellite links. In addition, his
signature was essentially untraceable due to multiple processor signal
directions. One was a false trail that was actually traced, but the other
ended at the first public communications satellite outside of our operations.

We believe that the difficulties with the military communications was largely
the fault of Dick Tracy. We suspect that she was able to delete messages
propagating from our radios before they were displayed in Security. The
Quads were not affected, nor was our SF unit because they use the SF sats
rather than local communication, and they were able to integrate their
actions in that manner.

Our Matrix systems need severe improvement and I am recommending that all
systems with independent security Matrices disconnect them completely from
the Matrix or implement them in a triggered teleporting SAN.

+++++ Upload Report_Patty_Winters +++++

I've just placed a copy of Patty's report on your system, ma'am, but I'll
touch the high points. When she entered the security system, she said that
she found it a mess, with more IC than necessary, and most of it the wrong
types as well. She has included a recommendation as to a better IC
allocation in systems as an appendix to that report. She was decking with her
MMS deck, and was quickly able to locate both deckers. She says that she
found Shields by running a virtual machine in one of the CPUs to isolate any
viral, frame, or decker influences, but that the virtual machine refused to
pick up the anti-virus programs. She suspects that her activation of the
virtual machine triggered some responses in Sheilds' masked persona and
stealth programs, but she was still able to locate him. She claims that
when she found him, he was still manipulating the system as best he could
with all his frames being systematically destroyed by our knowbots and
deckers. Apparently, she got behind his persona and surprised him. He
nearly hit her with a powerful but what she called "inelegant" attack
program, but that he was unprepared for the nuke.

"So nuke has been tested on a person. Results?"

Nuke appears to work as it was intended, ma'am, but without the target in our
custody, we cannot be positive. It overloaded the hardening of Shields' deck
and burned out his MPCP, implanted the worm in the Persona chip rather than
the MPCP as most deathworms are, dropped a looper into his headware, dumped
him, and implanted "Play Nice" psychotropics. He should not be any trouble
anytime soon, since Patty suspects it will take him at least a week, at best,
to repair his deck, and that's without dealing with the looper and

"'Play Nice'? Is that the version that not only implants the love of Maxim
Arms, but also makes the afflicted person turn into a babbling idiot when he
thinks about, sees, hears, etc. any violence?"

Yes, ma'am, that would be it. But we've expressly defined "violence" in the
most broad manner possible such as breaking any law, hearing a simple
argument, seeing blood even from a little cut, any pain of any animal, the
cutting of a tree limb. Play Nice has been tested, and it makes the
afflicted individual nearly incapable of survival in any situation.
Sometimes I think that it would be more humane to kill the target with a
powerful black hammer program.

"Psychotropic IC has fantastic deterrent value, John."

I'm aware of that, ma'am, which is why I don't complain about it's use.

"Now, what of the other two deckers?"

Dick Tracy was found by a couple of deckers who thought that he was a frame
as well. He wasn't, and in their surprise they got dumped rather painfully.
He also destroyed a knowbot before Patty reached him. She ordered the
remainder of the deckers into the corporate Matrix to locate and dump the
other decker while she handled Dick Tracy. The two of them, according to
Patty, sparred for several microseconds while Patty sized up her opponent.
Unfortunately for Patty, who was about to attack, Krasnayarsk's encryption
update engaged at precisely this time and Dick Tracy was dumped by the
security satellite carrying her signal. As you know, when encryptions are
updated randomly, we not only alter our encryption key randomly but also our
algorithm. Any signal going over our corporate links that does not
immediately update both algorithm and key instantly is cut. This is what
dumped Dick Tracy, and before we were able to acquire a deck trace or
signature fragment. Patty informed us that Dick Tracy did not appear to be
running a deck of significant threat to her MMS deck, which is hardly a
surprise. Most Fairlights are not a threat to those decks. We did not
utilize the Hyperdeck, however, because we felt it was better used locally
in the event of this attack being part of a greater attack on our facilities
worldwide. Besides, it would have been overkill.

The decker in the corporate sector was dumped ultimately. Our deckers
reported that her deck was excellent and that she seemed almost as surprised
about some of it's capabilities as they were. In addition, they claim that
she herself had the marks of professional decker training, possibly from some
of the best in the world. She was not, however, an otaku as they suspected
for an instant. She fought off several deckers and IC programs, but was
unable to defeat two deckers, a knowbot, and three IC programs combined,
which is what she was facing before one of our Black IC programs dumped her.
We suspect that she is suffering from a case of cyberphobia and moderate
wounds due to the biofeedback she absorbed, but we don't know for certain.

"Is that all, John?"

On the Matrix penetration of the Phenom Penh facility, yes.

"Good. Let's take a quick break and come back to this in ten minutes."

Of course, ma'am.]<<<<<
-- Maxim Internal Security Log <21:12:05/03-11-57>


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.