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Mailing List Logs for ShadowRN

From: "Mark L. Neidengard" <mneideng@****.CALTECH.EDU>
Subject: Clouds on the Horizon
Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 22:31:33 -0800
*****INTERNAL: Fuchi Comsat Omega Seven
+++++forward sender squawk: 6135J135ASD889
+++++autoengage KakumeiZenya...
+++++Priority ONE Recipient: Alexander N.
+++++go realtime (Japanese autotranslation enabled)

>> Alex-san, pardon the interruption at this hour.
<< Izanagi-san, it's been awhile. What's happening?
>> The Fuchi Executive Board of Directors just ended a three-hour
unscheduled meeting regarding the recent developments on the North American
west cost. You've been watching the news?
<< Yes. There's apparently some sort of major bullshit breaking loose in the
latest round of Tir/NAN talks, not to mention a spate of terrorist incidents
that are striking a bit closer to home than I'd like.
>> I trust Ares' security is satisfactory for protecting you and your spouse
from this threat?
<< Yes, I believe Ares in combination with certain other arrangements I have
made should keep us fairly safe. *tensely* I don't plan on having that put to
the test any time soon, though.
>> Very prudent, Alex-san. Then perhaps you will find this of interest.
Strategic Planning feels that these terrorist strikes may constitute a threat
to Fuchi corporate interests. The bus hijackings were prioritized class five
threats by External Security when it was ascertained that Councilman Sugiyama's
granddaughter and family were among the dead. The Board just agreed to
upgrade to class four in light of certain economic factors associated with the
trade negotiations.
<< I condolences to Sugiyama-san. What do you want from me?
>> Strategic Planning has authorized the release of Matrix assets to comb the
networks for information that may shed light on the recent series of events.
If a causal link can be forged between the perpetrators and Fuchi corporate
assets we may require your services to help with reparations, in conjunction
with the class four doctrine. The timeframe should be two weeks.
<< Indeed. *sigh* Well, I'm currently only working on some non-time
critical work, so I expect I'll be available. The more advance notice you can
give me, of course, the better.
>> We will be in contact again.
+++++session terminated
-- Fuchi Comsat Transient Log <22:03:35 / 02-11-59>


These messages were posted a long time ago on a mailing list far, far away. The copyright to their contents probably lies with the original authors of the individual messages, but since they were published in an electronic forum that anyone could subscribe to, and the logs were available to subscribers and most likely non-subscribers as well, it's felt that re-publishing them here is a kind of public service.