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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: "Paul J. Adam" <shadowtk@********.DEMON.CO.UK>
Subject: Extraction
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 1998 23:26:08 +0000
*****PRIVATE: SAC C. D'Arkan, SASIC T. Johnson
>>>>>[Enough talk: we scored some action, and it was muy bueno. Not as
good as we'd hoped, but a better outcome than we expected.

Titan was an easy catch, and a tough nut. "Unresponsive to conventional
interrogation technique" would sum it up nicely. Torture doesn't work
too well, so we didn't bother, just yelled for backup, got a forensic
mage in and pillaged his mind but good. Technically illegal, but I don't
think that's too much of a problem at this time and for this case. He's
in custody, so due process can take its course.

Guess what? Haze bought a shedload of flechette 5.7mm and a portable
broadcast rig from Titan barely a week ago. Even the lot number for the
ammo fits.

We got his home address, too. Barrens, of course, and we figured we
could be less obtrusive than a strike team: make up for numbers with
surprise and speed. Footage is in the file, as ever, but it's not of
great interest.

Haze wasn't home, but we definitely got the right place. How do we know?
Because somebody else was. Brittany Feniway, age fourteen, kidnapped off
the Auburn bus and kept as Haze's in-house entertainment since then.

He's been gone forty-eight hours, he left her food for a fortnight and a
collar round her neck that he told her was a bomb, set to go off if she
made too much noise or used the phone or tried to leave. My guess is he
wasn't bored with her yet: when he was, he'd kill her or sell her.

She's in the state you'd expect, for a fourteen-year-old girl who was
stuck in a bloodbath siege, watched some psycho kill thirty people, then
raped by that same psycho a dozen times or so over the course of a
couple of days, before he left her in a dirty squat in the Barrens with
what she thought was a bomb around her neck. Physically, not hurt, but
mentally? Not my field. Lilith says she'll be all right... eventually.
We're bringing her in as soon as the forensic team let us get away.

Anyway, Haze is our shooter from Auburn. We and Forensics had trouble
outside, that neighbourhood doesn't like the law. One guy had already
half-fried himself trying to get into the Interceptor, and we almost had
to shoot our way out to get past a mob outside. I'd guess staking out
his home is a loser, he'll get waved off long before he's in sight of
any usable stakeout.

Downside, with hindsight if we'd waited we might have got him. Or our
stakeout might have got blown, and we could have heard him kill his
prisoner in stereophonic audio. Or we could have sat outside for weeks,
while he got waved off by the locals and the Feniway girl starved to
death inside. I'm not sure we did the best thing, but it could have been
lots worse.

On the plus side, we've got a solid description, confirmation that we're
after the right guy, and the beginnings of a lead.

Brittany doesn't know what happened to the other three girls, except
it's likely the same as her but more so - more men, fewer girls. My
guess for that sort of party would be they killed the girls when they'd
had enough, but we're not going to give up hope yet. Haze referred to
his men by number throughout, no clues. That was as hard as I wanted to
push her right then.

I want the sonofabitch dead. I'm not diverting too much time to it, yet.
But between you and I, when I find him this is a live bullet arrest (to
coin a Drake phrase). I don't like sharing air with this guy. We try to
get him alive so we can take his brain apart a cell at a time, is all,
but I'll see him dead before I see him free.]<<<<<
-- 1Lt J R W Lynch <23:25:43/02-05-59>
Strategic Intelligence Gathering Agency



These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.